Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1367: Become brothers

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Staring at Chen Jiu, his eyes were complicated. To tell the truth, 10,000 people now want to kill Chen Jiu, conceal this matter, and no longer find any forbidden devil.

For his own hatred, he can ignore whatever interests of the beasts and temples!

However, the sky is not what people want, this boy is not a piece of copper, and his soul is unstoppable, it is like a stone in the pit, smelly and hard!

If it is impossible to beat and die, his identity is so important. Once he has entered the world of the gods and has been trained in a key way, he will undoubtedly improve quickly and leave himself behind.

Brute force is not a fool. At that time, he is also afraid that Chen Jiu will find him to settle accounts and kill him!

What should I do? Brute knowing that this is not always a way to bring him around, he is unwilling to do so only as a last resort.

Observed, Chen Jiu was faint, but he was also able to understand the other party's thoughts. At this time, he was weak, and he did not dare to force him any more. He let his dog jump over the wall. Slowly, he could not help proactively preaching, Looking for me? Do I see any misunderstandings between us? "

"Ah, it's a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding. The family doesn't know the family anymore!" The ten big men hurried to the round.

"This ... Chen Jiu, what happened just now ..." Brute also had to look at Chen Jiu with embarrassment, which was temporarily difficult to decide.

"Sir, did you come here to take me into the world of the gods? As long as you took me over, what I just did, I would just treat it as a joke!" Chen Jiuda exaggerated: "Master Mo Fei Still a villain who likes to think hard? "

"Haha, of course not!" Haha, a reckless and happy, "Chen Jiu, you are indeed a generation of emperors, so open-minded?"

"Adults are all men. I can understand your needs, beautiful women. Who doesn't want to play with them?" Chen Jiu said with an understanding.

"Okay, good boy, I just made a deal with you as a friend!" He said very recklessly: "I have no other hobbies, I just like to do little chicks and young women. Brothers can understand me. Really my conscience! "

"Sir, you want to play with a beautiful young girl, why didn't you say it earlier, you're looking for a brother, this is the right person!" Chen Jiu immediately answered with a smile.

"Uh, would you like this mouth?" With a stare, he felt very close to Chen Jiu.

"Sir, I only like pure ones, and the taste is not so wide!" Chen Jiuting said with embarrassment.

"Haha, brother, you're still too tender, what fun do those little girls have? It's fun to have the buds!" Quite dry but with different opinions.

"Yes, my lord is right, everyone has his own mind, my lord, do you want the best chick, wait for me for three days, how about I get you a hundred to play?" Chen Jiu immediately patted his breast and assured him. .

"Oh? Brother, wouldn't you play with your brother and want to take the opportunity to escape?" It went so smoothly that he couldn't believe it.

"Brother, the whole sacred land is my place. Where else can I run?" Chen Jiu said helplessly: "Your trick to kill the relatives really drove me into despair!"

"This ... haha, joke, just that was just a joke, brother, I see that you really look like my half-brother, why don't we go to worship today!" He replied demandingly again .

"Brother, you can look down on my little brother. That is my supreme blessing. Let me do whatever you say!" Chen Jiu immediately attracted the attention of a horse, which made him quite happy.

"Okay, good brother, hurry up, love madness, quickly prepare us something to worship, I will worship with Chen Jiu as a brother!" Amidst the eager and impatient order, Ai crazy still couldn't get back to God.

I was just killed and killed, so why should I worship my brother so soon? Isn't that just talking about a few women, as far as speculation is concerned?

"Crazy, what are you still doing? Get ready!" The recklessness rebuked.

"Oh, I'll go right away!" Aiying replied, it was quickly ran out, and after a while, some things of the incense candle stand were prepared.

"The gods are above. Today, I and the brothers Chen Jiuchen, like Gu Gu, did not know each other at first sight, and now they are willing to become brothers of life and death. From then on, they will have difficulties in life, and happiness and sharing. "Don't let it go, swear swearing first.

"The gods are up. Today, I am Chen Jiu and I am very willing to cooperate with each other, to be confidants, and witness to the sky, we will be brothers of life and death, and we will never give up. "Chen Jiu knelt down likewise, and that was the solemn oath.

"Xian Brother ... Big Brother ..." Chen Jiu and brute force, the two of them pulled each other excitedly, and it stood up with infinite joy, as if the other side was a big beautiful woman, and couldn't be bored.

"This ..." Ai crazy couldn't understand it at all, was this too fast? It ’s not a prostitute. Is n’t it a bit unreliable to go so fast, but such heavy vows have been made. How can there be fake?

"Xian brother, can you really say that a woman can get me over?" He couldn't help but ask again because he really liked to engage in women. Chen Jiu said more than 100, which made him not Be indifferent.

"Brother, rest assured, I can do it!" Chen Jiu promised, he couldn't help but suggest: "The dean of the Qiankun Temple, Qingyue, is as beautiful as a flower, and his brother is so practising and playing. Playing with her is like a stock Between the palms, why don't you go there and have fun? "

It is naturally impossible to hide Chen Jiu's eyes and eyes from the reshuffle of Qiankun Temple. Although he is not in the palace, he still heard about it. At this time, he wanted to take the opportunity to subdue her. Help Luo Yi.

"The Dean of Qiankun Temple?" At this time, when he was quite reckless, he shook his head and said, "No, no, the Emperor of Emptiness has just arrived, and I will play. It is completely impossible to play with their Dean. ! "

"Oh? Brother is still afraid of that vain saint?" Chen Jiu provoked again.

"I'm not afraid, it's just that we have no choice but to do it!" Brute was cautious and doubted: "Chen Jiu, wouldn't it be that you could not find a woman for the elder brother, deliberately evade it?"

"Brother, what's the point? Since the younger brother promised, it wouldn't be safe to find a hundred women who satisfied his brother!" Chen Jiu said nothing more, and immediately patted his chest to ensure.

"Brother, that big brother can wait for your good news!" Quite anxiously looking forward with a smile.

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