Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1536: Rescue method

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Chen Jiu was doomed for the time being. With Zhu Shi's departure, the lonely uncle could not help but fell on the hall with some weakness, his face flushed with red and shame. "What's wrong with you? Why is your mood so nervous? And worrying, are you really afraid of losing Chen Jiu? "

"Damn, **** beast, I just listen to him. The bottom is wet again. Isn't he really resistant to him?" The lonely and annoying pinch of beautiful legs, as if he felt the general feeling again It was so angry that she gritted her teeth. "How can I be a lonely virgin? Because of a man, I must be wet every time. This is simply intolerable!"

On the ninth floor of the Jiulong civilized **** tower, Chen Jiu's eyes completely focused on Kong Zhi's body, "Master, what can I do to save her?"

"Chen Jiu, if you want to save her, you must help her transcend the cause and effect, so that her body and mind can be completely freed from these causes and effects!" Solitary defeated solemnly explained: "Cause and effect are unbreakable, but they can be rid of ! "

"But her body and mind are saved by these causes and effects. They have a great deal of entanglement. How can I help her get rid of it?" Chen Jiu still couldn't understand.

"This ..." Speaking of this, the lonely defeated face couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, as if there was something inexplicable.

"Master, is there any dilemma?" Chen Jiu was even more confused.

"Chen Jiu, I only saw this method in the classical books. I don't know the specifics. If you say it, think about it, don't take it seriously!" Solitary defeated the first reminder.

"Oh, Master, please!" Chen Jiu then sounded.

"Chen Jiu, it's like this ..." The lonely defeated one followed by 15 to 10, and he gave a weird explanation to Chen Jiu. After listening, Chen Jiu couldn't help but have mixed tastes, but it was helpless, if the other party had no words first He had to scold him for being too shy!

"That's the thing, Chen Jiu, this is the only way, whether you want to do it or not, thanks to your thoughts, anyway, Master can't help you anyway!" Lonely defeated and finally sighed.

"But Master, isn't that too ridiculous?" Chen Jiuzhi said for a while. "Is love so magical?"

"Love is the most wonderful thing in the world. It is best to use miracles to describe it, because almost all miracles are related to it, so Chen Jiu, the possibility of this is very high, and wait for you to follow After she falls in love, even if she wakes up, it will not be detrimental to us. This is a killer! "The lonely defeated the world preached bitterly.

"Master, should I give her to you, you try it?" Chen Jiu suddenly suggested to the lonely defeat.

"What? This is absolutely impossible ..." Lonely defeated the sky and shook his head again and again: "Chen Jiu, this is your chance, how can Master rob it?"

"Master, you are not eating the chaotic civilization god, are you afraid of this woman?" Chen Jiuzhi chuckled.

"It's different. Besides, she has no God. If I did that, wouldn't my reputation for loneliness and ruin be ruined?" Lonely defeated again.

"Oh, the feelings of your apprentice in your eyes, is it a beast without a reputation?" Chen Jiu retorted remarkably.

"Chen Jiu, it ’s too old to be a teacher. You are still young. She is more likely to look at you. If the master really wants to go up, it must be a success!" Preached: "When you rescue her, then our lonely peak is a big backer, and your responsibility is very important!"

"Well, do our boys want to be in the Quartet, do we need to rely on a woman?" Chen Jiu was very strong in preaching.

"Although it is good to say that, Chen Jiu, look at the beauty of Kong Zhi and think about her identity. If such a woman is not in this state, you dare to say that you can pursue her?" Persuade again.

"Uh, this statement is true. If she was not in the cause and effect, I'm afraid it would be difficult to see it at first glance!" Chen Jiu nodded, expressing some approval.

"That's not right. Think about it yourself. This woman is not a dead person, but a living person. You should not have any burden. You are saving people. You have countless merit!" , Can not help but the spirit told: "Let me leave now, I am now promoted to Chaos God, must make those Xiao Xiao generations look good!"

"Well, let's go!" Chen Jiu was helpless, knowing that loneliness and defeating the sky wouldn't agree with him, that was, waving his hand to drive him out.

'Zi ...' The change of space directly came to the Temple of Defeat, and the lonely defeat could not help but look forward to expectation: "Chen Jiu, Chen Jiu, the great opportunity is in front of you. Do n’t let it go, Master. Actually, you don't want to, but you know that this is not your own dish, and you dare not eat it! "

Shaking his head, lonely defeating the sky no longer thinks about falling into the cultivation of consciousness. He has just stabilized before he has been promoted. By then, it will be amazing and make everyone look good!

On the top of the civilization pagoda, Chen Jiu's eyes still looked at Kong Zhi. He couldn't help but said to himself: "Kong Zhi, Kong Zhi, if you have spirit in heaven, you should have heard it, right? To live you, you and I must truly love each other. Only in this way can you be pulled out of infinite causes and effects and resurrected completely! "

"But after all you have no consciousness, I can't talk to you about love at all, so the premise of this love must be done from the body!" Chen Jiu could not help but feel a bit shameless, In fact, the method of loneliness and defeating the sky is also very simple, that is, let Chen Jiu go to the front of Kong Zhi, and make her truly blissful.

Life is alive, bliss is hard to find. In that situation, there will be many mysteries, and in this mysterious situation, Kong Zhi can take the opportunity to transcend, and truly get rid of those entanglements of cause and effect, and then settle in. itself!

The method is there, and the feasibility is very high, but Chen Jiu was infinitely hesitant. The other side was lying down like this, and Gujing was waveless. He said that although the corpse was a little too much, it was really similar.

There is a word to describe the situation in front of her, which is no more appropriate. However, if Chen Jiu feels that she has really fallen in love with her, then she is ‘stuck away’ by a woman!

This is a kind of unethical human relationship. Chen Jiu's mind rejects 10,000, but he also knows that if this were not the case, Kong Zhi would be hard to wake up in his life.

In the face of a living life, will it be saved or not? Chen Jiu was really a little embarrassed!

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