Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1548: Left sister right sister

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"It has nothing to do with you? Zhao Manguan, thanks to you, you can use your head to think about it. Isn't it because of you this time?" Chen Jiu stared angrily, and couldn't help but approach a group of people like San Yuanfeng.

"Unscrupulous, you have killed Master. Give me my death and thank you for your forgiveness!" At the critical moment, Zhao Sanyuan fanned out with a slap, which caused Zhao Manguan's teeth to fall off.

"Okay, don't do drama, Zhao Sanyuan, you are not a good thing. No matter what you say today, I will not let you go!" Chen Jiu was too lazy to say, and greeted many Sanyuanfeng students directly. That was to absorb their lives.

"Thief, there will be a period!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Sanyuan suddenly burst into a force and wanted to get rid of the birth.

"Can't wait to die?" Chen Jiu naturally prevented Zhao Sanyuan from jumping over the wall. He is now lonely and defeated. Although his strength has recovered, he is not Chen Jiu's opponent.

'boom! As soon as Chen Jiu stood at the door, he suddenly sucked Zhao Sanyuan's head into his hands, which made him unable to escape even if he collided.

"Ah, don't ... please forgive me. My Zhao Sanyuan has no father and mother since I was a child. It's not easy for me to mix up today, and I'm also led by others!" Zhao Sanyuan's eyes were tearful and he begged for mercy.

"Huh, is it that others are directed by mischief? If you don't learn well, you can only blame others for what use? Let me die!" Chen Jiu reprimanded, without mercy, that was to completely absorb Zhao Sanyuan to death.

"Don't ... Chen Jiu, for the sake of being classmates, forgive me ..." Although many students from San Yuanfeng are begging, Chen Jiu knows that they are not good people, of course, there will be no mercy, All of them were turned into loess in the hands of Chen Jiu!

Nearly forty living beings turned into a piece of dust in a blink of an eye, blowing with the wind, making people shudder.

"Chen Jiu, did you kill them all?" Zhu Shi couldn't help but feel a little trembling between her tongues. Although she was murderous, she really killed countless people!

"Yes, these people have very bad behaviors, and they have revenge against our lonely peak. Leaving them alive will only add endless trouble to us!" Chen Jiu nodded, but there was no guilt at all.

"Good kill!" Lonely uncle could not help but inquired, "Chen Jiu, those flesh ..."

"Chen Jiu, wouldn't you be a magician?" Zhu Shi couldn't help asking, worried.

"Don't be afraid, those flesh are not what I need. If you don't believe it, look at my strength. In fact, there is no increase in my strength!" Chen Jiu smiled openly and faced the two women with open arms.

"Really, we have to take a closer look!" Both Zhu Shi and Lonely Ca n’t help but go up and observe. Among them, Zhu Shi is relatively bold. Grab it, pinch this, it ’s with Chen Jiu Very close.

Relatively speaking, the lonely cricket was a little shy to observe gently, and did not dare to get started, but cared, "Chen Jiu, are you all right?"

"Sister Master, don't worry, I have nothing to do, just Sister Master, I hope you don't forget your promise!" Chen Jiu said softly, which was a slight reminder.

"What promise, is there something good going on between the two of you?" Zhu Shi pointed out, and immediately asked next to him.

"No ... nothing, Shimei, don't listen to him blindly!" Angrily glanced at Chen Jiu, lonely uncle could not help but quickly break away from the topic and preach: "Shimei, you checked for a long time, is there any problem?"

"Yeah, I found a problem!" Zhu Shi was startled, and at one glance he found the powerful below, and grabbed his hand and laughed: "Master, look, his blood is all here!"

"What? You ..." Seeing this alone, I almost didn't be ashamed of the scene. "Master, you are ridiculous, how can you do that!"

"So what, this big thing still entered my body last time, and made me alive. What's wrong with me now?" Zhu Shi pretended to say: "Master, do you want to Look at this man? "

"I don't want to ..." Lonely uncle hurriedly carried his body in the past, and he was ashamed of his face, but he hadn't seen it before. Is there anything to see?

"Ouch, Master Sister is still shy, Chen Jiu, please comfort the Master!" Zhu Shi winked, and wanted to help Chen Jiu again.

"Okay!" Chen Jiu nodded his head. He came proudly to the lonely uncle, took it with her hands, and held her directly in her arms. "Sister Master, don't be nervous, sister is joking with you!" "

"Chen Jiu, I ..." Embracing this embrace, I looked at him with loneliness and embarrassment, and still had no resistance.

"What? Sister, you won't already ..." Zhu Shi stared in amazement, came to question in front of the two.

"Aren't you trying to match up with us? Now that I'm following you, don't you still have a disagreement?" Lonely glanced at it, reluctantly acknowledging this fact.

"Master, then you can't monopolize Chen Jiu, and me, I have to hold it!" Zhu Shi couldn't help but snuggled up on the other side of Chen Jiu, facing the lonely sister-in-law and holding her He was too shy to look up.

"Master, do you say we can help Chen Jiuyong like this? Will he die happily?" Zhu Shiyu was astonishing and immediately suggested it again.

This proposal is so good, it directly made Xiao Chen Jiuyi startled, as if looking forward to cheering.

"Sister ... Why are you thinking about these windy things? Although we talk about love, the most important thing is to focus on cultivation!" Lonely and embarrassed, gritted teeth to comfort, but not with Chen Jiu has made a bigger breakthrough, she feels she has no face now and stays!

"Master, Chen Jiu is so capable, don't you want to enjoy it?" Zhu Shi immediately suggested it again.

"We haven't reached that point yet, don't you say these things, okay?" There was no rejection, no certainty, and the lonely uncle did not want to talk about these at all.

"Sister Master, you see that the reaction below Chen Jiu is so great, it is clear that we want to get our comfort. How about letting us help him first?" Zhu Shi talked, but he was proficient, and he will directly The murderous little Chen Jiu released.

"This ..." Looking at the big things that have just been caught by him, Yi Yi is strong, especially in the face of Zhu Shi, lonely and stubbornly so ashamed to open his eyes.

"Come, Sister, come and hold it, I will teach you how to wait for a man. Later, our sisters will concentrically keep and treat him with obedience!" Zhu Shi suggested that it was just holding the lonely little jade hand Put it up.

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