Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1552: I hate it

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

At the center of the peaks, a sacred mountain peak is scattered like a fairy peak. The clouds are misty and sacred.

A statue of a goddess, inserted vertically into the sky, is fresh and natural, as if it were a natural landscape between heaven and earth, it is amazing.

Ruyi Peak, Ruyi's supreme residence, in a huge tree house temple, Ruyi's return to the elders is gloomy!

"Vice President, Feng Master died so much at once, I am afraid that the Dean will have to question him? You may be punished at that time!" An elder said very worriedly.

"Well, this matter must have spread now. So many people have died. I have to be laughed at for their poor supervision!" Ruyi frowned, and was very unhappy to preach: "In the next Congress of the House, I still I'm going to fight for some more peaks, but now that this matter comes out, I'm afraid it won't be possible for a single peak! "

"Vice President, are the peaks of the dead peak masters soon to be taken back by the temple?" Another elder asked reluctantly.

"That is of course. The Lord of the Peak was selected by the appraisal of the temple. The Lord of the Peak is dead. Of course, the temple should take back their jurisdiction. Relatively speaking, we will get 20% less resources!" Ruyi is very Annoying preaching.

As the vice president, manages a mountain peak. The various resources distributed by this temple first pass through her hands. Naturally, the oil and water are particularly large. At this time, there are fewer peaks, and then there are naturally fewer resources, so Ruyi would rather go out and persuade peace in person, rather than let people do it, rather than let them fight each other.

"Vice Dean Ruyi, don't come here!" Just then, a relatively young man broke in with a smirk.

"Hitachi Mitsui, what are you doing here?" Ruyi is very unwilling to see this young man.

"I heard that you had an accident in Ruyi. Many people were killed, and many peak owners were also included. Unfortunately, our two areas are close to each other, so I asked the dean. He had ordered those who lost the peak. The Lord ’s God's Peak is under my jurisdiction! ”Hyuga Mitsui spoke proudly, but took out a letter of appointment.

"What? Those peakless dragons have no head, shouldn't they be temporarily sealed? How could it be transferred to your name all at once?" Ruyi stared, unbelievable.

"Sorry, we have many backup peak owners in Hyuga District. The dean authorized them to receive these peaks directly, so as not to damage the strength of the temple. If there is any bad reputation, it will not be glorious to my temple. "Missing Mitsui with a smile," "Besides, now that the schools are competing so hard for student resources, we can never have any negative news!"

"Huh, you're ruthless!" Unhappy glanced, Ruyi said nothing more.

"Vice President Ruyi, if I didn't guess wrong, after this accident, I am afraid that the peak under your jurisdiction is less than a hundred, right?" Hyuga Mitsui grinned again: "So few peaks, resources. Will you be nervous? If you wish, Ruyi, if you tell me, we are neighbors and I will help you! "

"Well, I don't need you to worry about it. These peak arrows are here for you, so get out of here!" Ruyi sneered, and threw out twenty-five arrows, and threw them to Hyuga Mitsui.

Ling Jian, this is a kind of concentrated soul of Shenfeng. If you master them, it is equivalent to the general mastering the soldiers and having the proper jurisdiction over Zhufeng!

"Ruyi, why do you always look so far away from thousands of miles?" Hyuga Mitsui took the order arrow and pleased him again.

"Give me!" Ruyi reprimanded, and Hyuga Mitsui left with a bit of disgrace.

"Vice President, Hyuga Mitsui has a bad attitude towards you. He is getting bigger and bigger, and you have to guard him!" The elders below couldn't help reminding.

"I know that since pursuing my refusal, although he seems to give up, I know that he has been calculating me all the time, but I wish he could calculate it lightly?" Ruyi nodded, his face disdainful. of.

"Vice Dean, this time Lonely Peak has caused you so much trouble, is it so?" Another elder reminded displeasedly.

"Forget it?" Ruyi chuckled and laughed: "Of course I can't do that, I'll be lonely and defeated. His apprentice dared to despise me and coax us as a three-year-old kid. Did he? "

"Yes, the kid clearly has no one in his eyes. I think the eight achievements are that he killed those masters!" Many elders agreed.

"At the moment, I have no evidence, but this is also very simple. If I take the time, I have to rectify him and dig out his secret!" Ruyi immediately made up his mind.

"Vice Dean Yingming!" The elders complimented one another.

In the lonely peak, Chen Jiu did not know how much trouble he had made, and Chen Jiu, who had been hated by others, was still exaggerating.

"What are you afraid of? As long as we don't admit it, what else can she do? Now that Master has been promoted to Chaos God, she has an extraordinary status, and she can't brazenly deal with us, right?"

"Yes, at this moment, this situation can only be sustained, those miscellaneous people, kill well!" The lonely defeat finally approved Chen Jiu's approach.

"Master, it's not only them, but what big sun god, we must not let go in the future, we must kill them all!" Chen Jiu was unwilling, and suggested again.

"Of course, but only if I have been promoted to the supreme state!" Lonely defeated and nodded comfortably: "Well, now you practice well, don't be caught by anyone!"

"Yes, thank you very much, Master!"

"Master has a lot of experience in this war and will not be with you for the time being!" Lonely defeated and then said a word, that was to leave immediately.

"Masters and brothers, there are some civilization genes and strength gods here. You can take them and practice them!" Chen Jiu then distributed the elixir and sent the brothers away.

"Chen Jiu, I'm going to practice too!" It seemed that he had no face to stay, and Lonely Man also grabbed a handful of elixir and ran away.

"Chen Jiu, are we going back to Shuang and Xiu?" Zhu Shi was quite bold. After playing for a long time, she obviously needed it too!

"Don't worry, I still have some things to do. I have to go to Brother Er!" Chen Jiu shook his head. Brothers and brothers, he wasn't worried, he was worried that Chocolate would betray him.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you in the temple, you have to hurry up!" Winked a wink, a kind of wind, affection, Zhu Shi left.

"Second Brother, I hope you don't let me down!" Chen Jiu sighed and walked towards the palace of Chocolate.

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