Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1533: Success or failure

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Of course, Chaos God naturally has levels. You also know that if you reach the super level from the full level or above, then you can use 15% of your body's power, and in a simple way, talk about a billion super powers. The strength is about 1.5 billion, but you geniuses have far exceeded this number, but there is an infinite gap with the Chaos God! " Chen Jiu explained.

The supernormal level is upwards, which is the horror level everyone expects, because only if you step into this level, you are eligible to attack the Chaos God, but you will really find out when you really reach this level. In fact, they are away from chaos. The distance of God is still infinitely far away.

Because if you want to condense the gods and call them gods, then the mental strength must be more than twice the level of horror to reach a level exceeding 100!

Within 100 times, all are horror levels. It can be seen that the differentiation of this level is serious, and the level is not measurable at all.

A 1 billion strong man with a hundred times the strength can theoretically reach the standard combat power of 100 billion, but this is only the weakest chaos god. If the potential is greater, then the strength of hundreds of billions will be needed. Can be considered a real horror.

At first glance, Chen Jiu couldn't help asking: "The master ’s strength before promotion, but nearly a trillion?"

"Yes, otherwise, how could I be able to take a hit from the master of the Sun Rifeng without damage, the guy is nothing but a subordinate **** in the final analysis!" Lonely defeated and proud.

"Subordinate God? What do you say?" Chen Jiu asked inexplicably.

"If you do n’t reach 10 billion genes, you will forcibly conquer the godhead. Such gods are usually lower-level gods. There is nothing to worry about. The real power is the intermediate gods that break through the 10 billion genes, and even the higher-level gods. They are Really powerful character! "The lonely defeat immediately explained.

"Oh? What kind of **** is that Master now?" Chen Jiu wondered.

"I can barely be regarded as a superior god, because I have the blood of loneliness to seek defeat, which is noble in itself, and the skill of loneliness to seek defeat is unparalleled!" Lonely defeated the sky without pretending to be modest.

"How does Master compare to the Lord God?" Chen Jiu knows that the Lord God is the most powerful in the gods world.

"Chen Jiu, what I call superior gods is not that they are high-ranking, but that our life is high and our blood is noble. It ’s like the same people. One is a prince and the other is a civilian. The essence is different. But we are still human! "Lonely defeated the sky and detailedly explained," Relatively speaking, the higher level gods are more likely to be promoted, and the power of the same level is also stronger. If you want to reach the level of the main god, then No doubt there is still a long way to go! "

The level of Chaos God is also divided by spirit. The one who just stepped into it is like the lonely defeating the sky. His spiritual strength is 'highest' level, and then upward, it is 'extreme' level, and the realm of the main **** is It is the legendary 'Infinite Level'.

"Extreme, supreme, infinite, what exactly do these levels represent?" Chen Jiuyu was shocked.

"Chen Jiu, your strength is not enough for Chaos God. You know too much and the pressure is too great, so you can practice with peace of mind. Your potential is great, and I am very optimistic about you!" The lonely defeat of the sky did not explain anything Preaching: "Your goal is to reach 100 times your mental strength!"

"I see ..." Chen Jiuyan was ashamed. If his current strength really reached 100 times his spiritual strength, he wouldn't want him if he was afraid of the general chaos god.

All in all, the future is bright, Chen Jiu could not help but ask, "Master, I have one more thing I would like to ask you to see!"

"Oh? But that's okay!" Lonely defeated by Chen Jiu's gratitude, naturally he was very kind to him.

"Master, please follow me!" Chen Jiu quickly, once again brought the lonely defeat into the ninth floor of the pagoda, came to Kong Zhi, and spoke in his shocked eyes: "This is the daughter of the Lord of Civilization. It is supposed to be alive, but how can I not wake up!"

"Uh, this is ... the sea of ​​faith!" The lonely defeated sky was widely known, and the key was immediately recognized. "It was already dead. It was this billions of beliefs that made her alive and survive. This is indeed a big deal! "

"But Master, why doesn't she just wake up?" Chen Jiu continued to question.

"Fortunately, she didn't wake up, otherwise I wouldn't be able to suppress her!" Lonely seeking defeat defeated and said, "If I didn't guess wrong, she didn't wake up because of these seas of faith!"

"What? Xiao He succeeds, and Xiao He loses?" Chen Jiu couldn't understand.

"Blessed with each other, the beliefs of hundreds of millions of people have made her life last, but if she wants to be resurrected, she must also satisfy the wishes of hundreds of millions of people. Otherwise, she can only sink and perish until this time. Off! "Sighed lonely defeated.

"Master, what the **** are you talking about, why do I still not understand?" Chen Jiu did not understand even more.

"Chen Jiu, let me tell you this, the gods are now standing idols, spreading believers, in order to gather faith, do you always know this?" Lonely defeated the sky and then preached.

"Yes, the power of faith is incredible, and they can do nothing wrong!" Chen Jiu nodded, understanding.

"But I don't know if you have noticed. Many people pray this way when they worship the gods!" Lonely defeated the sky and then said, "So and so is God, your most loyal believer needs your blessing ... ... "

"Master, what do you mean?" Chen Jiu suddenly understood something.

"Yes, when believers believe in the gods, they also need to give back while giving their beliefs, because they are in the faith with a look of hope, and once there is something wrong, they will pray to the gods, hope Get their blessings and help, and this will cause a lot of causal power, even the gods will not be able to bear it in the end! "The lonely defeated sermon said," My ancestor did not do it in the lonely defeat This is because he has long seen the advantages and disadvantages of this, and only believes in his own strength! "

"It turned out to be that way. If that is the case, will Kong Zhi be awake?" Chen Jiu fully understood, because he also worshipped God, and all those who worshiped God asked for something, or asked their sons, or Pray for peace, or fortune ... And these intercessions are the cause of beings, the fruits that the gods must bear.

"Theoretically, to rescue her, it is necessary to meet the demands of these billions of sentient beings, and this is simply not possible!" Lonely defeated and said, "However, there is another way! "

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