Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2346: Sincerely ask

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Boom…’ As soon as the sky and the ground shook, the sky changed, and the sun and the moon evolved. Between this day and the month, there was a majestic line that controlled the alternating operation of the sun and the moon, which is the way of the sun and the moon!

The two ancestors, seemingly not tall, have already reached the supreme power, the end is the combat power, if not for Chen Jiu's great promotion recently, they are really not their opponents. Just fall in love. .

"Around the heavens!" The ancestors of the sun and the moon trembled at the same time. The force of the road between the sun and the moon rotates rapidly, and each time it rotates, it is equivalent to the passing of a day!

'Zizi ...' Daoli is spinning rapidly, that is the force that deprives life of space, time and space. It is so far away. Zhu Wuli just looked at it a little more. He was pale and entered. The twilight year.

Being under the Sun and the Moon path, Chen Jiu can be imagined to be under pressure. He is at the alternate point of time and is also a breathing room. The whole person is gray-haired and the skin is dry!

"Boy, it's too late to kneel down and ask for forgiveness!"

"Across the sun, the moon and the sky, how can you restrain me?" Chen Jiu grinned suddenly, and suddenly saw that his body was full of energy. The power of life that had been taken away by years was quickly replenished and refreshed. Optimus punched out!

‘Boom ...’ Wudao Qiankun, this fist represents the extreme of martial arts, martial arts breaks the world, breaks the void, breaks into immortals, and in one hit, the sky breaks down and chaos reappears.

‘Click! "Be the first, Chen Jiu's fist power was first interrupted, and the sun, moon, and sky broke completely, but this is not over yet. Chen Jiu's fist has not been dissipated, and he rushed directly to the sky. Above the moon.

‘Bang bang ...’ The fist of martial arts, irreversible, the sun and the moon collapse, the two old figures were also completely beaten out, it was cough and blood, and serious injuries were in danger!

"What? You broke the supreme power of Sun and Moon's ancestors with one punch!" Zhu Wuli looked completely stupid, rubbing his eyes, it was just incredible.

"You ... Our ancestors of the sun and the moon will not easily unite. Once they are united, it is killing the gods and killing the monsters. It is unfavorable. Today, you ca n’t bear your punch. Is this the ultimate martial art of the warlord ’s theology? Is it? "Sun and Moon ancestors were equally shocked.

"Yes, you are not injustice to lose under the command of King Wu!" Chen Jiu nodded, but gave the two old men a certain face.

"Okay, the afterlife is awesome. No wonder the poet praises you so much. It is unexpected. You are so young that you have mastered the essence of martial arts. I really feel ashamed!" Although the ancestors of Sun and Moon were lower, they were reasonable. No worries.

"The meaning of the two elders, is that agreeing with me and Shier?" Chen Jiu smiled slightly, and it really was the truth that his fists were big.

"Impossible!" Sun and Moon ancestors shook his head immediately and said, "Shier is the maiden in this field and absolutely cannot marry outside. Even if you kill us, we won't agree to her marrying. ! "

"What? Are you trying to die?" Chen Jiu immediately gritted his teeth and killed himself.

"You're angry, Chen Jiu, you're angry!" Zhu Wuli quickly greeted him, and he persuaded and said, "Although we say that our people cannot marry outside, if you marry it, you can also be comfortable!"

"What? You asked me to be your son-in-law!" Chen Jiu was still very dissatisfied, like a man of his dignity, to be an son-in-law, which was a shame.

"Boy, don't you like Shi'er? In the future, you will stay with my tribe, and help Shi'er to help you establish a great cause, how about it?" The sun and moon ancestors were also bright-eyed, and that was grace.

"No, I still have my own grand cause, and I have many wives to take care of. This is your son-in-law, how can that be?" Chen Jiu continued to shake his head, leaving no room for discussion.

"You still have a lot of wives? You actually let our family Shier be a kid to you in the past? Your kid is not a thing anymore, this family thing can't be made!" The ancestor of Sun and Moon immediately glared with a beard.

"It's not up to you whether you can succeed or not. As long as Shier is willing to follow me, who do you dare to stop us today?" Chen Jiuyi looks like a two hundred and five, rude, fist big, really frightening Patriarch of the month, fearful again and again.

"Old ancestor, Shi'er was so enthusiastic about this boy. When she wakes up, she will definitely leave with him!" Zhu Wuli quickly reminded, hoping that the two ancestors would think of other countermeasures.

"This ..." Sun and Moon's ancestors were also frowning, embarrassed and embarrassed, but beat again and again. If people really took away their maiden, where would their old faces go?

"You can rest assured that Shi'er followed me and will only become stronger and stronger, and your Zhu family will also be immensely glorified. It will be a big trend in the future. That's no problem!" Chen Jiu was not blindly arbitrary, he also gave It's good to talk to the two old faces.

"Chen Jiu, are you really asking for our poems?" The ancestors of Sun and Moon suddenly looked at each other, and it was a major decision made between teeth.

"Of course, Shier and I have a mountain pledge and live and die together!" Chen Jiu immediately preached with unequivocal doubt.

"Well, now that you have spoken so much, then if you want to marry Shier, we can make an exception and give you a chance, but only if you have enough engagement gifts!" Sun and Moon ancestors demanded again.

"Sufficient engagement gift?" Chen Jiu frowned displeasedly, "Do you want to go to the whole world, and I will send it to you too? Don't be funny, if you still look so snoopy like this dog-eye, I Don't mind treating you again! "

"Chen Jiu, don't get angry first. We don't have any requirements for this offer. We just want you to take out the most valuable thing on your body. It can be a chaotic soldier, but it can also be a ragged shirt. Even just one of your hair is fine, no matter how expensive or cheap, just let us see your devotion! "The two old men quickly explained, and did not want to be misunderstood.

"Oh? That's a piece of human speech!" Chen Jiu nodded thoughtfully, expressing full approval, and he also sighed a lot about this situation.

In the past, when relatives and friends got married, the number of colorful gifts also increased. The younger was tens of thousands, the older was hundreds of thousands. Regardless of the family conditions of the man, the woman always blindly compared and let the man ’s family Only by selling iron can she marry her!

It is conceivable that when such a woman marries home, she is like a creditor. How can she live in harmony with her family?

There is a way to invest as much as you want to pay back. If you invest too much in this woman, the family will naturally demand more from her in the future. I am afraid that her future life will be difficult to be happy!

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