Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1599: Fuck in the same room

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"It's shameless that we are all from a shrine, and you have to deal with me. This is the same thing in the same room, it's extremely mixed!" Ruyi was angry and resentful.

"Yes, we just want to fuck. You, Ruyi, when I pursued you, you dared to refuse me, I won't let you go easily, I'll fix you in my life!" Hyuga Mitsui said with a vicious expression: "And now not only do I have to **** you, I have to let others **** you, I let you be high with me, and I want to turn you into a peerless silver woman!"

"What? Hyuga Mitsui, I really can't think of you as such a mean man. It seems that my decision to reject you was correct!" Ruyi was shocked and very dissatisfied.

"True? Then it seems Ruyi you can't be satisfied as a man, and want the three of us to go together?" Hyuga Mitsui was again evil evil.

"Ruyi is supreme, we are happy to be accompanied!" Zhu Shuguang and Wang Yangshuo both smiled.

"Damn, get away from me all!" Ruyi couldn't take it anymore, she was soaring again, Shen Suo hit the sky, and it was bound to break the three of them.

"Ruyi, you have to know that life is full of suffering. Only with us can we truly enjoy bliss. You have no other choice!" Hyuga Mitsui reversed a bowl and the bitter sea capsized. Attack of the God Lock.

"Chaos Ruyi breaks eternity!" Ruyi's cold face disgusted, and it was the swaying God Lock that opened up its fighting power, which caused it to shake a bitter sea.

"Fengtianfengdi!" Zhu Shuguang then shot. He stroked the sky and circled the heaven and the earth to isolate the space here and make everyone despair.

"Amitabha, I am here to surpass all beings!" Wang Yang was not short, holding the beads to the heads of countless monks, and began to slay the ring. At this time, he was just an evil monk!

‘Achievements, a lot of blood, great! ‘Chen Jiu Zang hid in the corpse, cheering and cheering, while also squeezing a cold sweat for Ruyi over the sky.

However, at this time, the fierce battle was fierce, and Chen Jiu could not go up to the rescue, and his current cultivation was absolutely unable to show up, otherwise he would have to be killed by dumping.

Ruyi, I hope you persist and wait until I finish my work before trying to save you. Although I hate you, my woman is in your hands, how can I give up on them?

‘Boom ...’ With one enemy and two, Ruyi's old power has been lost, and the new power has not been born. The end is suppressed by the two, and it is impossible to escape.

"History Mitsui, Zhu Shuguang, I confessed this time, I will give you minerals, let me leave!" Ruyi knows that he is defeated, but he is unwilling to be defiled by a few people.

"Ruyi, what do you say, how dare you swallow the minerals you fought for, we must keep you together to enjoy it!" Hyuga Mitsui smiled insidiously.

"That is, when we become a family, I am afraid you will be glad of today's choice!" Zhu Shuguang also looked at the taste: "Ruyi, see you holy as one, I'm afraid you don't know how happy it is to be a woman?"

"Dirty. I fight with you!" Ruyi was extremely angry, and that was a sudden storm. "Ruyi God locks the peacock to open the screen!"

‘咻咻…’ The violent momentum, accompanied by countless Taoism locks from Ruyi ’s back, made her even more beautiful, when it was the star breaking moon and the mighty sky.

"Good chick, but the stronger she is, the more I look forward to playing later. Play with her performance to see if she can also make a complaint!" Hyuga Mitsui could not help but calmly and said, "Resist this round Attack, she's gonna die! "

"Okay, the pen of Confucianism is alive!" Zhu Shuguang shone like a giant Confucianist, writing symbols one by one in the air, letting them form a respectable Confucian, that was entangled in the fury. The end of the **** lock is effectively curbing their attack power.

"The Nether God Bowl is overturning!" Mimu Mitsui was equally fierce, and it was the water that drove the endless Huangquan, pouring it down, and must not let it escape!

‘Booming……’ The two sides fought fiercely, stunned, and turned upside down, ‘噗…’ Suddenly, a **** lock stabbed Zhu Shuguang ’s abdomen, causing him to be injured.

"Damn **** woman, I'm going to kill you in a while!" Zhu Shuguang's eyes flew into flames, and an unacceptable divine poke straight away from Ruyi's body.

Turning decay into mystery, this stroke has escaped all the chains of God's chain, it was just hitting her shoulder, ‘噗’, the blood flower burst, and Ruyi was injured too!

"Huh!" Ruyi frowned, and suddenly threw the chain, and seven of them attacked Hyuga Mitsui.

"Ah, bitch!" Rixiang Mitsui screamed, and his body also had a few extra blood holes in his body. It thundered like a thunder, and a bowl of direct shock shattered 'Boom ...'. Hundreds of meters were beaten, coughing up blood.

"Ah, deputy dean, help ..." Several elders screamed and panicked below. This was a one-sided massacre. Even the Chaos God couldn't walk through Wang Yangshou's hands at all. He recruited him, and now he is just an evil Buddha. Hundreds of people were slaughtered as soon as he shot.

"Well, that **** is too busy taking care of yourself. How can you manage your life and death, or obediently accept my surpass, I will send you to the paradise world!" Wang Yang showed mercy, but he was even fiercer than the devil. Disabled, with his hands raised, the sacred beads are simply an irresistible urgency, and countless monks have been slaughtered clean by him.

"Well, finally cleared the field, Ruyi Supreme, I am also here!" After killing everyone, Wang Yangshuo also joined the expedition to Ruyi, which even let Ruyi fall into a tragic state.

"You beasts, I won't let you succeed even if I die!" Ruyi gritted her teeth, but they were defeated and helpless.

"Wang Yang is short, don't be so close, Ruyi Supreme thinks you are short!" Zhu Shuguang couldn't help laughing.

"I ... I can make her shout for joy!" Wang Yang blushed, and couldn't help being more fierce. Meng "Tianfo was born to surpass eternal life!"

‘Boom ...’ Wang Yang dashed out his own beads, and a giant Buddha condensed on it. When he sat down empty, it was a severe shock to Ruyi.

"What? Open it for me!" Ruyi resisted, but the power was unsustainable. It was unwilling, and the hum of the enemy was shocked by the giant Buddha into the ground, and then Can't resist!

"Well, you are really good, Wang Yang short!" Zhu Shuguang quickly exaggerated.

"Of course, no matter how long a hero is, you can fight and fight is a true hero!" Wang Yang smiled smugly: "Let us enjoy the wonderful body of Ruyi now!"

The three men's evil eyes looked forward to look, but unfortunately after the shadow of the Buddha disappeared, they were suddenly dumbfounded.

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