Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1582: Wishful

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Miscellaneous things, you look for death!" Ruyi broke out, her face flushed, murderous, it was a elbow to Chen Jiu, chaos gushing, the world annihilated.

'boom! ‘Chen Jiuhua spit blood and screamed, and his whole body almost cracked. It was blown away by this blow, and he could n’t get close to Ruyi anymore.

‘咻…’ The figure of Chen Jiuzhen retreated. It suddenly disappeared from the middle of the road. Such a strange situation caused Ruyi to be surprised and stare, and he was full of resentment!

"Ah, **** Chen Jiu, come out to me, and you even dare to tease me. Show me that I will not unload you eight pieces and feed the dog alive!" Ruyi barked, hysterically.

Too much. The behavior of Chen Jiu just now is too shameless for a woman who is almost unfamiliar. It is not surprising that if you want to be soaring, you must go crazy for any clean and self-loving woman!

"Rogue, get out of me with swollen ..." Roaring again and again, Ruyi is like a terrible beast, she shattered time and space, and the whole hall fell into chaotic time and space.

To this day, Ruyi can be considered understandable, Chen Jiu had no intention to tell her any secrets, just spent a long time just to take advantage of her.

"Shameless, inferior. Stream, beast ..." It ’s horrible to say anything that is nasty and cursive. "Chen Jiu, you better get out of it, otherwise the whole temple will never have your body again." The land, even loneliness and defeat, cannot protect you! "

In the space-time dimension of Jiulongjie, Chen Jiu fell to the ground, his body was cracked, and his soul was in pain. This side took a while to stand up.

When the power of the Supreme Chaos God was incomparable, Chen Jiunien and the beauty just now were overjoyed, and the Supreme Goddess gave her a blow, even if it was dead, let alone just A little hurt, no big deal.

Regarding Ruyi, Chen Jiu really liked her appearance, but her repeated trouble-seeking attitude also made him very upset. In the face of such a powerful woman, she must not be beaten, and she wanted to deter her. The only way to get rid of your own trouble is to pursue her and make her her own woman!

As long as the two are in love, then even the most powerful woman must obediently obey. Chen Jiu has also learned a skill from his father. Dad can surrender to a woman who is many times stronger than himself. were able?

Ruyi is pure and holy. Her true heart is not bad. This is actually the real reason why Chen Jiu likes her. For beautiful women, she has good nature and no reason to dislike it!

It is no longer a past life, it needs a lot of restraints. Under the powerful capabilities of men in this life, you must pursue it if you like it. This is Chen Jiu's current code of conduct, because he doesn't want to leave any regrets.

"Chen Jiu, I know you're still there, come out to me, but you say something?" Ruyi went mad for a long time and didn't get a response. She was really angry.

After looking at it almost, Chen Jiu could not help saying, "Vice President, don't you want to know my secret? As long as you become my woman, then I will tell you all the secrets!"

"Where? I'll kill!" Duan Shi's voice made him feel mad again. She wiped out Qian Kun, but Duan didn't find anything.

"Don't waste your energy, you can't find me!" Chen Jiu reluctantly shook his head and persuaded, "want to know my secrets, how can I pay for nothing?"

"You are bold, you know what I am, you dare to profane. Blame me, Chen Jiu, no matter who you are, I will never die with you in my life!" Ruyi was angry and gritted, that harmony The five senses could not help but distort.

"Deputy dean, you are wrong. In fact, just now I didn't mean to want to profane. Blame you, think about it, how could I not be able to hold back for a while if you didn't catch my big thing?" Chen Jiu's consolation, he didn't mean to say that, although he was lascivious, but he was not such a bold and casual man, he was taken the initiative by Ruyi just now, so he couldn't help it.

"You ... you are really a thief calling and catching a thief. You blasphemed me, or is it my fault?" Ru Yiyi and his inadvertent behavior just now could not help but feel a little ashamed. She was attracted by the secret just now, but she did not notice it That man's thing is really ridiculous!

"I didn't say you were wrong. Anyway, you caught and caught, I'm so happy, Ruyi, how did we expose this matter?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but suggested: "And you don't want this thing to be Does anyone know? "

"What? You dare to tell others, Chen Jiu, if this matter leaks a little bit of wind, I must kill you and destroy the family!" Ruyi was breathless, unable to accept it.

"Then what do you say? Anyway, this is the case, you can't always kill me?" Chen Jiu was a little helpless.

"You come out first!" Ruyi asked with a black face.

"I won't come out. You must be dead when you come out. Are you stupid?" Chen Jiuzhi shook his head and refused.

"You ... can you hide in it for a lifetime? I don't believe you won't come out. If you catch me, I won't show mercy to you again!" Ruyi threatened resentfully.

"Ruyi, as the saying goes, one day couples, one hundred days, you and I have skin lovers, why do you have to kill them all?" Chen Jiu said with a kind voice.

"Asshole, don't say this again!" Ruyi was extremely annoyed and hately preached: "I have nothing to do with you, Chen Jiu, you bit my ear today, profanely desecrate my holiness, and absolutely cannot forgive. , I tell you, I must kill you if I wish! "

"Hey, Ruyi, I just taught you something a woman should do. Why are you so angry?"

"You bastard!" Ruyi gas concluded, "I have you in this life without me!"

"Hey, don't get angry. You dissipate. I'll go first. Let's talk about it another day!" Chen Jiu looked more and more angry at Ruyi, and didn't dare to be more irritating. She couldn't help but want to air-dry her.

"You ... you come back to me, I want to kill you ..." Ruyi called again for a long time without responding, and she finally sighed helplessly, knowing that Chen Jiu really left.

"Uh, what's the smell?" Suddenly, Ruyi, who returned to the consciousness, was attracted by the smell. It was a look down, and she was so ashamed that she wanted to commit suicide. What Chen Jiu sprayed. It was weird to have her all!

"This **** little animal. Life, what did he think of me?" Ruyi cursed, looking at the things on her body, she was not cleaning up, not to mention cleaning up, I felt embarrassed and irritated.

But when Ruyi was so angry that Chen Jiu's little life became beautiful again!

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