Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2335: Of course I have to save

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Grass, that little bitch. Man, Mingminglang can't do it, but I still don't admit it. If it wasn't for my mother's sake, I would definitely not go to you!" . www.oM

For Yan Zi's choice, she gave the body to her beloved, but left her life to her husband. Such a choice, in fact, is not only Chen Jiu's unbearable, most normal men can't bear such a woman!

"Huh, do you think I picked up my broken shoes? I don't want you!" Chen Jiu said angrily. Whether he pretended to be Chen Jiu or appeared as Jiu Chen, he couldn't forgive Yanzi, so Just take it easy.

Seemingly perfect, both men made up for the two men, but Yanzi didn't know how her decision caused much trouble to both sides.

A woman is a good woman, but because of a moment of confusion, she has created this situation today. In fact, she does not want to, but her mistakes have been made, and she is weak!

"Forget it, regardless of her, drink!" Chen Jiu was depressed, could not help but return to the Guangming Restaurant, borrowing alcohol to ease his sorrow.

"Chen Jiu ..." Just sat down, a call made Chen Jiu couldn't help but look in surprise.

He was stubborn. He was not someone else. It was Su Pingbai that Chen Jiuchu met when he came to the Magic Temple. When he saw him at this time, he couldn't help feeling a kind and hurriedly said, "Come, brother, it's been a long time. Come and have a drink with me! "

"Chen Jiu, you are now flying Huang Tengda. Rarely do you recognize me as a brother. I have to drink this wine today!" Su Pingbai immediately sat down, facing Chen Jiuhao's envy.

Hot with the two princesses. Not to mention heat, he was himself a prince of true love. The name Chen Jiu now knows a lot, and he has become an idol and target in the heart of all genetic warriors!

"Su Pingbai, you don't seem to be here just to drink a bar?" Chen Jiu couldn't help wondering, he didn't think Guangming Restaurant should be where he came from.

"Hey, drinking is really not used here. Although we genetic warriors can't do it, others can still ***?" Su Ping smiled with a blank face: "Can't we be men, can't we look for it? Happy to be a woman? "

"Hmm ..." Chen Jiu said with a smile. He really didn't think of it. Su Pingbai still has this hobby.

"Chen Jiu, you feel funny now, but if you have a chance to try it in the future, you will definitely fall in love. I still have a few good men here. Would you like me to introduce you?" Su Pingbai dismissed it, but followed Chen Jiutao called up.

"No, no, I don't need it!" Chen Jiu quickly shook his head, and it was good to not spit him out.

"You don't want it? That's a pity. Those men, they can do it overnight," said Su Pingman, regretfully.

"I really don't need it!" Chen Jiuyan shamefully refused. He looked at Su Pingbai's happiness and expectation, and couldn't help but want to scold him. Why are you a man like this?

At the same time, Su Pingbai, who is a man, can be like this, which makes Chen Jiu's misunderstanding about Yan Zi a little lighter!

"Well, since you don't need it then forget it, but Chen Jiu, you now know more people. If you meet any good man, remember to introduce me to me!" Su Pingbai then asked again.

"Grass, are you too wavy?" Chen Jiu could not help but scolded him on the spot.

"Hate, you are not allowed to say that!" Su Ping, with a white beard and stubble, actually got up with Chen Jiujia, but you can imagine how unbearable this scene was.

"Okay, okay, you are normal, and I have the chance to introduce you!" It was unbearable, Chen Jiu had to quickly agree, so as not to make any extra behavior.

"Chen Jiu, don't you remember Jin Rouyan? I have seen her a few times, but she always talks to me about you!" Su Ping returned to normal, without testing Chen Jiu's will again.

"Oh, of course I remember, how has she been?" Chen Jiu naturally remembered that sweet and lovely figure. Although it was not his dish, it was quite pleasing.

"The situation is not good. She mentioned it to me several times. Her master thought of her badly. She has been reluctant to obey and kept being oppressed and humiliated. Life is so difficult!" Su Pingbai Preaching with sympathy.

"What? If I remember correctly, her master seems to be Guanghe Yuan, right? Now that Guanghe Yuan is dead, will she be in trouble?" Chen Jiu asked in amazement.

"Just because of the accident of Guanghe courtyard master, now Guanghe courtyard has become the sole founder of Founder, Jin Rouyan's situation is more dangerous. Since the last departure, at least five days have not seen her appear!" Su Pingbai Looking back, solemnly said.

"Founder, this bad embryo, dare to even do bad things?" Thinking of Founder, Chen Jiu did not kill him in public last time, and fortunately escaped him. Evil does not change.

"Chen Jiu, if possible, I hope you can save her!" Su Pingbai then begged.

"Rescue, of course!" Chen Jiu said categorically: "There is such a thing, you should inform me as soon as possible. Am I going to meet you?"

"Hey, we genetic warriors are known for being indifferent. We rarely trust each other, and naturally we won't rely on others to save them!" With a sigh, Su Ping said in a generous way that gene warriors The sadness of them is that although they sympathize with the disease, they will not have much intersection, nor will they have much trust.

"But I promised her!" Chen Jiu said dissatisfied.

"Chen Jiu, don't blame her. She has always been thinking about you, but you often live in the main divine temple recently. Even if we ask, we won't see you!" Su Pingbai said with persuasion.

"Forget it, don't talk about these useless things now, I'm going to save people now, can't you go?" Chen Jiutuo got to stand up.

"This ... you go, I won't go, right?" Su Ping hesitated a bit, or retreated, the indifference of the gene warrior, which can be seen.

"Okay, you are having fun here!" Chen Jiu didn't blame Su Pingbai for anything. He was able to help spread the word, which is already very good.

Out of Guangming Restaurant, inquired about the place where Guangheyuan went, Chen Jiuyin went into the void and directly entered the bright and magnificent courtyard!

What Chen Jiu could not have imagined was that in the depths of this courtyard, which looked bright and upright, there would be such a scene of evil, and he could not help but grit his teeth.

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