Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1527: Blood Sun God Ring

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu ..." While lonely and worried, another figure was that she first came to Chen Jiu's side and stood side by side firmly with him. Ling Ran yelled: "Chen Jiu, we two are united Get up and fight together! "

"Okay!" Chen Jiu didn't have any reason to refuse at this time, then he and Zhu Shi pulled their hands together, the breath was shared, and murderous spirit and Confucianism coexisted. That was a steadily rising, very scary.

"The two of them ..." Looking at the two people's breath and fusion, the loneliness seemed to realize something, it was a little bit sad and sad.

"Oh? It seems that Lonely Peak is really going to rebel against the whole peak, okay, I'll take your sins and say it!" Dapi was not afraid at all, and that was a round of blood aura sacrificed by Zhang Shoujian!

The **** scent rose to the sky, the blood sun glowed red, full of evil, and once it appeared, everyone felt as if they had fallen into the boundless blood prison, and they were all uncomfortable.

"God, this is a half-step superb artifact forged by Lord Da Rifeng personally, the Blood Sun God Ring. Under this God Ring, I do n’t know how many students have been locked, and with the increase in the number of killings, this Blood Sun God Ring may be promoted to real Chaos artifact! "Those with knowledge of it immediately shouted when his face changed dramatically.

As soon as the Blood Sun God Ring came out, it was simply a cruelty. Its fierce name accompanied the law enforcement team, which made all students talk about it. Because the law enforcement team killed people, they have legitimate rights and no one can resist!

"Suppression on the **** day, lock evil and destroy evil!" Dapi quickly threw a ring of gods, which quickly became large in the air, scorching blood and rain, shaking the sky, as if countless grievances were creeping. The end is extremely extreme Strange and powerful.

'Booming ...' The breath of Chen Jiu and Zhu Shi was completely suppressed and devoured, even though it was not its opponent at all, and then, the cloud of blood swallowed down, and the entanglement of countless grievances entangled them. Completely caught in a stalemate fight, it is impossible to pull out!

‘Swooping…’ A blood ring gradually wrapped Chen Jiu and them in, quickly shrinking, and once bound by it, even if they had the power of heaven, it would be difficult to escape.

"Not good, save Jiu Shidi!" All the teachers and brothers of Lonely Peak exploded instantly. It was joined in the blood cloud, and they fought with Chen Jiu!

"Kill!" At this moment, chocolate is also very rare, because in the blood ring, Zhu Shi's figure is there, he naturally does not want her to be captured, because once it is captured by the law enforcement team, that means With eternal life to spend in a nightmare.

"Reversely, Lonely Peak is going to be reversed, all up, let alone kill!" Dapi watched Lonely Peak vowed to resist, and was even more frustrated, and issued a lore order.

"Yes!" Dozens of law enforcement team members, who were completely roaring into the blood cloud, roared with the disciples of Lonely Peak!

‘Booming…’ On the Lonely Peak, chaos was staged, and looking at this scene, the lonely uncle was frowning, and it felt like he could n’t be better.

"Master, only in this day and age, can only your old man be able to calm down the scene!" The lonely uncle dare not neglect.

"Ah ..." At this moment, Zhu Shi was completely defenseless and was hit by a large skin, which separated her from Chen Jiu. The breath of the two was cut off, and the power was greatly reduced.

"Abominable, if only I had a female sword!" Zhu Shi couldn't help complaining, and even made the lonely sorrow nervous.

Lonely uncle can see that Zhu Shi ’s cultivation is just a trace away from her. Once she surpasses the past, she must keep her promise and pass the female sword to her, but if Really gave it to her, but there were 10,000 unwillingness in her lonely heart!

I can't say what kind of thoughts I have for Chen Jiu, but I feel so lonely that I can't be so cheap for both of them, and my own big peaks have been stabbed by him. How can it be that nothing happened?

Women are jealous, but sometimes jealousy is not completely unhelpful, at least it will make them understand their inner heart, so that the true feelings will be released more quickly, so that the buried ones will not increase their sorrow.

'boom! ’As soon as Chen Jiu took another palm, he could n’t bear the blood of vomiting.

"Chen Jiu, we quickly combined our two swords and resisted the Blood Sun God Ring!" His face changed, and Lonely Abandoned all thoughts, which was quickly opposed to his eyes, and he was in love.

"How can it be so easy to get together?" Dapi retorted with a sneer: "Dairifeng is full of blood and blood!"

'bake! 'Dapi at this moment, like a blood day, it was burning fiercely, and with his burning, the surrounding space and time were completely ignited, all the siblings of the Lonely Peak were completely Suppressed, hard to resist, I am afraid that a moment of effort will be captured.

"The marriage between heaven and earth is in the same line!" Eyes converge, affection moves the sky, Chen Jiu and lonely uncle, finally united together, this is a magic of love, the fire of time and space simply cannot stop them from meeting.

'咻咻 ...' At this time, the two of them stabbed a sword at each other. This is a kind of sword-seeking light, sincere, touching, immortal, surviving, probation. Under its power, all blood and fire It was frozen, extinguished, and dissolved under this love!

‘Porphy…’ It ’s unbelievable that this mutual sword eventually penetrated the skin of Big Skin, causing his blood to fall apart, and all the power of this blow was broken.

"What? They can resist the law enforcement captain!" Countless people were shocked and eclipsed, all fearing loneliness and their growth.

"Kill!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, the members of Lonely Peak swept across the sky, and even many law enforcement players defeated one after another. That was awesome!

"Missing things, you are defying regulations, all **** it!" Angrily, looking at the two sword holes in his lower abdomen, big skin fire. He sang again and said, "Big Sun power, blessings in the air. , The statutes of the temple should not be disobeyed! "

'Booming ...' A Bloomberg's divine power shot over it and hit Dapi's body, which caused his divine power to rise steadily in a short time, as if he had been promoted to become a great divine **** , People can not look directly at and hostile.

"Not good, Chen Jiu, this is awful. This big skin is the brother of the big Nishin. He borrowed the money, and in this temple, it is almost equivalent to half a big Nishin. We can never be his opponent! "Lonely Man's face changed rapidly, that is, wrapped tightly with Chen Jiu in a lonely shirt, weak.

"Junior, let's take it!" At this moment, Dapi showed no mercy, it was Zhang Jiu grabbing Chen Jiu them, locked the sky to sleep, and destroyed the sky!

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