Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1524: Sister promotion

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Little sister, what's the matter with you?" Chen Jiu couldn't understand it all at once, and quickly looked at Zhu Shi with concern.

"My genes, my strength, are about to break through, Chen Jiu, how much genetic potential do you have, I seem to have underestimated you before!" Zhu Shimei stared at Chen Jiu with a flash of serenity and said, "You This mess up has actually increased my genes by 1 billion, which is simply incredible! "

"Sister, don't tell me, I just added 500 million genes to the level of 8.5 billion!" Chen Jiu did not hide anything.

"What? My God, 8.5 billion, your kid is just a weird state. You know that the genes of the gods are only about 10 billion!" Zhu Shizhi stared at Chen Jiu in surprise.

"Can the gods reach tens of billions? It seems my savings are not big enough!" Chen Jiu had no pride.

"Your kid is content, you have to know what realm you are now. The gods who achieve chaos are often overhauling genetic secrets at the last level to increase genes but not many. Many people are stuck here. In one link, you ca n’t get into chaos at all. Your kid now has so much potential. I dare say that when you have achieved horror level, there is almost no obstacle for you to step into chaos! ”Zhu Shi reminded seriously.

"Chaos, I will definitely make it!" Chen Jiu said very firmly.

"Of course, you will be a **** of chaos, but it's just a matter of time!" Zhu Shi looked at Chen Jiu with satisfaction and said, "It is unexpected that you have more potential than me. I used to think I was It ’s the strongest being in the world. I never expected you to crush me again! "

"A thousand worlds, there is nothing strange, there is no strongest, only stronger!" Chen Jiu did not dare to envy.

"Very well, you have this kind of thought. I can tell you the truth to this day. I am the descendant of King Xian. Our Zhu family is also a big family in the world of gods. You want to marry me. You must get the approval of the patriarchs and elders! "Zhu Shi once again said," I was not going to marry, but it was unexpected, and you were given the foolish ones! "

"Why? Did I make you uncomfortable?" Chen Jiu was an evil laugher, and acted a few times.

"Eh, don't do it anymore, it will really fall apart if you do it again!" Zhu Shi couldn't help but fight.

"Sister, if it wasn't for your hang-up at the restaurant. Lead me, I'm afraid it won't fall into this field today, you marry me, that's just and righteous, you can rest assured, what elders and patriarchs, I will They crawled down and saw who dared to oppose us? "Chen Jiu preached with anger.

"What cyanosis, don't you say it so badly, okay? People just watched you fun at the time, who knew that your kid was so good. Color!" Zhu Shi said with a smile on his face. Red, because of love She came too abruptly, and when she was too late to react, she became a woman!

"Anyway, you find me first. I don't. You don't know how to be a woman so cool?" Chen Jiu preached evil again.

"Okay, don't talk about that, you're ashamed!" Zhu Shizhang couldn't hear it. "You came out first, people will be promoted!"

"Oh, isn't this promotion good?" Chen Jiu didn't want to come out, but was glared by Zhu Shi's gaze, but he still didn't continue to correct it.

The sharp gun is glorious. Looking at its majesty, Zhu Shi's face can't help but be red. Run "You guy, so big, how did I just accommodate it?"

"Or let's try again, do you feel it carefully?" Chen Jiu immediately suggested.

"Don't, don't come, it will rot again!" Zhu Shi was extremely shameful, and quickly shook his head to refuse.

"Then how about giving me a few strokes?" Chen Jiu put forward another suggestion: "When I pressed .Mo Yuan, I waited for the women, and they gave me a few strokes of comfort to return me. ! "

"What? It's dirty, let's say that kind of things, I can't do it, and you don't compare your women to me, I'm not as shy as they are ..." Zhu Shi's face turned redder all of a sudden Then, he shook his head and drove away, "Hurry up and stay while I'm going to rob!"

"Oh ..." The wish was not fulfilled. Chen Jiu was slightly disappointed, but watching Zhu Shi was about to cross the road, he had to step back.

‘Boom rumbling…’ Next, the sky was mixed, and Zhu Shi did n’t avoid anything, it was light. He walked under the thunder cloud and made a robbery.

The temple has the effect of condensing the sky. Every promotion will not cause too much fluctuation. Otherwise, in a temple, there are people who are promoted almost every day, and the entire temple is long gone. !!

Murderous sky, dispelled the black clouds of the robbery number, Zhu Shi easily passed through the robbery number, not only the spiritual strength reached the level of completeness, but even the state of cultivation also reached the mythical level of the world!

Although the difference between the legendary realm and the handed-down realm is not too obvious, after the handed-over realm, this is undoubtedly into the late stage of mythology. The whole human temperament is more mysterious, powerful and immortal.

Body crystal. Ying, glittering, and nothing, after watching Zhu Shi's promotion, like a goddess' posture, Chen Jiu couldn't hold back, a burst of excitement. Unexplainable!

Swallowing clouds and misting is really like the fairy goddess, standing under the sky, after nourishing, Zhu Shi's temperament has deepened, her eyes slightly turned towards Chen Jiu, and she couldn't help but be ashamed. Watching this majestic posture holding up the war gun once and knocking her down, her heart was also indescribable.

"Shimei, you are so beautiful!" Chen Jiuchi looked at me in vain, without exaggerating.

"Brother, thank you for your gift. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been promoted so quickly, and the potential increased again!" Zhu Shi was quite polite.

"Oh, sister, if you really want to thank me, what would you do for me?" Chen Jiuzhi couldn't wait, and now Zhu Shi, the goddess-like style, can let her kneel in front of her, and let His own invasion and occupation will undoubtedly make him particularly proud.

"What? You bastard!" Zhu Shi was furious, and the sound of the sea was flat.

"Shimei is angry, if you really don't want to!" Chen Jiu bowed his head in disappointment, just as he was disheartened, Zhu Shi's words, after all, ignited his hope and enthusiasm again!

"Chen Jiu, only once, this is not the case!" Zhu Shi tightened his mouth and lips, still pampering the man, without it, because she likes him and does not want to look at him sad and lost.

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