Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1563: Beautiful meal

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Looking down at Lisa savoring her strength, watching her peerless smile stretched out by herself, Chen Jiu was also very moved, and soon he couldn't stand it anymore and no longer restrained, he decided to give this angel the biggest Gift.

"Oh!" After swallowing, it seemed to be the taste of the world's greatest deliciousness, so that angels laughed from the heart. This kind of laughter is no longer simply a comfortable laugh for others, but a It was such a sweet and serene smile that made her happy, so people couldn't help but please her.

"Your Majesty ..." Then it was Yimeng's turn. She was Zhao Lian'er's master. She was wearing a colorful Xia Yi, dreamlike, full of endless beauty and charm, and fascinating.

Peony, fairy of all flowers, chief of flowers; Chen Hanxue, arrogant as frost, frozen sky ... Every woman is a darling of heaven, the essence of heaven and earth, but at this time, they are all moved for a man It was completely surrendered in front of him.

Soon, it was his peerless fairy Mu Lan, the first goddess of Chen Jiu, who did not eat fireworks on earth, and had a sacred and pure temperament. Although she had owned it many times, every time she saw her, Chen Jiu still had some Secretly excited. This is the charm of beautiful women, so you can never tire of it!

"Your Majesty, people don't like to eat meat!" Mu Lanjiao, who came to Chen Jiu, fiddled with big things, instead played a slippery head with him.

Make it clear. Introduce yourself, Chen Jiu was not in a hurry, but slowly said, "I did n’t let you eat meat, it just made you eat a fishy smell. So many sisters, you take the meat alone. Eat, don't we all have to eat? "

"Your Majesty, you're necrotic ..." With that said, Mu Lan was embarrassed. He said nothing and swallowed it with his mouth open.

"Oh!" Chen Jiu enjoyed, the endless beauty drunk.

So ridiculous, the twenty-one women tasted all the braised noodles and laughed with satisfaction.

"How's it? I've cooked this dish for you, will the concubines be satisfied?" Chen Jiu asked proudly.

"Your Majesty!" The nieces were blameless, so ashamed to see people.

"Haha, now that the concubines are satisfied, isn't it time for me to taste your cooked dishes?" Chen Jiu's cheerful laugh was another evil sermon.

"Your Majesty, there is a table of dishes there, you can enjoy as much as you want?" Mengmeng looked puzzled.

"No, no, no, I'm not talking about those dishes, but your own dishes!" Chen Jiu shook his head, preaching with a hint.

"What? Your Majesty, you are necrotic ..." This time, many beautiful concubines were even more embarrassed, one by one, holding their beautiful legs, lest they be tasted in general.

"Oh, Emma, ​​you should come first this time!" Chen Jiu was not polite to the emperors, and first walked towards Emma.

"Your Majesty ..." Emma's blond hair was tall and typical of the western temperament. Relatively speaking, she was a more relaxed woman. It was right for Chen Jiu to find her.

With Chen Jiu playing around, she sat on the dining table and took off the small beautiful pants. The shameful man separated his beautiful legs for Chen Jiu, and let the beautiful food there be exposed to this man!

White tiger is bright and clean, here is Emma's, don't have a certain view, Chen Jiu can not help but pounced on it, thoroughly taste it.

"Oh, Your Majesty ..." Emma was extremely used, and the expression of Changle was so envious that the girls had no envy.

After a while, Emma was completely drunk, and after drinking Jiu Meimei, she praised: "Yes, Emma makes this soup, I like it very much!"

"Thank Your Majesty!" Emma looked at Chen Jiujian gratefully and was extremely happy.

"Cowardly, it's your turn!" Chen Jiu turned his gaze and looked at Shangguan Cowardly. This is a typical oriental classical beauty with a temperament very different from that of Emma.

"Your Majesty, this is so embarrassing!" Subtle and beautiful, Shangguan's weak temperament at this time made Chen Jiu's index finger move, and he couldn't help but pounce on it.

Chen Jiu took off the little beautiful pants for Shangguan's cowardice, which could not help but laugh and said: "Such a heavy smell, cowardice, are you embarrassed, or send it? What about love? "

"Your Majesty, don't you tell me?" Shangguan Coward really wanted to find a place to drill in.

"Haha, I'm here ..." Chen Jiu didn't have much embarrassment, then he stuck his head down and tasted it.

Luo Yi, Amami, Fenghuang, Fang Rou ... Every woman was put on the dining table by Chen Jiu, the beauty of the dishes was revealed, while leaving others alone, let him taste it alone, it was really happy Extremely!

At this moment, those ordinary dishes are undoubtedly unable to attract people's interest. What really interests people is the twenty-one delicious meal. They are unique and attractive in terms of appearance. Swallow the ground, and in terms of taste, they are all mellow, which make people forget and return.

"Your Majesty, we are hungry below ..." After a few tossing down, the concubines were all blushing, and they were a bit secretive.

"Oh? Hungry, so many dishes, can't you fill your stomach?" Chen Jiu pretended to be confused.

"Your Majesty, we will recognize a dish below, that is your braised Jiuchang!" Although the daughters are ashamed, they really want Chen Jiu now.

"Haha, my concubines are in a hurry, I must feed you today!" What Chen Jiu is going to hear is this sentence. He next stood at the table, opened up, and fought in the wild. , The sun and the moon are no light, that is completely loving with the emperors!

There are enough women and enough abilities, so this big drama will not end in a short while. Although Chen Jiu deliberately evades Ruyi, it is a lonely mess.

In the lonely peak and lonely hall, lonely 浲 was inadvertently practicing, and his face was flushed, thinking wildly. "It's been a few days. How can Chen Jiu's guy just come to himself?"

According to the lonely conjecture, just like Chen Jiu's pervert, he learned what he had promised to give him. Then he immediately wished to throw himself down and enjoy it, but now, obviously, the crisis has been resolved , And he unreasonably opposed his favor, but he is no longer visible? This can not help but feel lonely and unacceptable, and began to doubt his charm!

"Abominable, abominable stinking man, you tuned people into a scene like this, but you are ignoring them, what do you mean?" The lonely and shy man holding his beautiful legs was very annoyed.

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