Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1597: Final battle

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Chapter 1597: The Final Battle

"Why? Ruyi Supreme, what do you still do when you win me? Do you still want to kill me?" Bai Hu Supreme was a little dissatisfied at this time, apparently misunderstanding.

"Oh, I'm not to you!" Explained, Ruyi didn't say more, her mind was immersed, and the chain of God's chain was swept away by her quickly, but still could not find Chen Jiu, can't help but be very anxious.

It was so easy to sacrifice himself and help him capture it. But he just tortured him and he didn't convince him yet. Why did he run away?

Ruyi looked at the **** **** chain and the hot **** fragments. She could imagine the pain and pain of Chen Jiu when she escaped, and suffered so much torture. She even knew that Chen Jiu would avenge her. Yes, although he is very weak, she is very worried!

'Hou ...' Suddenly, a beast roared, and the huge beasts fell to the ground to please Ruyi, and it was that Zhu Shi and Lonely Puppet were not taken away, they were still there, which really made her feel relieved. small.

‘Hum, the woman you like is still in my hand, seeing what waves you can pull out’, and wishfully decided, ‘The next time I catch you, I must torture you well! ’

At the end of the first round of battle, Yuanli Shrine temporarily took the lead. As soon as the second round of battle started, the Supreme Master of Light directly challenged the Supreme King of Qinglong, so it is not necessary to win him.

"I respect you, I have long wanted to teach!" Qinglong Supreme said without a word, and it was straight away.

The outbreak of the war, fierce and surging, vitality gushing, spattering everywhere, countless monks below, even screamed again, suffered great damage!

At this time, no one noticed. A blood-covered figure appeared in a group of corpses and was allowed to soak in blood and remained motionless as if it were dead.

‘Oh, obediently, finally escaped, that **** **** woman, do n’t give me a chance, otherwise I ’ll cross you 10,000 times! ‘Chen Jiu curse resentment, it ’s been a long period of anger.

Just now, while Ruyi engaged in most of the God Chains when he was engaged in battle, and had no time to pay attention to Chen Jiu, he ignored the pain. He was allowed to pass through the body, and escaped by himself, entering the strangeness of Jiulongjie. space.

When looking at familiar scenes, Chen Jiu was relieved. Otherwise, he knew that waiting for him would be endless torture. Although he seemed to be inspiring with love, he was just doing something effective. The fight is over!

This woman ca n’t be influenced by love. She must teach her effective lessons. Although Chen Jiu hated, he did n’t have a dizzy mind. As soon as he came out, he found a lot of blood. It was forgetting everything and jumping for joy. Ran down.

Right now, there is no merit value for Zhengchou. The dead bodies and spirits here are simply the dragon's biggest spiritual food, and Chen Jiu ’s huge merit subsidy.

Hiding in the corpse pile, feeling the surge of blood, Chen Jiuxin's hatred can not help but also reduced a lot, but he still grinned and did not intend to care about "that stink woman, dare to threaten herself with her own woman , You must never forgive easily! "

"Merit, merit, as long as you have merit, what if you are a little stinky woman, even supreme? See how I will surrender you in the future!" Chen Jiuzhi cares about Manchu, which is a desperate start to absorb.

Right now, the ultimate battle, the aftermath of Zhen Zhen, anyone can bury the corpse on the spot at any time, for those dead bodies, naturally, no one will pay too much attention!

‘Boom ...’ Suddenly, His Holiness the Light hit with a single hand, it was a blue dragon with a broken corner, and he was hit hard. He also had to give in.

As soon as Qinglong loses, then the orc sanctuary is equivalent to being out of the game. The four beasts respect them very badly, but there is nothing they can do. "Hum, since this is the case, let's leave now!"

The orc sanctuary left, and the rest was the confrontation between Yuanli's sanctuary and magical sanctuary. At this moment, Hurricane Supreme looked at Zhu Shuguang and asked for a challenge.

"Challenge me? Very good, I'll let you lose your conscience!" Zhu Shuguang stood out and gladly took part in the battle without fear.

Zhu Shuguang's magic brush, point stone for gold, draw what is what, is very powerful, but the hurricane lord is not weak, it is a sky wind God bag, blow everything, absolutely terrible!

After a fierce battle, they fought against each other for a long time, and in the end, they were even more amazing in their skills and won the victory.

"Honor of the Light, you are alone now, do you still have to fight?" Hyuga Mitsui couldn't help but be proud.

"Okay, Hyuga, I want to challenge you!" His Holiness stood out solemnly.

"This ... I'm afraid I can't fight. Ruyi is our strongest. It's up to her to make the decision to win this battle!" Hyuga Mitsui shied away at this time.

"Oh? Ruyi, I don't know what you mean?" His Holiness the Light does not matter, because he has the confidence to win the trio and win.

"Hitachi Mitsui, wouldn't you be so timid?" Ruyi frowned, very upset.

"Ruyi, as long as you can win this battle, the minerals will give you 70%, is this the head office?" Hikaru Mitsui immediately opened a huge temptation. Confusion.

"Okay, that's all!" Ruyi couldn't help moving, and agreed to it.

"God's light will make his hand tomorrow!" The Emperor Guangzhang sent his hand directly. It was an angelic crystal jade hand condensed in the void, and grabbed the past directly to Ruyi.

"It's strong!" Ruyi felt the hegemony of this hand, holy, but also dared not to scream: "Chaos, Ruyi sentient beings follow the fate!"

The power of sentient beings against the power of angels, "Boom", the space-time drama shook, and Ruyi and His Holiness were a step back, quite surprised.

"Well, Ruyi Supreme, I didn't expect that you, a female stream, was so strong that it was worth my serious shot!" The Sovereign Guang sighed, arrogantly opened his hand, and it was a fight "The right to light Fight the world! "

‘Boom ...’ Bai Yu ’s flawless power exudes a pure and bright atmosphere. Once it is split, it breaks the sky and catalyzes the dying power.

"Ruyi God Lock, absolutely defense!" Ruyi played a twelve-point spirit and surrounded himself with the Ruyi God lock layer to form a peerless defense layer!

‘锵锵…’ The power strikes the chain, a metal tremble sounds, the space shakes, and the tile breaks down and falls, causing another death.

At the same time of great success and great satisfaction, Chen Jiu's heart could not help but ridicule "This silly girl actually killed and killed for the small benefit. Doesn't she know she's fighting with the tiger?" I'm afraid you won't know how to die! "

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