Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1369: study well

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In a remote temple in Qiankun Temple, Qingyue took the big man and walked in one after another. The big man couldn't help asking: "Dean Qingyue, what do you want me to do here? busy?"

Qingyue. Crisp, Qingyue straight down with excitement and preached: "Brother, everyone is a dean, so lonely. I wonder if you can help people solve this loneliness?"

"Oh? I don't know how I can help you solve this loneliness?" Dahan laughed playfully.

"Brother, you are bad, you know it!" Qingyue said, lingering in the past, clinging gently to the man and preaching: "Use your hand to comfort the body of others, they need you!"

"Dean Qingyue, that's what you asked for. Can't you blame me afterwards?" The man declared in advance.

"Of course I won't blame you!" Qingyue was delighted and desperate.

"Thank you so much for the dean!" The man laughed, and that was to play directly. After playing with it, Qingyue's charming body was constantly deformed in his hands.

"Uh, it's so comfortable!" Feeling the man grasping vigorously, Qingyue enjoyed it.

After a while, Qing Yue looked at the man and seemed to have no plans to take the next step. She couldn't help complaining: "Sir, the people are so empty. I do n’t know if you can come in and take a full look."

"There is no problem with this!" Said the man, slipping his hands, reaching directly into Qingyue and stirring.

"Ah, you're necrotic, brother, how do you use your hands!" Qing Yue resentful, very unhappy.

"How can I satisfy you without my hands!" The man laughed immediately.

"Brother, don't ... Sao, uh ... don't stop ..." Qingyue gradually sink into it, no matter what, let me talk first.

"Bitch, isn't it cool?" The big man looked at Qingyue in an abusive manner, scolded relentlessly, and his eyes were full of a kind of cruel cruelty.

"Oh, cool, cool!" Qingyue's use room, also reached the extreme soon, enjoyment room, she demanded again: "Brother, the real Linxing people!"

"What's the matter? I haven't tasted the taste of women for a long time, especially women like you!" The big man then squatted down, and buried his head in front of Qingyue's jade.

"Well, brother, you're ashamed, you're really spoiling people!" Qingyue once again had great joy, infinite beauty drunk.

After such an absurdity, the big man got up satisfactorily, and he squinted his mouth and said, "Nice, it tastes so good, let me kneel down now!"

"Yes!" Qing Yue was pleasantly surprised, and finally able to taste the mythical man, she was also very happy. Fen, immediately knelt in front of the man, waiting for his fortune.

The man pulled and a soft worm appeared. It was undoubtedly disappointed in Qingyue's eyes, but at this time, she was not discouraged, because the man has great malleability here, and he did not really fight. When in state, you cannot judge its size!

Although the doubt was like this, it had not responded yet, but Qingyue could not wait to swallow it.

"Well, good, you bitch, haven't you done this before?" Enjoyment, the man straightly cursed.

It's okay for a while, but the man hasn't responded for a long time, which makes Qingyue dumbfounded. She can't help but temporarily let go of the worm and looks at the man and asks: "Brother, is it someone's technology? Not good? Or is it really ugly? "

"Haha, neither!" The man suddenly smiled proudly.

"That's your brother ..." I can't believe it. Qingyue couldn't believe it. This looks like a five-thousandth-thickest man, and it turns out to be a soft egg? This is really disappointing!

"Yes, don't you look down on me?" The big man quibbled, admitted frankly, and inquired resentfully.

"Ah, no, no matter, how did the elder brother think so, you are very comfortable in serving others!" Qingyue quickly complimented, afraid to offend.

"Huh, you still recognize!" Dahan nodded contentedly and said, "To tell you the truth, we are the gods transformed by transgenic warriors against the sky, suffering from jealousy, and unable to have children. This ability And almost lost! "

"What? Is this ... there is no way to change this?" Qing Yue was shocked, it was a pity, what a strong man, but this is not enough?

"What to change? What can be changed, although we can't do this, but as long as we have power, even beautiful women, we can also play freely. Make fun, don't you say?" Dahan laughed evilly. .

"Yes, yes, Brother wants to play Qingyue, Qingyue is waiting at any time!" Although Qingyue was reluctant, she was afraid to resist.

"Haha, Dean Qingyue, the technology is good, and people are good enough, and I will introduce them to play the other day. Fuck you and make you really cool!" The big man laughed wildly.

"Uh, this ..." Qingyue hesitated, seriously, she was 10,000 unwilling to be played by these soft men.

"Why? Is it because you don't think we can't do this without a man?" He glared at him, and the Han was very angry.

"Dare, dare, Qingyue is just afraid that he can't cope with so many of you. In fact, Qingyue's heart still welcomes you to come and play at any time!" Qingyue hurriedly explained.

"It's almost the same!" Da Han nodded with satisfaction, then put on his pants and left proudly.

"Oh ... disgusting, even the ability of a man, what is it?" In the face of the big man, Qingyue was spurned, thinking of having to play with these fake men in the future. Can't stand the sigh: "No, no, be sure to seduce the emptiness boy, get rid of these dreadful entanglements!"

"Empty son, want to hook. To him, you have to learn some culture, it seems that you have to learn something!" Qingyue thought, summoned the elders, it was ready to learn because she Now when I think that those big guys are disgusting, what's the point of eating little bugs?

I did n’t use it before, I do n’t know, now I use it, Qingyue knows that no culture is really scary!

When Qingyue was working hard to learn culture, Wang Wuchang also ushered in his spring in the temples of the gods, because the sons of the magical temples of the world of gods approached, and were very strong, ready to take his place.

Chen Jiu, this time you're dead. Wang Wuchangzhi cares about Manchu, which is the hatred of infinite recounting Chen Jiu's guilt!

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