Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1546: send you home

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Booming rumbling ...’ Next, a loud noise came from the side of Dayang Peak. It was very eye-catching and regrettable. Chen Jiu couldn't help but feel confused and confused.

"Sister, what should we do now, and what should these dying peak masters do?" Just then, many teachers and brothers couldn't help asking again.

The chaos and god-level battles are by no means an ordinary peak owner can participate in. Twenty-nine people came in and five people escaped. Twenty-four people were left to death and were on the verge of death!

"Chen Jiu, what should we do?" Lonely unconsciously also looked at Chen Jiu, and gradually began to focus on him.

"Sister Master, Brother Ninth Teacher just got started. How can you handle such a big event, or do you take your idea?" Chocolate was particularly upset when watching the scene.

"Huh, we don't have the arbitrariness of Lonely Peak!" Angrily glanced, and Lonely yelled, "I listen to everyone's opinions. Besides, although the ninth master is still short in terms of entry, his performance is outstanding. Opinion is taken for granted! "

"Well, Ma'am, don't be angry with this kind of villain!" Chen Jiu smiled with satisfaction, and he persuaded to say: "These people are not only trying to kill Master, but also want to kill our Ma'am. Just playing around, just because of this, they will die! "

"But that's not okay. They are all lords. If we kill them all, what can we do?" Chocolate retorted for a while.

"Well, it's not hard to be your husband, you'll be like this forever!" Chen Jiuyi laughed: "Who said that we were going to kill them, they were killed by the war themselves, don't they understand?"

"Yes, these **** stinky men, they came to besiege our Master, and were unfortunately killed by the shock. That is more than death!" Lonely uncle also endlessly agreed, and now she thinks of their faces just now, and she hates to death!

"Nine teachers, although we also want to kill them, but we can't guarantee that we don't leave evidence?" Many teachers and brothers are a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. You dragged them all into the temple. I'll handle them. The speed is fast. Don't forget to hang a few on the mountain and drag them in!" Chen Jiu followed with a strange look laugh it out.

"Ah? Yes, my brother ..." The people were startled and laughed. Rather than leaving the scourges of San Yuanfeng, it would be better to take advantage of this opportunity to fix them together!

Chaos God fought. At this time, everyone's attention was attracted to Da Rifeng. Few people paid attention to Lonely Peak. Under the order of Chen Jiu, nearly forty people were dragged in.

"Juniors, what are you doing? I am the owner of Daweifeng. I will be sent back to the peak as soon as possible, and I will not be held accountable for you in the future!" One of the peak owners reprimanded and drank.

"Yes, let the lonely maiden send me back, and I have a great reward for her!" Then a middle-aged peak owner revealed his evil eyes.

"Hurry us back, or you will have good fruit to eat ..." A group of peak owners, who have been standing in high positions for a long time, did not even take Chen Jiu into their eyes despite being injured.

"Huh ... a bunch of garbage, dare to be arrogant when you die?" Chen Jiuju looked down at the group of lords lying on the ground, chuckling coldly.

"What? Junior, you dare to call us garbage, it's really bold, **** ..." Many of the peak owners were dissatisfied, and their eyes inspected, and they shouted viciously: "Except for these two chicks, everyone else is going to die, even if You can't save you if you are alone! "

"Well, Chen Jiu, kill them quickly, these people really don't know what it means!" Zhu Shi frowned in disgust.

"Okay, chocolate, you go out and guard first, I'll deal with the master sister here!" Chen Jiu commanded, apparently wanted to start.

"I want to stay too!" Zhu Shi died begging, but just didn't leave.

"Okay, okay, if you want to stay, stay, but don't be afraid for a while, you go out and guard, someone will stop me if someone comes!" Chen Jiu nodded again.

"I see!" Although chocolate was reluctant at this time, he couldn't get used to the masters of the peak, and was very angry, so following the brothers of the teachers, he went out.

In the hall, Chen Jiuyin smiled coldly again. "Let's see who this master is thinking of my sister!"

"What about me? Boy, let me tell you, I'm the master of Dahefeng. All women need to pass through my training and education, and they will have to die for me, as long as they persist!" A middle-aged People, talking proudly.

"Chen Jiu, the master of Dahefeng is popular, and it is said that the woman who was insulted by him was not ten thousand or eight thousand. It is a peerless silver demon!" His face was red, and Lonely began to explain for Chen Jiu.

"Yes, I'm countless queen girls, Zhenyang is invincible, as long as you send me back to the peak, I will be there. Fortunately, if your ability is okay, it is not impossible for me to marry you!" Dahefeng The Lord thought he was right, and did not know that a great calamity had come.

"A good master of Dahefeng, don't we look down on us like this, are we in a weak position?" Chen Jiu couldn't help laughing at himself, the other party was already sticky meat, so dare to be so arrogant?

"Chen Jiu, each peak owner has gone through many layers of tests, and then stands out among many students. After years of savings, these peak owners are powerful and deep-rooted. No one can shake them except the **** of chaos! "Lonely 浲 is explaining again, these students, they really have a huge gap with the host.

"Oh? I see!" Chen Jiu nodded, but now he understands a bit, why the lonely and painful Master Feng Feng did not kill them. When the master died, there must be a great accountability!

"Boy, although our strength is not as lonely as defeating the sky, but our status is definitely not comparable to you. Let me talk nonsense, and quickly send us back to the peak to heal!" Many peak owners once again scolded and ordered.

"Oh, Feng Zhuo ’s status is so honorable, please forgive me, everyone is taking more responsibility!" Chen Jiu suddenly laughed with a charming smile. He came to Dahefeng and said, "Dahefeng, Don't worry, I'll take you home! "

"Don't forget to bring these two women with you until I'm fine. I'll have fun. Make fun of them!" Lord Dahefeng did not change his heart.

"Okay!" Chen Jiu agreed, and the big hands suddenly covered Dahefeng's head. It was a moment of regret for all the owners, and suddenly lost color. Is this thief crazy?

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