Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2319: Qi Tun Shan He

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Do you dare to kill the master of the hospital?" Eran, Yan Zi could not help but widen her pupils, it was unexpected that Chen Jiu had such courage. {Starter}

The killing of the wolf shadow sword just now has been so overwhelming. Now that the owner is killed again, is there any way to end it? Yan Zi now has some regrets to follow Chen Jiubu's prank!

"You ... you actually killed Jin Kui!" The other six stars, so shocked, were very surprised.

"Hey, aren't you trying to kill me? I'm killing you, what's wrong?" Chen Jiu laughed strangely, and then rushed to the second star.

"Big waves!" This one is Mercury, which emits infinite waves, rising into the sky, like a water dragon, trying to block the pace of Chen Jiu.

‘Porm! ‘But this is useless, Chen Jiu goes up against the current, with one punch, the world changes, and the world freezes!

‘Boom! 'Stop, this fist hit the Mercury in a real way, so that the entire water above Mercury was separated moment by moment and turned into individual water molecules, and then all shivered and fell, turning into a puddle of standing water. .

"Where is the owner of Shuichun Institute?" Countless people asked curiously and worriedly.

"It seems to have been broken down along with the planet, and I don't see any signs of his survival!" Numerous courtyard masters guessed, can't help but start to speak, cold air in his heart, this is too fierce. The master of the courtyard was beaten to death by a punch!

"Old man, it's your turn!" At this time, Chen Jiuyi scolded, once again touching the hearts of everyone, only to see that after he paused, he shot down to the next planet.

"The evil spirits are so mad, you all help me, chaotic winds!" The old man refused to accept, accepted the power of other stars, and blew out colorful winds.

‘咻咻…’ This is the howling wind from the chaos. The legend is that it is a real planet, and it ca n’t stand the blow of it, it will turn into dust.

"Yes, the wind is quite cool!" Chen Jiuding committed the crime, heading up against the wind, his body shining brightly, but still unaffected.

Like the king of the universe, Chen Jiu stepped steadily to the front of the wind, and gently raised his fist!

"The wind is no shadow, why don't you want me!" The old wind scolded and drank, and the wind was violent in the wind. The whole thing was chaotic, and chaos could not be captured or approached.

"Old man, you indulge a disciple like Wolf Shadow Sword for calamity, and death is not an injustice!" Chen Jiu sneered and punched his fist gently.

‘Boom…’ This fist directly compresses time and space and condenses order. The wind ball is locked under the fist, and all the power is put on it.

"God ... it's so spectacular!" This scene was an exclamation to everyone, and it was so sighing!

The wind storm is like a chaotic, cloud-like celestial body that wants to explode, and it is scary, but now Chen Jiu fists down, as if the judgment of the heavens, directly shakes the situation there surge.

Then, the situation gradually talked about, the whole wind ball under this fist, slowly became light and light, and the whole thing became a humble air mass!

‘Woohoo…’ In the end, as Chen Jiu took over, the air mass autonomously turned into a breeze and disappeared.

"The old man is dead like this? It ’s so terrible!" Countless people rubbed their eyes, and when they could n’t believe it, they had an inexplicable awe of Chen Jiuduo.

"Jiuchen, don't kill it, don't kill it again!" Yan Zi was really frightened, Jade. Leg clamps. Tight, fists clenched, she would rather give him a few more kisses, rather than let him go on like this Already.

"You ... why are you so powerful?" Even killing several courtyard masters, and the transformation of other stars, can't help but flash, fear appeared.

"Don't talk nonsense, you group of ungrateful things, even if I let you out today, you will not have any gratitude, so I will not show mercy again!" Chen Jiu scolded, resolutely set foot again, against the kill Qiankun, the sky and the sun, star and moon.

The body of the dragon and the tiger, the posture of the emperor, Chen Jiusuo is invincible, and the fist is shocking. He punched a planet with one punch, unstoppable, and the style is unforgettable!

‘Boom…’ A planet with tumbling flames, which was extinguished by him, was really amazing.

‘Boom ...’ is another planet. It is full of life and vitality, and it has been completely strangled and ruthless.

‘Boom ...’ After another punch, the soil returns to the earth, and the dust returns to the dust, and the generation of courtyard masters dies again!

"Stop, boy, we have something to say, I ’m Naiguang and the owner, I and Yan Ran are close friends. Our relationship is extraordinary, you can't kill me!" On the last ball of light, Guang and the owner The image of Yerudiki manifested, and he asked for mercy, apparently afraid of being beaten, and did not want to die.

"Well, come here and flirt with me, your loved one is just your loved one, not Yanran loved you!" Chen Jiu scowled and raised his fist again.

"No, I can prove the effectiveness of your meal tanks, and I can give you publicity!" Guang and the host shocked, and took another step back to preach.

"No interest, I dare not use a villain like you!" Chen Jiu shook his head and refused to punch forward.

"Since you have to fight to death, I am not a bully. Yeluji is on the top, sacrifices my body, and the world is shining!" Yeluki died his life at this critical moment and launched the most powerful attack. .

‘Boom! ’After the sacrifice came out of life, a huge beam of light suddenly shot in the sky, blessed on this light sphere, making it instantly swell. It swelled more than ten times.

"Haha, boy, even if I am dead, I will pull you on the back!" Ye Luji's crazy mocking room, a huge ball of light, hit Chen Jiu fiercely.

"That's just your thoughts!" Facing the rolling stars, Chen Jiu just glanced away and still waved his small fist forward.

‘Boom! ‘The fist shadow reaches, the light ball pauses, it seems like there is no difference from other planets. Under Chen Jiu ’s fist, the huge light ball shrinks quickly and is dark. It was a blink of an eye!

"No ... it's impossible!" Yellkiy hysterically shouted, his light and shadow were eventually devoured by darkness, and it completely disappeared.

The masters of the seven courtyards, the magic seven-star array, all annihilated here, leaving a figure in the air, young, but can't be beaten!

"Who waits to mess with me to reform the conference and continue to come up!" Chen Jiuzhen drank, just like the gods of heaven, making everyone panic.

"The director is here, Jiuchen, you have a restful arrogance!" Fang Zheng was far and near, and he was waiting for a figure, after all, one step behind.

"Uh? Director?" Chen Jiu looked up, seeing this figure, not only fearless, but want to laugh.

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