Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1556: Man and **** are angry

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? The reason why Maokeng was looking for beautiful women was not only to cooperate with the law enforcement team, but more importantly to honor the ancestor?" Chen Jiuzhen, the hatred in his eyes was undoubtedly stronger.

"Dammit, hasn't the killer killed yet?" The old man resentful.

"Old ancestor, the last time the three ancestors made a shot, it seemed that he had made a mistake. He escaped by chance. Now he joins the Lonely Peak. This loneliness has become a **** of chaos. Do it again! "Mao Chang explained in 151.

"Lonely defeated ... I know what happened there, right now it's not the time to deal with them!" The old man was startled, and his face was still bearable. "Well, go on, next time try to get me a genius Girl! "

"Yes, ancestor!" Mao Chang complimented, and that was the sweat. In the face of this metamorphosis ancestor, even he had to be scared to death.

"Duck, **** rotten boy, don't catch me. If it weren't for you, my magical skills for changing the day would be great!" "Your body has no effect on me, so I prefer to enjoy your body!"

"Well, **** woman, if you had n’t left me heartlessly, and you were the one who climbed up the power, why would I drive you to death? But even if you die, you still have to be played by me. This is something you can't escape. Fate! "The old man scolded his anger, and that was a sad story.

At this time, Chen Jiu could not help but sympathize with the old man. The old man's metamorphosis and achievements were undoubtedly forced by a woman.

Women can make men, but they can also destroy men. In the old man's sigh, Chen Jiu knew that they had a peaceful life. Although poor, they were very happy!

The old man was very happy at the time, but the woman was vain and dissatisfied. After all, one day, with the advent of a younger brother, he clung to the past and presented his wonderful flesh and body.

Such a move undoubtedly angered the old man. He was furious to find, and fell into the cliff unfortunately. He obtained the magic of changing the world and forced him to die. The husband and wife, who have since risen, have established a prosperous family. !!

With a high weight, with the increase of time, the old man's psychology becomes more and more dim and abnormal. Now he has truly fallen into the magic path and is hopeless.

Compassion goes to sympathy, but Chen Jiu will not show any sympathy for the old man now, because even if a woman is wrong, he should not put all the hate on other women, let alone use them to cultivate Your own magic!

'boom! ’With a sigh, the old man sighed, and even threw the woman's head out of the window, making it fall into a lake.

Then, the old man fiddled with the headless corpses, doing a kind of angry thing between man and god, and while he was doing it, he was yelling at his dissatisfaction!

Listening to the screams of the old man, combined with his inquiries, Chen Jiu had a thorough understanding of the Mao family.

Mao's three ancestors, this is the highest level of power. All three ancestors practice the magic skills of the day. This magic power can collect the excellent genes of genius girls and use them, and they are also very talented!

But because of practicing this magic skill, the three ancestors of Mao ’s family have n’t known how many girls have been killed for more than a hundred years. This is outrageous, hateful, sorry!

"Ah ..." Suddenly a roar, the old man was released on the corpse, with a look of intoxication and satisfaction, it was a kind of cheerfulness and happiness after the revenge.

'boom! ’The old man could n’t think of it. Suddenly, a big hand covered his head. That was to absorb everything and kill the vitality!

"Who, who attacked me!" The old man was furious and wanted to resist, but the iron hand held him like a mountain, making him unable to move at all.

"Mao Zu, you're evil, you **** it!" Chen Jiu reprimanded, cold and ruthless.

"Who the **** are you? What kind of resentment does my Maozu have with you?" The old man shouted unwillingly: "Here is Wan Cefeng, I am the master of Wan Ce, if you want to kill me, the master of Wan Cefeng will definitely feel Yes, I advise you to hurry up! "

"Thank you for your reminder, so that it can't feel it!" Chen Jiu shook his hands, and Jiulong Jiu space could not help but wrap Mao Zu into it, which was completely isolated.

"What? Who the **** are you, forgive me, my Maozu is willing to work for you!" Mao Zuzhi felt that the figure flashed into another dimension of time and space, and was horrified.

"Also, seeing that you are also a lover, I can tell you that I am actually Chen Jiu, the student who killed three of your Mao family and interrupted your practice of magic skills!" Chen Jiu admitted frankly Already.

"It's you ... it's impossible, how could you be so powerful?" Mao Zu knelt on his back against Chen Jiu, which could not be believed anyway.

"Let's finish!" Chen Jiu then sucked hard, that was the complete conversion of Mao Zu into smoke, and his performance rose greatly.

"There are still two ancestors!" Chen Jiu moved across and found the three ancestors. This old ancestor who had shot against himself was really not a good thing!

After practicing the magic of changing the day, they will pick it up at night. Make up for the women, and I saw ten beautiful and beautiful women waiting for being lucky, all of them are very weak, as if blowing in the wind. Will fall in general.

"Fuck, you useless women are so trashy. You are also ambitious to come to the temple for assessment. You don't have any useful genes in your body. I really feel bad for you!" The three ancestors continued to swear, no doubt very dissatisfied with these women.

Chen Jiu frowns. He naturally knows that it is not these women who are useless, but the ancestors such as the ancestors and the second ancestors. It is naturally leftovers for the three ancestors.

After many grievances, these women were able to survive. They have already learned to accept and accept. They accepted the ancestors of the three ancestors without complaint, and had to welcome them from time to time. It was really sad to meet his interests.

The mood is low, and the soul is dispirited. These women are now alive, but they are just walking dead, and they are reluctant to care for life. They do not ask for the future, because they have no future!

Indiscriminately played and played by the three ancestors, they instinctively groaned a few times, this shy look of can not help but wind, also has a different style!

"Ah!" Suddenly, the three ancestors were released, and the girls were at a loss, feeling a sense of relief.

'boom! ’But at this moment, the appearance of a big hand made these women's eyes bright and shiny, it seemed to reveal a hint of unfathomable joy!

The new year and new weather, 14 years have come. I wish you all to find your partner in the new year, happy forever, worry-free forever, and happy forever ... Finally read the book of the small disk, The long-term support of the big parents, Xiaopan thank you everyone for 14 years, let us work together to create new glory!

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