Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1560: Can still run

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Yeah, deputy dean, we have no clue about this matter!" Several elders also said helplessly: "But we found an overcast lake in Maosuo, and the inside was densely packed with women's bones. It seems that this Mao family is not a good thing. There are too many enemies, and death is also destined to cause retribution! "

"Oh?" Ruyi Liu's eyebrows were creased and obviously hated, but she still said: "No matter how you say, this weird thing happened in the territory under my jurisdiction. You must get a piece of water out of it. , Not good for my governance! "

"Deputy dean, having said that, so many of Mao's enemies have turned into bones. Are we really powerless?" The elders also felt a little bit big.

"You don't need to check those corpses, you guys can check me for Chen Jiu to see if he has any grudges against Mao's family?" Ruyi could not help reminding.

"What? That lonely apprentice? How could he possibly be?" The elders all looked at each other, some unbelieving.

"Don't worry it may be impossible, let you check it, you will check it for me!" Ruyi commanded strongly, and she felt that this matter could not be related to Chen Jiu. Although it was just a feeling, it was always accurate.

"Yes!" The elders ordered, "We may not be able to check the dead, but it is not a problem to check the live!"

So, soon the news came, and the elders exclaimed cheerfully: "Vice President, you are so god, Chen Jiu and Mao's family really have big grievances!"

"Really? Come quickly ..." Ruyi was also a joy, and quickly asked.

"This matter will start with Chen Jiu's admission ..." The elders went on to complain about Chen Jiu with the Mao family, killed the Mao brothers, and were framed by Mao Chang.

"I didn't expect to have a righteous heart!" Hearing such a thing, Ruyi could not help but appreciate it.

"Yeah, this guy doesn't look like a bad guy, and there is no sign that this matter has anything to do with him!" The elders went on to be troubled again.

"Okay, you quickly summoned this son to me, I will ask him face to face!" Ruyi was more affirmative, although there was no evidence, but she also had the confidence to let Chen Jiu admit it.

"Yes!" An elder went down, but after a while, he returned with an extremely embarrassing look.

"What's going on? People?" Asked inexplicably.

"Hey, don't mention that, the boy was still playing with his little sister alive, but as soon as we called him, the **** ran and said it was closed to death. Can it be so urgent? Very aggrieved: "That's a lonely and ruinous place. It's really not good for me to take people forcibly, deputy dean, look at this ..."

"What a stinky boy, I don't even give my face?" Ruyi heard it, and he couldn't help but bite his teeth and stared at the table.

"Yes, this boy is too daring!" The elders applauded.

"Well, since he doesn't come, I'll go there in person, I don't believe he can still run?" Ruyi is very upset, and now she wants to catch Chen Jiu's good lessons to relieve her hatred.

In this way, Ruyi led the elders to the Lonely Peak again. The loneliness was shocked, and they hurried out to meet them, but they were puzzled. What kind of wind is blowing you again?

Ruyi, who has no corners, directly told Lonely and defeated the sky: "I now suspect that your apprentice Chen Jiu is related to a murder case. Now you need to investigate him, you can call him out!"

"It's ... it's impossible, deputy dean, are you wrong?" Naturally, Chen Jiu was defended by the loneliness.

"Lonely defeated, don't you give me this face?" Ruyi glared at him with great dignity and exaggeration.

"The deputy dean's anger, not that I didn't call it, but that Chen Jiu suddenly had an epiphany, as if it had been closed to death. We disturbed his spiritual practice like this, wasn't it good?" Lonely Sky quickly explained.

"Rest assured that after my investigation, if he is not guilty, I will upgrade him to a first-grade practice for free to make up for his loss!" Ruyi at this time was a settling rectification Chen Jiu.

"This ... well, I'll call him!" Lonely and helpless, had to promise, while praying for Chen Jiu in your heart, please ask for blessing!

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you!" Ruyi was afraid that Chen Jiu would play any tricks, and that was followed closely.

"Ah!" When lonely defeated promised, he had to lead the way to Chen Jiu's palace.

In the vice hall of the palace hall, after their loneliness and defeat, they came to an end. Chen Jiu disappeared, and there was no retreat here.

"Where is the person?" Ruyi darkened his face, very unhappy.

"I don't know, either?" Lonely defeated with embarrassment, really didn't know.

"Lonely defeated, do you think you have been promoted to Chaos God, you can not put me in your eyes, you have to know how I treat you these years?" Ruyi unpleasantly drank.

"Vice President, isn't it that you can't find Chen Jiu? You don't have to be so atmospheric? You wait for me, I'll call Zhu Shi and ask!" , Dare not neglect, he immediately called Zhu Shi over.

"Master, do you want me to be okay?" Zhu Shi looked puzzled, glanced at Ruyi, but was a bit disgusted.

"Oh, Zhu Shi, now the deputy dean wants to see Chen Jiu. Where has he gone?" Solitary defeat was a serious question.

"It's not all this woman. She ran away as soon as she saw Chen Jiu, and I couldn't find it!" Zhu Shi's resentful glance whispered in a strange way: "Really, Chen Jiu didn't occupy you Cheap, why are you looking for him? "

"Huh, I think it's a thief's guilty conscience? You've heard of Wan Cefeng's loneliness? I think this is what Chen Jiu did. When he comes back, you will immediately take it down and bring me to confess. "Ruyi heard it clearly, it was very dissatisfied, and fiercely accused.

"What? It's impossible!" Lonely defeated and said nothing, Zhu Shi immediately yelled and refuted.

"What's impossible?" Browsing at Zhu Shi with a frown, Ruyi was very displeased. This lonely peak is too big and small? Had it not been for the loneliness of losing face, the shock would have passed.

"Last night, Chen Jiu was with me. How could Wan Cefeng kill someone in the past?" Zhu Shi solemnly preached.

"That's true. You can't be together all night? What have you been doing together?" Ruyi instinctively asked.

"Deputy dean, although you have a high weight, you have no right to interfere with other people's private life, right?" Zhu Shi was embarrassed, it was blushing.

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