Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1509: All lifted

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"The lonely fighting spirit of God!" Sha Wuneng punched his punches out of the way, fighting the old eleven in the past.

‘Boom! ‘Sha incompetent flies Lao Shizhen with a punch. The strength is not a level, but the opponent ’s physique seems to be special, and he is not injured.

"Kill!" Then, Sha Incompetent's tall body stepped and attacked like a giant. It was a direct shock on the ground. His fist was even more shocking, and the old eleven had no resistance.

"This ... are all the last disciples so strong?" Under the giant fist, not only the old eleven was shocked, but the other brothers of the three Yuanfeng divisions couldn't help but play back.

"Don't worry, we can't die with the protection of the big sun power. We only need to complete the mission this time, even if we are invincible!" Zhao Sixi grinned insidiously and turned out to be another plot.

"Master, you have a lot of knowledge. You look at what the white light on that old eleven body is?" Chen Jiu frowned, and couldn't help asking.

"It seems to be a kind of faith, full of light, which seems to have a great taste of the sun and power!" How lonely and savvy the insight is, and I can see the doorway in an instant, and I am more confident about the guess in my heart, straight It was hateful to scold Da Ri Shengzi for a **** dog.

"Oh? So do they believe in Dairi-God? Isn't the divine power in this divine temple infinite and impossible to defeat?" Chen Jiuduan questioned softly.

"Of course not, they still have some scruples. These divine powers are just left in the body. After a while, they will be defeated naturally!" Lonely puppet is in sight.

‘Boom…’ Sure enough, as soon as the words of loneliness fell, Sha Wuneng flew the old eleven with a punch of sandbags. He coughed up blood and could n’t climb again.

"Well, Brother Eight, good job, let's hang it up!" Chen Jiu applauded, giving Sha Wuneng a very high evaluation.

"Ah ... don't ..." With a scream, another figure was hung on the mountain peak of Lonely Peak, and it looked like it was hanging in the air and fluttering in the wind, which was very frightening.

"This ... what the **** is going on here, why is this incompetent Sha Wuneng boy?" He didn't take the initiative to meet the provocations of the people. Chocolate was hiding in the dark and observing, just wanting to see Chen Jiu jokes. However, after two successive battles passed, his heart also began to run out.

As everyone knows, this is just the beginning. The next battle made Chocolate look dumbfounded and felt like he was dreaming.

Sanyuanfeng Lao ten confronted Lonely Peak Su Peng, and the two met each other, directly sending out the strongest attack!

"The heavens and the earth are violent!" The practice method of the old ten is to mutate the three energy and then explode, which is unparalleled.

"The loneliness of seeking defeat is served by virtue!" Su Peng's figure has not changed, but the breath has changed. It has become a true **** with high prestige. A gentle wave of the palm represents the world's virtue, morality, and rules. The resistance was that the old ten flew out to the fan with one palm, vomited blood and fell, and he couldn't stand at all during the struggle!

Defeat, it was so thorough. There was no chance of counter-introduction. It was just a trick. This made many students watching the lively hills around, and they all said "how the lonely peak changed." See you today, it really deserves its name! "

"How is it? Can you compare?" Chen Jiu looked at Zhao Sixi proudly, disdainfully.

"Bee!" With a somber face, regardless of the old ten who was hung up in the mountains again, Zhao Sixi fiercely ordered the old nine to continue to play.

"Boss, we all have to be hung there by this time!" Lao Ji was obviously a little scared.

"Then do you think we can go back like this?" Zhao Sixi glanced vaguely, and immediately made the old nine afraid to resist.

The fierce confrontation with Da Ri Sheng Zi, they are more willing to confront Lonely Peak!

Next, Sanyuanfeng Lao Ji battled Lonely Feng Huojia, and as soon as he came out, Lao Ji exploded, "Heaven and Earth Sanyuan Renyuan is invincible!"

Mind, powerful mind radiation. Radiation, deterrence, a special vitality is excited and perfused in Lao Jiu's body, which is to increase his momentum and his power to multiply.

"Lonely, but defeat!" Huo Jia, don't go to the doctor, once this blow is hit, the whole person is simply a master lonely, contempt for life.

With deeper artistic conception and stronger strength, he waved his hand freely, and Huo Jia's white fingers pierced into Lao Ji's chest, which made him full of vitality, and he knelt in the present moment!

"Brother, I'll take it directly!" Without stopping, Huo Jia left directly, carrying Lao Ji.

Powerful, domineering, and one-stroke to suppress the enemy, the crowd can be seen at this time, the two sides are not a level of fighting at all!

"You ... you're all completely level!" Zhao Sixi seemed to have realized something, and his face was pale.

"Yes, who is here now? I can't wait for you, old man!" Wang Ye stepped out and started to provoke.

"This ..." Yuan Lifeng's brothers couldn't help but take a step back. They are now only a big class. They were not the same level as Lonely Peak's opponents. At this time, they were one level behind others.

"Damn, that **** Big Sun son, obviously we are overcast, let's come over to die!" Several anxious teachers and brothers couldn't help complaining.

"Shut up, you must know that evil is coming out of the mouth. Now that we have believed in the big sun god, we must never offend the young master again!" Softly rebuked, Zhao Sixi, they were also riding a tiger.

I thought it was a fat, but I didn't expect that the believer was forcibly collected by the sage of the day, and the believer did not say it, but now it has become a lamb under the control of others. There is no resistance at all, which makes them very stubborn. !!

"Second Brother, I don't have any chance of winning this way!" The brothers still feared.

"Well, don't forget that I still have a killer, I will save you later!" Zhao Sixi didn't dare to shrink even though she had no idea in her heart.

"Okay, those two brothers, we can all rely on you!" Another brother stepped up, but as expected, under the iron palm of Wang Xi, he was beaten by people and waited, etc. He opened his eyes again, already hanging in the air, floating in the wind.

Next, Kong Shugao and Xing Jian got the chance to fight one by one. Under their Confucian sword, these people were naturally unable to compete and were suspended.

"They have two women left ..." When San Yuanfeng was lucky, under the jade palm of Lonely Wanderer and Zhu Shi, they were stunned like a fly!

"Chen Jiu, you are now one of you, and we still have two of them. Do you think you are alone against us?" Although this is somewhat shameless, Zhao Sixi took it for granted.

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