Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1374: Pretty hard

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the palace of the Dean of the Orc Shrine, he was extremely anxious. The first time was three days. During these three days, he also turned around in the shrine. Although there were many women, most of them were rubbish. Up.

"Sir, did Chen Jiu escape?" The ten men couldn't help but wonder.

"What escape? Can the monk escape the temple? I think he must have collected the beautiful women for me!" However, he was quite confident about this.

"Hey, my brother knows me!" At this moment, Chen Jiu invited himself, and he walked into the hall.

"Bold, who asked you to come in?" Dahan was very dissatisfied with Chen Jiu's behavior.

"What? I went into my brother's place and used to say hello to you?" Chen Jiu gave him a scornful glance, which made the big men dumb.

"Hurry to apologize to my good brother!" Brute reprimanded.

"Yes, sir, I'm sorry, it's our rudeness!" Zhu Han, helpless, had to hurriedly bow his head to Chen Jiu.

"Well, I have a lot of adults, and I won't blame you!" Chen Jiu smiled, but forgave them.

"Xianxi, I don't know what I asked you to do, what happened?" I asked, eagerly and eagerly.

"Rest assured, as a generation of Emperor Dragons, naturally I have to say that I can do it!" Chen Jiu nodded, clapping and clapping, "You guys come out, have met my brother!"

"Yes!" Outside the hall, the sound of a hundred Yingyings rang, and just hearing their clear voices made people's hearts linger. Yang couldn't help but want to see their true content.

'Zi ...' One hundred beautiful figures, they are all coming in, they are pure, or windy. Sao, each has its own characteristics. The most important thing is that they are full of nobleness, sacredness, and superiority, as if It is a fairy and a goddess, filled with a kind of mystery. The atmosphere of people, people's hearts, it is difficult to bear the idea of ​​suppressing them and completely invading them.

"Meet my brother!" Hundreds of women, respectfully saluting him, looking at his handsome appearance on Wei An, they couldn't help exulting for a while.

Although the temperament and charm have changed, some things in the bones have not changed. These women are not good at first. Seeing Li Xinxi and seeing such a man, can they not want to serve?

'Z la la ...' Looking at Na Man. Miao Bai. Tender strips ** and the beautiful face of a beautiful woman, he has never seen so many superb, unscrupulous figures, and he suddenly flowed on the spot. Drool.

Chen Jiu, who has experienced the best women many times, sees that they will be so impressed. Although this brute force came down from the world of the gods, but how much beauty can he really dominate?

"Brother, they're saluting you!" Chen Jiu smiled softly at the fierce look of people.

"Ah, this ... please get up soon!" The reckless response came, and quickly swallowed his saliva.

"Is Brother still satisfied with them?" Chen Jiu asked proudly again.

"This ... is simply too satisfying, our gods world, I am afraid that there are not so many covetous beauties!" Said with a stubborn excitement: "Where did you find these women?"

"Haha, for the eldest brother, I just do my best to go through the mainland, and I have to satisfy the elder brother!" Chen Jiuman said sincerely.

"Brother, you are so nice to Brother, let's enjoy them together!" I'm really grateful, really grateful.

"Brother, you can rest assured, they have already been adjusted. After teaching, they will take care of the brother. As for my brother, we have different tastes, I still don't want these anymore!" Chen Jiu shook his head and refused.

"Okay, okay, I also heard that your emperor is unparalleled. Since the brothers don't like these, the big brother is not reluctant!" There is no demand for brute force, and the stares of many beautiful women are urgent. Extremely.

"Brother, then I'll go down, you have fun!" Chen Jiu was not irritating, but was very interesting, first went down.

"Okay, okay, brother, please walk slowly!" Sending also did not care about sending Chen Jiu, and he recklessly glared away many uninteresting big guys. That was to focus his eyes on hundreds of beautiful women. of.

"Big brother ..." The girls are all seductive, one after another. They are even more unbearable for the brute force, but he is not in a hurry at this time, and he asked again.

"But do you serve me sincerely?" His face was abrupt and his brute force was full of majesty.

"Brother, of course we are really serving you!" The girls, hurried to their knees, were frightened.

"Oh? Did you do this because of Chen Jiu's order?" Brute asked again, "Did he have any special account with you, don't try to hide me!"

"Brother, Lord Dragon Emperor has explained to us, we must take care of Brother, saying that Brother is the most important noble person in his life, and must not be neglected!" The girls all told in a series.

"Uh? Really?" I can't help but feel a little proud.

"Brother, we can swear!" In this way, the girls have launched vicious vows, which is to gain brute trust.

"Haha, okay, let's wait for a flat body!" Then he recklessly made the girls stand up, and without any worries, he immediately came to the beauty group and couldn't bear it, and the big hand directly stroked the pair. To Man. Miao Slender **.

"Oh, brother, you're necrotic!" Ai. Human voices and voices are frequently sent, even more dry food. Fingers moving, some can not stand, and hugged a woman, he kissed. .

In this way, one to two, this fire. Going up and down in frustration, in the end it really can not stand, and began his own journey!

As for the situation, he put the beauty down and entered directly from behind, and began to enjoy her beauty and tenderness.

I have to say that brute force is also very strong. Soon, this pure beauty is meant to be turned into a blind eye.

"Ah!" In the end, she screamed coquettishly and fell down.

"Brother, you are so good!" The girls are no doubt looking forward to and respecting brute force.

"Haha, take a look at Brother's treasures, keeping them all happy!" The recklessness did not worry any more, but let the ladies line up and kneel in front of him, he enjoyed them one by one. Their food!

Glory, pride, these hundred beautiful women who have their own unique styles, let their own lingering insults, shameful, and very happy!

Unconsciously, the brute force has fallen. She fell into the female group, and at this time, Chen Jiu, who knows all this, secretly peeped through the final faith. Looking at their movements, this made him unable to bear it even more. It's unbearable.

No, is this going to the palace to solve it? But will Shangguan's cowardice and Emma ever forgive themselves?

"Chen Jiu ..." Just when Chen Jiu was in distress, Ai crazy came over with a weird expression, and surprised Chen Jiu even. What happened to the old boy?

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