Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1390: Brother, don't leave

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Ah ..." With a scream, Chen Jiu's body fell into the earth like a meteor, and it was a big dust.

The dust was flying, and Chen Jiu didn't blast out for the first time. His head was broken, and he couldn't figure it out. Where did he sing? His own woman is in Jiulongjie, how could he bring his own woman back?

"Very hard-working son, unparalleled in the world, the world is overwhelming, the king of Qiankun ..." At this time, the air rang again, so that the two elder sons did not continue to pursue Chen Jiu.

Embraced by the United States, the brutish son is living in the center, and the style is unparalleled. The spring breeze descends proudly on the battlefield. When he sees the two sons, he stands up. what?"

"Hum, pretty hard, your kid is okay, but I have received a lot of superb women!" Seeing these women, as long as they are men, they will instinctively produce a desire. Even if they fight them, they will not be able to. Ignore it.

"It's good to say, life is a bit smarter, it's the blessing of my brother!" Quite modestly, he looked around and asked, "What about my brother?"

"What brother, who are you talking about?" Both of them frowned naturally, and they were very dissatisfied with the arrival of brute force.

"Chen Jiu, you have destroyed his dragon palace like this, shouldn't I, as an elder brother, come out and take charge of it for him?" It was quite dignified.

"What? How did Chen Jiu become your brother? It's pretty hard. You don't have to worry about it there. There is nothing for you here!"

"That is, if you have nothing to do, then go to your woman. Don't stop us from demonizing here!" The Emptiness Boy also drove away in anger.

"Remove the demon? Wait ..." I was shocked by the brute force. "When did the two of you wear a pair of pants? Don't you know that Chen Jiu is the devil who banned the devil? It is understandable to kill him in this battle, but he is empty, How can you deal with Chen Jiu? "

"Who am I going to deal with? It's your blame, you get out of the way, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!" The emptiness boy reprimanded coldly.

"No, no, I'm really in control of this gossip today. I'm pretty good and I'm a son of a generation. How can I let you two bully my brother together!"

"You ... you really want to be our enemy, brutal, but you can think of it, you are not our two opponents!" Those who are jealous of their enemies will be forced to retreat by emptiness.

"Haha, emptiness, you do n’t cherish the banned demon son. I ca n’t bear him. Besides, he is now my brother. Even if I fight hard, I have to decide for him!" Already.

His emptiness was bad, which left him with a competitor. He was too happy to be too late, it was just a fight, we are not afraid!

"You're looking for death!" Stared angrily, and they were forced to stare at emptiness.

"Come on, let me see if you two have made any progress lately!" Resolutely provocative, we will fight the two wise men alone.

"Douban Qiankun lives and destroys the Skynet!" Dou Zhan said that he would do it by hand, without any ambiguity. At the same time, the emptiness also broke out. "The **** of space and time is destroyed!"

"Haha, the hands of the gods!" In a wild laugh, the spirit was full of anger, and that was the torture of the fighting net that Zhang tore, and the ensuing God Blade struck. He even sacrificed his own fighting sky. Doudou gun, use this to fight.

'Booming ...' The three sages have long exceeded the limits of the Divine Land. Their fight directly formed a storm in the void, which was rolled away, extinct everything, and a large continent. This sinks!

"Why ... how did this happen?" Wang Wuchang looked at the situation again, and hated it even more. "Damn, why not let Chen Jiu die?"

"Abominable, this is so hard to get so many superb women, just give me one!" Cursing, looking at the hundred beauties, the emperor was jealous.

"Uh, that kind of breath ..." Qingyue looked at the hundred beauties, and it was shocked, and she was inexplicably surprised. "Maybe, maybe your chance has come, Chen Jiu, that thing must be in your hands, right? You? Teach these women to use that tone to please the brute force. This is really an overkill! "

‘His! 'Suddenly, a cloth-cut voice in the battlefield screamed and screamed wildly. The two sides temporarily separated, without Chen Jiu's copper skin and iron bone. At this time, a huge blood hole was drawn on his arm. Extremely miserable.

"Brutely, recognize the reality, you are not our opponent. Immediately get lost, we will not care about you!" Emptiness and fighting, arrogant and full of pride.

"Huh, I'm curious, what made you come to an agreement, emptiness, you didn't even care about banning the demon **** son? You know, this kind of constitution is your biggest reliance on suppressing the magic temple!" In the meantime, I couldn't figure it out any more.

"That's not the devil who is forbidden at all, you don't talk about it!" Empty his lips, he didn't admit it at all.

"Blind with wide eyes and emptiness, don't think I'm a three-year-old!" He shook his head recklessly, naturally unbelieving.

"Very hard, I advise you to better retreat if you have difficulty. I can remind you that Chen Jiu is the shame of their family. Even if they die, they won't let him live, do you understand?" Intangible, the fighting broke out again.

"Don't fight, just talk!" A glaring glance turned empty and very angry.

"What? Shame, isn't it ... he was the son of a peerless magical maiden of that year!" In shock, it was all understood, and he couldn't help but laughed. "So it is, it is so, I am afraid that only the amazing magical maiden of that year can give birth to such an outstanding son!

"Very hard, do you really go?" Although Void was annoyed, he did not intend to die with him.

"Chen Jiu, I know you're not dead, and I won't go out to fight with me again!"

"Brother don't leave, I'm out!" Chen Jiu could no longer hide, and shot out of the ruins with a dumb look.

"What's the matter with your boy? Seeing that the elder brother was killed here, why didn't he come out to help?" When I saw Chen Jiu again, he could not help complaining.

"Brother, I was snorted by you for a while. You said that you brought me a woman. I really can't think of who you brought me to?" Chen Jiu was dumbfounded and asked.

"Who? Who isn't the one who quarrels with you, you see, it's her ..." Quite frantically, pointing at a group of women, she scolded.

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