Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 1604: You are not honest

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"If you don't come, then you promised my slavewoman that you will listen to me in the future!" Chen Jiu stopped at a timely time, but the request he made was unacceptable.

"You ... you are so restless thinking, Chen Jiu, what are you, you are just a mythical little realm, and I am the supreme supreme god, you actually want to accept me as a slave, you did not Crazy? "Ruyi was out of laughter.

"Eh? I'm still mad with me, it seems that I have to continue!" Chen Jiu didn't pick up Ruyi's puppets at all, he directly returned a strong action to fight her pride and arrogance.

"Ah, you gangster, I won't ... uh ... die!" Ruyi resisted and cursed for a while, and finally was eroded by happiness, unable to extricate himself intoxicated, and the joy was endless.

"How? Ruyi, do you have any comments now?" Chen Jiu waited for a while and couldn't help but ask again.

"Don't, don't come again? It's going to be messed up by you!" Ru Yizhi was very grieved and grieved, but she couldn't resist the man at this time and had to beg for mercy.

"So are you upset?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"I ... Chen Jiu!" Ruyi could not speak.

"Say!" Chen Jiu demanded forcibly, and then moved again.

"Don't, I said, I'm a bit cool!" Ruyi reluctantly had to follow the preaching.

"It took me a long time to get the point." It seems I have to work harder! "Chen Jiu said helplessly again.

"Ah, don't, I just said something wrong, it's very cool, don't make it anymore!" Ruyi quickly corrected.

"Then do you want to be happy anymore?" Chen Jiu asked again proudly.

"In the future ... I don't want it anymore, I don't want it anymore!" Ruyi was a bit afraid of this kind of thing.

"Really? Are you telling the truth?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"Of course it is the truth!" Ruyi solemnly promised.

"Since it's so cool, I don't believe you don't want to come in the future, you are obviously a lie!" Chen Jiu blamed.

"I didn't. Although this matter is very comfortable, I really don't want to be comfortable anymore!" Ruyi said seriously, not willing to be taken lightly.

"Ruyi, you are not honest!" Chen Jiu sighed dissatisfied.

"Why am I not honest?" Ruyi murmured, "You're not a tapeworm in my stomach, do you know me better than me?"

"Yes, I just know you very well, Ruyi, let's just walk around and see, I can expose your hypocritical heart right away!" Chen Jiu was very certain, even acted again.

"What? Chen Jiu, you animal, why are you here again, how can you do this, you must be willing to kill me, aren't you? Uh ..." Ruyi cursed, and her cheeks were flushed. Chen Jiu was confused.

In this way, the voltage accumulation, when Ruyi gradually felt that he was about to come again, Chen Jiu suddenly stopped, which made her instinctively ask: "You ... how did you stop!"

"I'm tired, I don't want to move anymore!" Chen Jiu said very tiredly.

"You ..." Ruyi wanted to say something, but her heart was full of emotions. After all, she still didn't make her say it. So, Jiaojiao twisted, she was very uncomfortable, she wanted to get that comfort, because she The tipping point has been reached and it is possible to cross over at any time and enjoy the joy of heaven and man.

"Ruyi, don't you admit it now?" Chen Jiu laughed at the question.

"What do I admit? Chen Jiu, what exactly do you mean?" Ruyi stared at the man, dying with resentment.

"You said just now that you don't want to feel good anymore, but now you can't help but want to feel good again?" Chen Jiu bluntly accused.

"I ... I don't!" Ruyi simply refused to admit it.

"Really? What are you doing?" Chen Jiu asked again.

"I haven't disturbed, don't tell me blindly!" Ruyi had to stop quickly, no longer messy, but she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

If Ruyi does not move, Chen Jiu does not move, he just looks at Ruyi like this, and hesitates from time to time. Pulling out that sweet bean makes Ruyi always unable to calm down.

After stopping for a while, Ruyi felt that there were almost 100,000 ants crawling in her body, and she couldn't stand itching. She couldn't help but glared at Chen Jiu and asked, "You have to rest for a long time. Right? "

"What? You want me to do you?" Chen Jiuzhi asked.

"I ..." Ruyi was dumb, a little shy and couldn't lift his head. If he said it himself, what would it be?

"Ruyi, what you say, as long as you say it, I will meet your needs, okay?" Chen Jiu just waited for Ruyi to open the mouth.

"Chen Jiu, do you want to scold me for being shameless?" Ruyi said angrily, "I just don't want to be so entangled with you all the time. I'm entangled, you're done with me, I'm free." It's that simple! "

"Uh, is that so?" Chen Jiuyi was shocked. He didn't expect Ruyi to be a little smart, but he continued to say, "Well, if you want to be relieved, I will give you a chance, good. Serve me, you can be relieved, how? "

"Don't think about who you think of me, I don't want to wait for you!" Ruyi naturally refused even thinking about it.

"Really? Then we'll wait ..." Chen Jiu didn't force her, she just consumed her, and after a while, Ruyi's face was embarrassingly red, she couldn't stand the kind of reaching the critical point and couldn't be released. I feel it.

"Chen Jiu, let me do it, hurry up, I think it's cool!" Ruyi collapsed. At this moment, she was completely occupied by the need and evil. She felt that if she could not reach that state anymore, It's just as bad as death!

"Ruyi, what did you say? I didn't hear you clearly, could you speak louder?" Chen Jiu got cheap and sold well, continuing to hit the opponent's psychological defense line.

"I ... I want to be **** by you, Chen Jiu, you should get me done!" Ruyi was ashamed, but she still shouted truthfully.

"Oh, that wo n’t work, you ca n’t do it that way, Ruyi, if I did that, would n’t I be a strong fighter? I ca n’t do that kind of animal behavior. If you want to be cool, then you can do it yourself Chen Jiu shook his head and suddenly refused. Then he let Ruyi get up and ride on him.

"You ... you're all like me, what else do you pretend to be!" Ruyi was annoyed, and he just hated his teeth and bite his teeth. Is this man shameless?

"Ruyi, you can move, you can also be cool, but you have to know that this is your own initiative, I was pushed back by you, can you blame me for using you better after all, after all, I am a Good man! "Chen Jiu was lying on the ground, and he solemnly warned, after all, he was still very traditional and could not tolerate the charge of carrying out a forced annihilation, so he wanted to wash himself.

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