Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2317: Innovation Conference

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The innovation conference, after more than a thousand students from Yanran Academy, spared no effort to persuade, the matter of inventions such as the pulp pond, has aroused the attention of the whole hospital. (Starting)

However, at this time, Fang Zheng waited for Tianjiao to get a life, and the pulp tank was re-usable, but they were not grateful and tried everything to make Yan Ran Yuan do the grand event!

No matter how scheming they are, Chen Jiu is now holding the beauties, which is very happy.

"Sister, please see, this high platform is prepared for the grand event three days later. At that time, you and I will be able to persuade the hospitals and let them introduce our pulp pool!" Chen Jiu took Jiaoxiangmei in one hand Man, pointing to the high platform that was being built and explained.

"Take care of yourself, classmates are watching it!" Yan Zi is ashamed, although some are not suitable for such a kiss. Close, but since kissed by him last time, it has produced a kind of inexplicable to him. feeling.

Sometimes, Yan Zi even felt that her mouth was empty, and she wanted to taste him so much that she was embarrassed!

"Okay, then I can let go!" Chen Jiu Zhang Chi had a degree. With his loose hands, Yan Zi felt a little uncomfortable at the waist again, but just glanced away without saying more.

In order to escape from the cause, and false public aid, Chen Jiu talked with Yan Zi through business affairs, so she could not shrink back, so she had to hide with him!

This is a magical man, always attracting Yan Zi's gaze from time to time, making her startled and becoming more and more moved to him.

It's dangerous to go on like this, but Yan Zi still can't get rid of Chen Jiu, and can only let the emotional development continue!

Three days later, the Innovation Conference opened, and more than half of the many courtyards of the Magic Temple were all moving around, and they wanted to squeeze ahead.

"Classmates, fellows, welcome everyone to participate in the innovation conference of our Yanran Academy. Recently we have invented something. Some courtyards know, some courtyards don't know yet. I will introduce them now ..." Yan Zi Somewhat excited, she had never seen such a big scene, and the voice of talking on the stage was a little bit trembling.

Next, Chen Jiu cooperated with Yan Zi to make a demonstration, which caused a sensation in the whole hospital. He was amazed at this novel invention!

"Everyone, be quiet, I have something to say!" But at the time when the situation in Yanranyuan was very good, Wolf Shadow Sword suddenly stepped out of the crowd and boldly came to the stage to look around Zhuxiongdao: "This invention we wind The theater has also been introduced, but it is extremely unstable and has a great risk of explosion. I advise you to think twice! "

"Unstable? What's going on?" Sure enough, everyone was hesitant.

"Wolf Sword, did you come to smash the field?" Yan Zi glared at Wolf Sword, and was very angry. I knew that now, it should not have been let him go.

"That's right, I'm here to smash the field, why are you bothering me?" Wolf Shadow Sword was arrogant with his arms folded, showing that there was no fear.

"Everyone listen to me, this kind of thing doesn't explode casually!" Chen Jiu said quietly, comforting everyone.

"You said you wouldn't bomb it, then it wouldn't bomb it, just in case it blows!" Someone shouted and provoked.

"Is it okay if I blow up?" Chen Jiu glared and yelled.

"Really? Then everyone heard it. If anyone blew up there in the future, let him pay!" When a group of people met, they only heard ‘Boom! ’With a sound of fire, the sound of the sound shook, and some places really exploded.

"Ah, the Huoyuan Hospital blew up and injured more than 800 people ... The pulp pond was too dangerous!" Later, unfortunate news came over, causing the courts to wrinkle about the pulp pond. Frowned.

"Yan Ran Yuan, aren't you going to pay for it? Now let's see how you can compensate Huo Yan Yuan!" While people were immersed in sorrow, someone immediately questioned.

"Jiuchen, this ..." Yan Zi was embarrassed. She never wanted to see that such a thing would happen when reforming the conference, and she felt unable to deal with it.

"Everyone calms down. I mean that I lost my compensation, but this is also conditional. If it is bombed because of technical reasons, then I naturally have to pay, but because someone maliciously bombed it, I will certainly not take more measures. Chen Jiu is not a fool. He went on to persuade everyone to conduct an experiment in public, that is, when the meal tank will explode, as long as it is not ignited inside it, it will not explode!

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense. This scum pond is a scourge. It suddenly didn't work the last two days, causing us to cast a lot of surprises ..." Wolf Shadow Sword sang the anti-key, vowing to follow Chen Nine dilemmas.

"Wolf sword, aren't you over?" Chen Jiuli stared, his eyes were not good.

"Why? If you want to kill people, kill me if you have the ability? I tell you, I will swear to death today to expose your pseudo-inventions, and I will not let it poison the fellows in the courtyard!" Provocative, clamoring in public, leaving no emotion at all.

"Since you're looking for death, then I'll do it for you!" Chen Jiu was furious. It was so difficult to hold a conference and prepare to do a big fight, but now it is disturbed by people, it is really angry.

"Oh!" Still spit out, but this time, it was with a very strong intention to kill.

"You want to kill me, you're still tender, Tianfeng God cover!" Wolf Shadow Sword dares to go forward, naturally has his own hole card, I saw a transparent air mask suddenly emerged from his body, holy like a heavenly bell!

'clang! ‘The thick sputum struck the sky wind hood, but it sounded like a ringing bell. In the horrified eyes of the courts,‘ Boom! ’Once, inside the bell, the body of Wolf Shadow Sword completely exploded, exploding into a blood mist, blurred, and no longer visible.

"Bold, wicked, you dare to kill my apprentice, you're looking for death!" Angrily, a white-bearded old man flew out of the sky, it was heartache full of faces.

"God, this time the game is so big, the sky wind **** cover is obviously the old wind to reward him to protect his apprentice, but he did not think that this thing could not protect him, the loved one was killed, he had to go crazy!" Sighed, it was a cold sweat for Chen Jiu.

"Jiuchen, are you really killing?" Yan Zi was too scared, and the scene was chaotic enough. Now that you are killing in public, things will be out of control.

"Who is the Wolf Sword? I think everyone knows it better than me. Now that I killed him, it can be regarded as killing the people. If anyone avenges him, then he will help and betray him, and the sin will not be forgiven!" The threat, however, was Ling Sheng's reprimand: "Old man, if you want to persevere with sinners, then don't blame me for being ruthless and get rid of your great evil!"

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