Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1595: Extreme confrontation

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Chapter 1595 Extreme Confrontation

The heroes gather. Although it is known that chaotic stone mines are unlikely to win, there are still many supreme chaos gods and monks coming to try their luck and luck, hoping to make a small fortune. After all, the real mineral is still owned. Ownership can be mined by everyone.

One day later, two Supreme Chaos Gods came here. There were four people in each of the three courtyards, a total of twelve. That was once again gathered together and began a fierce confrontation!

In the end, everyone unanimously decided that each person would write a recognition order. If anyone wins, they can get the other side's recognition order. Finally, the temple that gets the most can get the right to control the mine.

"Very good, Hyuga Mitsui, come out, I want to challenge you!" Just after the decision was made, the Supreme Flame can't wait to launch a challenge to Hyuga Mitsui.

The two have not always dealt with it. At this moment, when they have a chance, they are reluctant to let it go. Between the dark and the poisonous, Hyuga Mitsui also came out. "Flame Supreme, you are seeking your own way to death. No one can save you!" "

"Haha, the heavens clean fire and exterminate the gods!" The Supreme Fire laughed and shot directly. The fierce palm of fire, as if pressed down by the sky, burned the stars and melted the moon, and rebuilt Xinghe.

"Huh, Huang Quan's ghosts dominate the world!" Although Hyuga Mitsui was short and sloppy, at this moment, once he was powerful, he was like a prisoner coming out of hell, and Zhang Shou elicited a stream of Huang Quan's water.

'Boom ...' Water and fire are insoluble, and an incomparable explosion erupted between the two sides. Mars was splashing, and it was covered. It was like a meteor fire rain pouring on the heads of many monks, which brought a huge disaster. .

"Ah ..." There are many mythical characters gathered. Although they are powerful, they must not be able to withstand the aftermath of the battle of the Supreme God. They have accidentally contracted the yellow spring water and the net fire of the heavens. It's the corpse that will be destroyed in a moment, and the bad luck is simply the destruction of the gods, which is terrible!

The screams were just a blow from the two, which caused the death and damage of a large number of monks, and the countless sorrows of the seriously injured, adding endless fierce power to the war.

"You ... you hurt too many innocents like this!" Looking at the miserable mass below, Ruyi could not help frowning.

"Well, they want to come here for treasure hunt, that is to steal our minerals and deserve to die!" Unfortunately, many Supreme Gods watched with cold eyes without any mercy at all, but they were very much in favor of such things happening.

"This ..." Ruyi couldn't help but feel dumbfounded, and her power alone was not enough to counteract the sky, so she could only sigh with anger.

The eyes of the Supreme Master are ants, and the Supreme Master of Fire and Mitsui Hyuga have no intention to care about all the people. Then they frequently shot, which was a starry sky, and they fell down one after another, creating a peerless disaster for many monks. .

"Ah, my God ..." Everyone, a monk is a master of horror, but in the face of the attack of a igniting star, his head smashed and died.

‘Booming…’ As the battle escalated, the aftermath strengthened, and the monks below were bloody, rivers, and corpses, everywhere, just as terrible as a purgatory.

"Burning the torch of pure fire, burn me!" Kong, accompanied by the appearance of a torch, the temperature here has risen by dozens of degrees depending on the space. It is like a sun, swallowing white flames, purifying and dissolving everything. Very overbearing.

"The sea of ​​gloom, the shore is turning back!" Hyuga Mitsui was even more unconvinced. It was a sea of ​​offerings, boundless and boundless.

‘Hisse…’ The temperature was just hot and suddenly became cold and cold. Everyone unconsciously shivered and looked at the bitter sea with horror. They were extremely scared.

‘哧哧…’ The bitter sea is covered and irrigated, and the edge of the Torch of the Pure Fire Suppressor is suppressed. In the end, the entire bitter sea is like a monster, and it is swallowed up in one bite!

"Roar, **** it!" In the bitter sea, you can faintly hear the supreme roar and unwillingness of the flames, the light flashes, and you can vaguely see a clear fire inside the bitter sea, which is boiling the entire bitter sea.

Unfortunately, even though the bitter sea is boiling, its attributes are still cold and icy chills, endlessly dissolving at all!

"Hum, devoured by the sea of ​​bitterness, you are dead!" Hyuga Mitsui is holding a small treasure bowl, which is trying to collect the sea of ​​bitterness from the outside.

The bitter sea is invisible. To contain it, you must have a container. This treasure bowl is the bitter sea **** bowl. Legend has it that it can communicate with the dim and steal the artifact of Huangquan water!

"Ah, blast it to me, burst it ..." Obviously felt a crisis of life, the flame supreme was also violent, holding the net fire torch to smash into the sky, the sky burst into the sky, and finally broke the bitter sea in a sudden, escaped birth day.

"Where to go ... give me!" Hyuga frowned, unwilling to let go, that was to continue to devour the bitter sea.

"History Mitsui, we will have a period later, today's disgrace, it will be paid back a hundred times in the future!" The flames are no match, the mouth is bleeding, and his face is pale, that is afraid to fight again, drop your approval order, and leave!

"It's still your image. It will come again in the future, and it will take your fate!" With the approval order, Hyuga Mitsui is not chasing after all. After all, winning the minerals is the most important right now.

"The Yuanli Temple is really prestigious, and the Dark Lord wants to teach him something. Zhu Shuguang, I heard that your Confucianism has been completed. Come out and compete with me!" Convincing rebuke drank.

"Dark Lord, since you are looking for death, then you will be fulfilled!" Zhu Shuguang's beautiful face, but his expression was very gloomy.

"There is no light in the universe, the dark sword, extinction of the light!" The Dark Lord shot the most severe attack, and there was no intention to show mercy.

‘Boom ...’ As soon as the sword came out, the universe was silent, and the surrounding Fangyuan was suddenly immersed in dark time and space, and the hearts of countless people began to be afraid!

"The Confucianism is a stroke of light, and the light is reappearing!" At this time, Zhu Shuguang also launched a move. He held a magic pen, which was drawing a sun, which filled the world with light again.

"Destroy me ..." The sword was merciless, and went straight to the sun, destroying the dead, that is, annihilation of the scorching sun, which destroyed it.

"Ah ..." Although the sun was drawn, once it collapsed at this time, it was splashed by Mars, causing severe wounds to everyone.

"Oh my go, run away, we must die in this way ..." Many monks finally realized that they would no longer hunt for treasure and wanted to escape the scene, but at this time, it was even more desperate to meet them. !!

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