Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2315: Spit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Splitting tiger wears a cloud!" Tianjiao, the sudden son, is obviously also very extraordinary. He opened his hands, punched golden light, like a weapon of the magical soldiers, and he kept pressing. (Starting)

"Bold!" Facing the attack, Chen Jiu suddenly made a loud noise, like a thunder billowing!

'boom! ’As soon as the shooter's figure came to a halt like a lightning strike, he then twitched in the void, only to spit out white foam on the ground, and the personnel were not awake.

"What? Leng Aoyun's cracking tiger is a big killer, but now he can't stand the roar of others!" Many Tianjiao were shocked.

"Well, even if we are a little capable, so many of us can drown him with a spit of saliva, and go up together, we must get Yanzi today!" Wolf shadow sword color. Dare to be desperate. Rushed again.

‘嗷…’ With a howling wolf, the wolf-sword turned into an afterimage, almost invisible!

"Miscellaneous things, I'm sorry!" Unfortunately, these doorways were not worth mentioning in front of Chen Jiu, only to see him move his mouth and spit out.

'boom! This spittle came at a rapid speed, like a cannonball-like explosion, and when I saw the blood shining into the sky, the wolf-sword that could not be seen in the world was revealed. It was already a head burst and was dying.

"Ah ..." The thing that shocked everyone is not over yet. Then, a few people who rushed out together with the Wolf Shadow Sword were suddenly stricken, and fell to the ground with their heads bleeding.

"These people ... were splashed by the spitting star!" Fang Zheng looked closely, but couldn't help but be frightened, his face full of fear.

"Jiuchen, are you so powerful?" To the same surprise, there was also Yan Zi. Although she knew that Chen Jiu was powerful, she didn't expect him to be so transformed.

"I'm sorry, these people, one by one, they are full of evil, and if the garbage is broken, if I try to deal with them, it will not only pollute my hands, but also damage my identity!" field.

"You ... you must not deceive people too much!" Tianjiao, headed by the Founder, were unwilling at this time, but no one dared to come forward.

"How about bullying too much?" Chen Jiuyi smiled, and he looked around and walked to them. "Aren't you waiting to make us Yanran Yuan? Aren't you waiting to defraud our patent? Aren't you waiting to Do you play with my sister? Come up, you guys have the courage, come up to me! "

"Jiuchen, what are you talking about!" Yan Zi was so discouraged that others talked about playing. Just playing with it, you actually talked about playing. You guys, aren't you all so bad?

"Little brother, I think this is a misunderstanding ..." Suiyuan spoke suddenly, trying to turn Gan Ge into a jade, but he didn't finish his words, and was directly vomited by Chen Jiu.

"Oh!" Chen Jiu was also straight, spitting down, like a meteor, right in the head of the water source ‘pop! ’With a bang, his head burst, his brain was splashing, and on the first day of the dignified water pure courtyard, the water source of the arrogant **** son fell awake.

"His!" It's too fierce. It's spit, and it's just a spit. There are all kinds of insults and blows. Many Tianjiao people have never seen such a means before, and they are scared to speak.

"Little brother, have something to say, you have to say what we have, we must be full. Foot!" Fang Zheng was really scared, he was really afraid of the next spit star to kill him.

"How? You don't plan to bully us? You don't plan to treat us here as a back garden?" Chen Jiuyi laughed, taunting these people for being bullied and hard-faced.

"No, no, just now we all had no idea about Taishan and rushed. I bumped into your old man and asked you to take more care!" Fang Zheng laughed awkwardly with awkwardness.

"Well, since you know something wrong, I don't care about you anymore. Now I mention the conditions, you must meet, dare to violate them, the consequences are conceited!" Chen Jiu saw the effect achieved, he directly proposed his own Asked to say: "You have to pay double the patent fee, and you have to pay ten times the cost of the **** you took away. You have to apologize to the sister in public and pay a large amount of compensation. ! "

"What? You want so much, so much money, we really can't afford it ..." Many Tianjiao, headed by Fang Zheng, have a sense of weakness.

"Huh, I think you are not seeing the coffin and tears, I sigh!" Chen Jiu then lucked, and spit directly at the people!

"Run!" Founder and them reacted, but they still ran. I saw that the sky was falling, the arrow was raining, the stone was broken and everything was destroyed.

"Ah ..." Along with the screams, many Tianjiao broke their blood, their limbs were waste, and the blood fell all over the place!

"Master, let's kill our lives, we really can't take it ..." Founder's words were utterly suffocated, and they were extremely humiliated!

"Can't get it out? I can't get it out. I drowned you one by one today!" But Chen Jiu could not relax at all.

"Jiuchen, I don't want to hurt their lives. I don't think they really have that much money!" In the meantime, Yan Zi couldn't help but persuade him. not too good!"

"Sister, if you pay less, you will continue to keep your promise. If the original gambling service loses, it doesn't matter if you lose it!" At this time, Chen Jiu was looking at Yan Zi's cherry blossoms.

"What? You ... you're not a good thing!" Yan Zi looked at herself and lost again, thinking about wanting to be kissed by him. The end of the kiss was too shameless to be self-controlling.

"Hey, you miscellaneous people, if you hear nothing, ask my sister now. If she nodded and promised, then I will agree with you to pay less!" Chen Jiuya stared at the heavenly pride and snarled heavily.

"Master Yanzi, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, don't forget that our Guanghe Yuan and your Yanran Yuan have always been very good. I have done some **** things, but please ask me to open it today. , I must be grateful for your kindness all my life ... "A group of Tianjiao, headed by Fang Zheng, knelt down in front of Yanzi in order to save some money and to get a chance for life.

"This ... don't you really have that much money?" Yan Zi, after all, is a little girl. Although these people are so bad, she still feels soft when looking at their weak side.

"Master Yanzi, my money is here, even the soldiers have given it to you, please let us go alive!" Then, everyone bleeds, it is absolutely impossible to kill them. Just ask for forgiveness. .

"Ah ... OK, you drop these things and leave yourself!" Yanzi glanced at Chen Jiu shamefully, biting her mouth. Lips, still agreed with her heart.

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