Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1402: Nowhere to start

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Abominable, that **** hard-working, this time if it was not him, that Chen Jiu will be dead!" Cursed again and again, fighting 10,000 unsatisfactory.

"Asshole, don't kill them, I swear I won't go back to the gods world!" Voidness is also a rare poison.

"Empty, is there any way for you right now? The two of them have joined forces, and we simply can't get started!" Suddenly the fighting warned again.

"This ..." The emptiness suddenly became angry again. "There is no solution yet. I think we must seek assistance from above!"

"Looking for assistance? But the gates of the gods have been closed, and it will not open until one year later, and we can't go back in between!" Dou Zhan immediately shook his head helplessly. "Every time you open the gates, you need three gods The hospital agreed and sent someone to implement it. Otherwise, it would not be possible to open the portal! "

"I know that for a year, we can't let the little hybrid survive. Otherwise, our family will usher in great shame, and you will also face boundless taunts!" The Emptiness Emperor preached ruthlessly .

"Empty, what on earth are you going to do?" The battle was also confused.

"Cultivation. At the moment we practice first. If there is a breakthrough, then killing and brutally treating them is not a problem at all!" The Emperor of Voids also immediately suggested that.

"What? Cultivation? Is this your way? It seems that in our realm, we can't make a breakthrough in a few months, right?" The fight was dumbfounded.

"Well, there is nothing impossible. If I can't break through, I have another way to kill the Chen Jiu!" Void and said fiercely, "Don't force me, then force me, Summoning his father with a blood curse, then they are all going to die! "

"Empty son, I forgot that you still have a godfather. Since there is such a way, why didn't you just sing the blood curse and kill them in one fell swoop?" The fight was blaming.

"You want to be beautiful, but not my own enemy. Why should I be so desperate?" The emptiness boy said, making the battle very speechless.

"You ... how can you be so careless!" Muttered, the boss was unwilling to fight.

"Kill Chen Jiu, and let you take his body to receive credit. Do you think I'm stupid?" The emptiness boy is very unpleasant.

"Ah, you know, he is the shame and shame of your family!" The fight was persuaded again.

"But don't forget, he is a demon demon god, once you grow up, it will be a much bigger blow to your deities than us!" Emperor Void also said ironically.

Everyone has their own words, and each has their own misfortunes. The two are so arguing, no one wants to go ahead!

"Okay, fight, let's not fight. Right now you stay with me. We should learn about cultivation and strive for an early breakthrough is the right way!" After a while of arguing, the emptiness suggested impatiently.

"Well, as long as the two of us discuss each other, it shouldn't be difficult to get promoted!" The fight did not say much, and that was agreed.

The reason why they got together was actually that they were worried that they would be defeated by Chen Jiu. In this way, the two people who had their own thoughts, after they had sent everyone away, immediately practiced.

It is conceivable that even if the two selfish people come to practice together, I am afraid it is difficult to contribute their own cultivation tips to help each other improve, so the possibility of their true promotion is not great!

Many gene big men, Wang Wuchang, Qingyue, Tianzi, they even resigned, and Wang Wuchang was more friendly and arched to Qingyue: "Dean Qingyue, I'm more disturbed, don't blame it. ! "

"Anyway, President Wang is willing to live in my Qiankun Temple, that is the blessing of my green moon!" With a wink in his eyes, he can see that Wang Wuchang's heart is full of emotions.

"Thank you, Dean. Right now, the two saints are not able to take Chen Jiu and they can't help it. It seems that I have been interrupted for a long time!" Wang Wuchang thanked again and again.

"It's okay, we have the Qiankun Temple, where the President Wang lived!" Qingyue was so charming and fascinating that she could hear people's hearts crumbling.

"President Qingyue, why don't we get together and talk about the situation today?" Wang Wuchang was not stupid, and immediately found a reason, and he would have a private relationship with Qingyue.

Although I have n’t known each other for a long time, but this is full of feminine body and her show. Jin is completely seen by Wang impermanence. Such a woman is born with a lack of work. If you do n’t do it, it ’s a gift from God. !!

"Dean Qingyue, we have something to discuss with you, you come with us first!" Just as Qingyue joyfully wanted to promise, the nine gene men suddenly spoke.

"This ..." Qing Yue knew what was happening, but she didn't dare to resist and couldn't oppose it, so she had to promise and follow them away.

"Dean Qingyue, remember to come to me tomorrow!" Wang Wuchang shouted unwillingly, and left his head in disappointment.

"Abominable, you abominable smelly man, that's my mother, should it be my woman, okay?" Tianzi cursed, and was extremely dissatisfied with these people!

In the gloomy basement, nine strong men, once again surrounded a soft and weak woman in the center, the scene looked particularly evil.

"Masters, please spare the Yueer!" Qing Yue pleaded, hoping to get their pity. Since these big men did not have Yuan Yang, she was really unwilling to accompany them.

Unfortunately, things went against her wish. Qingyue didn't want to accompany them, but it didn't mean that they didn't want to play with her and laughed miserably. These people didn't mean to let go of anything!

"**, born with a charming bone, and still pretending to be pure with us? Did you forget how you were so good in our hands?" With a big laugh, the nine big men greeted Qingyue again.

"Ah, don't ... don't ... uh, don't ... don't stop, I want ..." Life is like this, when you really can't resist, you might as well smile and accept its annihilation!

"Haha, chick, nature is violent. Revealed? Rest assured, the uncles will play with you ..." The nine big men were playing, and they regarded Qingyue as a plaything.

Qingyue is very open, and she also knows how to please men. Otherwise, if she encounters such a scene, she must be played alive and shameful. After shame and torture, when she walked out of the basement, she was whole. A man's hair is covered with stains, and his face is almost a typical residual flower.

"Well, you garbage, **** stuff, what are the characters of the gods world, I'm sorry, my mother was worried about doing this, I'm sorry for you, now it seems that these are your blame, you wait, my mother will one day Make you regret it! "Qing Yue was resentful, and she was played one after another. She also developed a strong hate" Chen Jiu, wait for me! "

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