Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1593: Effortless

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

I want to spit something, but the spit is nothing but acid water. That kind of yang is melted into the mouth. It has already instinctively penetrated to the limbs and bones.

In any case, after some vomiting, Ruyi's heart finally got better, and then she looked up. It was awkward. "Chen Jiu, you dare to profane again. Blame me, don't think I don't Dare to kill you, the rabbit is anxious and bites, let alone I kill you as simple as a chicken! "

"Ruyi, you are the Deputy Dean, we have to be reasonable," Chen Jiu said with regret: "The thing you just asked was exactly what you asked for. Just to be clear, you are asking for trouble, let alone mine Is n’t that bitter, is n’t it? Little Shimei loves to eat, do n’t you pretend to be so disgusting, in fact, you think it tastes good, right? ”

"What, what? I think you are simply incurable, Chen Jiu, you are the most shameless man I have ever seen!" Ruyi was so annoyed that she was going crazy, and she suffered such a big loss today. She I feel like I have no face to live on.

"Ruyi, I warned you many times before you played. You didn't listen to it. Now that you have eaten that thing, who can you blame?" Chen Jiuzhi was very helpless to persuade.

"You bastard, believe it or not, I'll kill you now!" Ruyi glared angrily, why didn't this guy open a pot?

"Ruyi, I really like you, marry me, okay?" Chen Jiu confessed again.

"Well, don't you think, what are you, do you think you deserve me?" Ruyi fiercely spit.

"Hey, isn't it possible for people to talk about feelings other than strength?" Chen Jiuzhi laments for a while. He thinks his dad is just too lucky to be able to gain sweetness, which is really his. Blessed.

In the world of the gods, weak and strong, strong and respectful, it is extremely difficult to affect a person with true feelings, because you have no strength and no right to speak, even a woman may look down on you, how can I fall in love with you ?

Snob, reality, although these things are right, if you use them to measure feelings, it is undoubtedly too sad!

"Yes, I am a cold-blooded animal with no feelings. Do you still love me?" Ruyi sneered again, looking at Chen Jiu's sadness and she was very happy.

"Maybe I'm just an ant in front of you, maybe I can never get your attention, but Ruyi, my love is here, no more, no more, a whole heart!" Chen Jiu was once again To confess, he didn't believe he couldn't win a Supreme Woman.

"You ... I look down on you, you can really lie to women!" Ruyi moved between eyes and yelled: "Don't think I don't know that you like little sisters and master sisters. Now I want to adjust .Teach them, let them betray you and leave you, I wonder what you think? "

"They can't betray me. The love between us can't be shaken. Don't bother!" Chen Jiu said firmly.

"Really? Then you give me a good look. How did I make you desperate!" Ruyi sneered, and no doubt came up with another idea against Chen Jiu. Looking at Chen Jiu, she gritted her teeth. Resentment.

If Ruyi didn't understand it, he was clearly holding it in his own hands, but he still suffered such a big loss just now. If this is not treated, how can he stand in the future?

‘Hey! ’Ruyi did n’t say more, but dragged Chen Jiu into a boundless world space, where chaos gushes, the mountains are deep, the beasts roar, and the earth is moving. It ’s as strange as the unmanned ancient world.

"Where is this?" Chen Jiu was very puzzled.

"Here is the space world inside my wishful lock. To maintain its normal operation, I have to consume a great deal every day. You killed so many peak masters and made my resources run out. This is broken. My back road, can you say that I can let you go? "Ruyi explained, she couldn't help complaining.

"So it is, Ruyi, I can provide you with a steady stream of chaos, how can you let me go?" Chen Jiu then proposed to preach.

"Just a joke, your little kid is playing tricks with me to deceive people. Besides, you and I now have the grudges that can't be solved by the chaos gods!" Ruyi still believes that she still hates her face.

"Ah!" He sighed, Chen Jiu didn't say more, because he knew that Ruyi wouldn't forgive him so easily, after all, let her eat that thing, it would be good to kill her without violent killing!

'Booming ...' Rocks and rocks rolled, trees and mountains collapsed, and Chen Jiu was pulled by Ruyi. It was quickly reached the edge of a mountain. Here, two exquisite figures, fighting fierce beasts, were seriously injured. That was The fighting was extremely hard.

"Boy, you'd better not talk, because you can't hear them, they can't hear me, hide it!" Ruyi took a slap, and Chen Jiu was hung by the chain, which was directly invisible and could not help the two women. .

"Zhu Shi, Lonely, you are going to die soon, promise me and Chen Jiuyi, and I will help you kill the monsters in front of you!" Ruyi did not stay, just like the Lord of God came to the battlefield, making three heads The beasts have suspended their attacks.

"You help us unlock the seal, and we can still kill ourselves!" Zhu Shi was unconvinced and shouted, "I want me to leave Chen Jiu unless I die!"

"You ... you are young and really stunned. What benefit does that man give you to make you so desperate?" Ruyi resentfully resigned.

"Benefits? He served me with great pleasure. Isn't that good?" Zhu Shi thought for a while, and spoke amazingly.

"What? You can tell such a thing, aren't you ashamed?" Ruyi was also stunned, and she said, "Without Chen Jiu, I can find you ten or eight men To make you feel better, is this the head office? "

"No, who do you consider me as Zhu Shi? Am I the kind of casual woman? Besides ten or eight men, there will be no Chen Jiu acting alone, I will not!" Zhu Shi Express yourself not rare.

"You are really stubborn and lonely, what do you mean?" No longer cares about Zhu Shi, and can't help but look at the lonely one.

"Vice President, if you can't hold on to emotions, what's the point of being alive?" Although there are not many lonely words, it's unshakable.

"You ... lonely, I can't think of your dignified lonely maiden being cheated by a man, it's really sad!" With a sigh of dissatisfaction, Ruyi was very depressed, and wanted to say something, but her complexion suddenly changed. Was here and left!

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