Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2324: So good

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

That night, prepared a sumptuous dinner table, waiting for Chen Jiu to return, Yan Zi welcomed her like a young wife. "Come back? Is the matter resolved?"

"Well, a little thing, what about the jade-faced **** son, after I smashed him down with one palm, I never dared to think about the women in our Yanran Academy!" Chen Jiuyi preached with a domineering face. {Starter}

"That's good, but Jiuchen, if you act in the future, can you not be so tough!" Yan Zi said with some worry.

"I know what Sister Shi means, if the Jade-faced God is all about pursuing it, he actually wants to be strong, but he is not responsible. I do n’t want to kill him for such a man, that ’s how to give him face!" Chen Jiuman was angry. of.

"Well, don't be angry with those people, come and see what I prepared for you today?" Yan Zi knew that Chen Jiu was upright, but he didn't care about it any more, and took him to the table.

"Wow, on what day, I actually prepared so many dishes. I didn't know we thought we would have a wedding party!" Chen Jiu couldn't help laughing at the dishes on the table.

"Come on, busy for a day, eat some!" Qiaolianjiao. Red, Yan Zi did not object, leading Chen Jiu to sit down.

Then, Yan Zi was more like a young wife, caring about Chen Jiu, feeding him food, and feeding him. The two of them seemed to be back to the old days, which was extremely sweet and happy.

Gobbling, after a while, a table of dishes has been swept away by Chen Jiu, he felt embarrassed at this time and said, "Sister, I have finished eating, are you full?"

"I'm full, I'm full!" Yan Zi watched Chen Jiu eating so vigorously, in fact, she also had a recognized beauty in her heart.

"Thank you, Sister. It's getting late, so I'll go back first!" Chen Jiu went on, then got up and went back.

"Hey, Jiuchen, wait a minute!" But at this moment, Yan Zi bit her mouth and lips tightly, and did not dare to look at Chen Jiu, but stopped him.

"Er, sister, do you have anything else?" Chen Jiu looked at Yanzi in a puzzled manner, and he was a bit confused.

"Jiuchen, stay at night!" The voice was like a mosquito, but it was touching and clear.

"What? Sister, what do you say, say it again?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise. He couldn't think that Yan Zi would make such a choice so quickly, would she have to cut it off first, and then fly with her. ?

Seriously, at this moment, Chen Jiu ’s heart is still beautiful. I ca n’t think of my charm, but it ’s so big that she is attracted by a marriage contract. I ca n’t help but want to be with myself. He is very Be complacent!

"I mean, can you stay with me tonight?" Yan Zi aggravated her voice, but the whole person seemed even more ashamed.

"Yes, that's all right!" At this point, a big beauty invited you to eat and drink and let you stay. If you don't make the other person full, is that still a man?

"Jiuchen, I'll go over there first!" Yan Zi went on, and didn't dare to face it. She walked into the bedroom and sat down nervously on the shop floor.

"Sister ..." Chen Jiu was like a hard-working bee, and that was to find flowers. She went straight to Yan Zi, sat down politely, and hugged her gently. "Sister, you want Ok?"

"Jiuchen, I like you!" Yan Zi also rushed into Chen Jiu's arms, sincerely confessed.

"Sister, I like you too!" Chen Jiu was holding the Jiao.

"Why do you still call me sister, do you think you are abandoning the old people?" Yan Zihua complained.

"Zi'er, I love you!" At this point, any speech was pale. Chen Jiu bowed her head and pecked a pair of red lips, which was wanton taste.

‘Oh…’ The kiss, as dry as sea rock, made the beauty drunk, and lost any resistance!

"Zir, don't you dislike me?" After some love, Chen Jiuzhi looked at the happy Jade in his arms and asked, because he is still a genetic warrior, this is not a complete man, there are women Being willing to accept him is also a miracle of love.

"Jiuchen, although you can't do that, but I can feel that you are still a man of great standing. Tonight I am yours. You can do your best to own me, but as long as we are together There is no need to take that step! "Yan Zi explained, and undoubtedly delivered her most holy beauty to the man's hands and let him profane.

"Zi'er, you are so good to me, I will not let you down!" Chen Jiu smiled badly, and she was looking forward to it.

If after a while, after his big thing is really born, I don't know if Yanzi will be frightened?

Of course, Chen Jiuke wasn't so stupid. Now he honestly admits that he decides to surprise Yan Zi a while, a surprise that will make her unforgettable forever.

How much courage does a woman want to give her first man to a man? At this moment, Chen Jiu was sure that Yan Zi loved him, so he didn't need to worry about anything, he wanted to truly have her!

"Jiuchen, use all your means to love me well. I know that you are very obsessed with me. Tonight, I am all yours!" Yan Zi was also open-hearted and rare and bold And open.

"Zir, then I want to see your perfection!" Chen Jiuguang said eagerly. Although not the first time to see the beauty and body of a woman, different women have different charms, especially Attractive men to look at one by one.

"Come on your own!" Yan Zijiao shyly returned. There was really no courage to show herself in front of the man.

"Well, then I'll come!" Chen Jiu had nothing to care about at this time, as long as a woman agreed, whether it was her hands or herself, the enjoyment was almost the same.

Yan Zi, the flower of life, beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful. Every time she appeared, she was the meeting point of countless lights. Looking at her beautiful appearance, countless people dumped it!

The surface is fascinating. All sentient beings have fallen, and Chen Jiu can now remove the glitz and see the true meaning. He actually has the right to appreciate the real body of this flower of life.

The small face of the goose egg, Jiao. Sha Yu. Run, Bai Litou. Red, she Han. Spring half exposed, beautiful and beautiful appearance, it makes Chen Jiu also breathing heavily, hard to bear!

‘Hisse! Full of sacred expectations, Chen Jiu took off the jade man's long skirt, and all the ivory-white works of art were perfectly displayed in front of her eyes.

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