Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1573: Large check

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Benefactor, I dare to swear, this child is definitely not a species of poisonous spider. You don't have to worry about his revenge in the future, let alone kill him. Please leave a way for our mother and son!" The woman knelt down on the ground, it was desperate Plead.

"Oh? You think you just say that, and I will believe you?" Chen Jiu is not a fool, and of course he won't believe anything out of thin air.

"Benefactor, I am willing to let go of my mind and let you explore my thinking, in fact, I already have a child before I talk to poison spiders!" The woman then said candidly.

"This ... I'll take a look!" Chen Jiu was surprised, indeed a little curious. When the spirit dominated immediately, it deterred the woman and turned her into a devout believer on the spot.

Under the final belief, believers have no secrets at all. Chen Jiu observed silently, and it turned out that the woman had indeed become pregnant before talking to the poison spider, but it was not yet the month and it was not manifested!

Whose child is he? In fact, the woman has no heart, because she frequented the night at that time and had personal relationships with countless men, so she did not know who it was?

Later, she met the poisonous spider in the night market, so she was collected as a stingroom, in order to prevent the poisonous spider from discovering that her private life was out of order. So, this evil species was kept secretly, as a poisonous spider. The flesh is almost the same in number of days, so the poison spider has no doubt about it!

After understanding all the causes and consequences, Chen Jiu could not help but look at the woman again and again. She thought she was a weak woman who was deceived, but she had no idea. This was not a good stubble at all. Unconsciously!

"Benefactor, slaves are willing to serve you for life!" Under the influence of the final faith, the woman became loyal to Chen Jiu infinitely, that is, now that he is going to kill the child, the woman will not say anything more.

"Since he is not a child of a poison spider, why didn't you tell the truth just now? Maybe this would save the child's life?" Chen Jiu didn't probe too much, but asked again.

"If the benefactor does not know it, he will poison the spider's personality. If he learns that this is not his flesh and blood, we may be tortured to death by our mother and son instantly!" The woman answered honestly.

"This ... that's right, hold your child, and I'll take you away in a while!" Chen Jiu suddenly shook her head. To such a woman, she was really scared, and it wasn't much to say that it was lifting. With the final belief, the woman has a long grudge.

Ultimate belief, helping others to escape, and get rid of suffering. In this realm, for the first time, the woman feels contented and happy, and she has a real dependence on her spirit. She misses this feeling too much!

"Benefactor ..." The woman still wanted to rectify the problem, but she was isolated. Chen Jiu was unwilling to say anything more to her. He now has some sympathy for the poisonous spider's daddy. .

The target has been killed, and Chen Jiu did not stay. He sneaked out of the Yuanli Shrine and sent the woman far away. After clearing the memory, she was thrown out!

After foolproof, Chen Jiu returned and found that the sky was still dim. At this time, he couldn't help but want to do a big ticket, and Lonely Peak was repeatedly stricken. All this is because of the great son of the sun, how can he let him Impunity?

Let ’s just do it. Dayang God was lonely and ruined. Now it ’s not as good as before. Chen Jiu sneaked into Dayi Peak and found that the atmosphere here is very heavy. It is obvious that the mood of the entire peak is quite unhappy. good.

"Damn, shit, when can I go out, you sluts, get out of me, I don't want to play around with you." Suddenly, a loud roar attracted Chen Jiu's attention and made him suddenly I found the long-awaited Son of the Sun.

Under the statue of Dayang God, there is a bright temple, and the light of faith makes it look extremely magical and noble!

"My Lord Son is angry, I'm waiting for guilt!" In front of Da Ri Shengzi, ten beautiful jade men kneeled down. They were stunned and white, and they were nothing.

The magical body was revealed, and the crisp, peak vanilla dark springs were not shy at all, their faces were full of piety, as if they were doing a very sacred thing, and they did not know shame.

"Well, Dad was hurt, worried that I would rush to the Lonely Peak to get in trouble. Although it was good for me to be imprisoned here, but he would never be able to shut me down for a lifetime, right?" He suddenly sighed again, Da Ri Shengzi's face full of sorrows and grievances, "Lonely, you slut, please wait for me. One day I will put you under my body and have fun."

After some curse, Da Ri Sheng suddenly raised a brow, stared at a female believer and yelled, "Come here and slap me!"

"Yes ..." The female believer was so happy that she knelt down and came to Da Ri Shengzi to calm him down.

"Oh, bitch, you are lonely now, do you understand?" Da Ri Sheng Zi could not help but scolded and demanded.

"Yes, Lord God said who I am, who I am!" Women obeyed completely. They believed in Da Nishin, they could serve his son, and it was their supreme blessing. So any request for Da Nih Son They will not refuse.

After doing so, Da Ri Shengzi pushed back the female believer back and broke into her fragrant and wonderful body from behind, enjoying her wonderful color.

"Well, little bitch, what's your name?" The sacred son of Dairi inquired suddenly.

"The slave family is alone ..." The female follower was very well-behaved, and flushed drunkly, and quickly answered.

"Haha, you are lonely, you are self-assertive, but your nature is a slapstick. Do you want to be **** by a man long ago?" Da Ri Shengzi was addicted to it, and urged again.

"Yes, my loneliness is a fake, I have long wanted to be **** by a man ..." The woman greeted. Meeting the needs of the great son of the sun, made him extremely excited.

"Slut, I'm doing it, I'm going to kill you ..." Da Ri Shengzi was full of spirits. He started the endless war, and a famine silver was officially staged.

"This **** big son of the sun, even screaming at my woman?" Chen Jiu's eyebrows fluttered, it was extremely upset and dissatisfied, and he was so angry that he was very angry!

Although beauty is often used by men to marry and meet their psychological needs, but now in front of Chen Jiu, he is really angry.

However, angry and angry, Chen Jiu was not reckless. After all, this was under the pressure of the deities of Dayang God. Any wind and grass movement may attract his attention, so despite his unhappiness, he still had to wait for Da Ri Shengzi The moment you turn it on, it's time to do it!

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