Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2353: Wedding gift

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Back to the temple? Should you be so anxious? It's getting dark now!" Chen couldn't help but wonder.

"Hurry up, I think Master Sister!" Zhu Shi continued to urge.

"Master Sister is not in a hurry at this moment, Shier, we had something unfinished yesterday!" Chen glanced, obviously thinking bad things again.

"Husband, you're necrotic, people don't want it. You don't leave, they leave first!" Zhu Shi said indiscriminately. With Chen, the two just sneaked around and quietly left Zhujiazhen.

"Shier, what's the matter?" After walking thousands of miles away, Zhu Shi was slowed down and stopped slowly, and Chen couldn't help asking at this time.

"Oh, it's nothing, Chen. Let's find a place to stay first. It's too inconvenient to rush tonight!" Zhu Shi shook his head, and immediately changed his mind again.

"Inconvenient? Aren't you thinking of Master Sister, we'll be here in a while!" Chen immediately suggested.

"Don't, people haven't dealt with you in a two-person world yet, don't rush back!" Zhu Shi screamed, but she didn't want to be in love for a while.

"What the **** is wrong with you?" Chen Yuefa felt that something was wrong.

"Husband, go to the cave over there to speak!" Zhu Shi looked around, and some were deserted. She could not help pointing at a silent cave.

"Okay!" Chen promised, and the two came to the cave like this. Zhu Shishen was secretive, and saw that she suddenly took out a token. The scarlet slogan seemed to be alive, and that surprised Chen. Big teeth.

"Yunxian Ling, if it is a fake replacement, give it to you!" Zhu Shi proudly handed out this token.

"What? You stole the Wuxian Ling for them?" Chen stared at Zhu Shi in surprise and couldn't help preaching: "You have to drive them crazy, and it's okay if they keep the order first. ! "

"Huh, are you blaming me, aren't you?" Zhu Shiqiao muttered, dissatisfied with Chen's response.

"Shi'er, you're good for me. I know that, but I'm worried that if you do this, you will make the ancestors of the sun and the moon go crazy. If there is anything wrong with them, I can't afford it!" Chen quickly explained , Naturally not blame Zhu Zhu.

"It's a bit of a conscience, don't let me be so sincere to you!" Zhu Shinu nodded, and she immediately said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not stealing this, but they would give it to me!"

"I would like to give you? They are so willing to give you such an important thing?" Chen couldn't help but be shocked.

"That is of course, otherwise you think!" Zhu Shi proudly said, "I'm the flesh of their hearts. What can they not bear for me?"

"Really? But this is the gift I gave them?" Chen asked inexplicably.

"Chen, do you really think that our Zhu family will covet some of your gifts? In fact, they want to offer gifts, but they just want to look good. These gifts will go back, and they will eventually marry me. Yes, you know? When you meet a woman like me, you make a lot of money! "Zhu Shi said with a serenity.

"This ... if they really want to marry this thing, then I would really make a lot of money!" Chen Chi hesitated, but a burst of happiness sprang up.

Under the wedding gift, the woman sometimes asks for a good price, but most parents will not covet her daughter's gift, and will not treat it as a betrayal and leave it for themselves, but will find a chance. Give her daughter again, take her to her husband's house, and supplement her family!

As a result, the status of the daughter has not only improved, but the relationship between the couple has become more stable. I have to say that such parents are very savvy parents, and it is also a blessing for this man to be able to meet them.

Of course, the most important thing about marriage is to meet the right person. Otherwise, the matter of losing money and money is inevitable!

However, if you really lose your money, you do n’t have to worry about it. As long as you meet the right person, everything will slowly get better. As a man, you should be a generous family member. And to complain about his wife, that would not be his husband's work. At least Chen had never thought that he could get Wuxian Ling again so quickly. Zhu Shi ’s actions undoubtedly gave him an unexpected surprise.

"Small, hurry up, and you'll be amused by it!" Zhu Shi shoved Lingxian Ling into Chen's hand, preaching proudly.

"Shier, in this case, we should thank the second elder who is more, why don't you leave without saying goodbye?" When Chen was happy, he still didn't understand.

"You're stupid. If it's late, I'm afraid of the two old things to regret it!" Zhu Shi said with a wary look, it was really good for this man with all his heart.

"Shier, you are so kind to me!" Chen Dongrong said, hugging the Jade person, "I really don't want to report it!"

"Stupid, wait for a while, and that's the biggest reward for me!" Zhu Shi smiled happily.

"It is certain to do well, but it is poetry. This has the fierce fighting skill of the sky, and it can be infinitely fissionable, don't you need to practice it?" Chen promised, and could not help but remind him kindly.

"I don't need it for the time being. I need to concentrate on practicing Jiuxian killing tricks. I will summon a Xiuxian order for you to help you complete your grand cause!" Zhu Shi shook her head, but refused.

"Shier, you are so kind to me, I'm really flattered!" Chen Yilian said gratefully.

"Don't just talk about it, this girl is here. If you don't serve my girl comfortably today, then don't want to go out!" Zhu Shi was overbearing, but just seized Chen's strong demands.

"Good wife, rest assured, I must be full today. It's enough for you!" Chen said, going to peel the jade's fragrant clothes.

"Don't, it's wild here, people don't want to be alone. It's too embarrassing!" Zhu Shi shook her head at this time to stop Chen's behavior.

"Oh? That's easy!" Chen Mei turned around and pushed Zhu Shi immediately, letting her climb up in front of the stone wall, her posture was beautiful, her posture was beautiful. Na, Chen even held her up. Long skirt, showing white and ivory-like beauty. Legs.

"Why do you want to do that?" Zhu Shijiao asked shamefully. The way she turned her head was more affectionate, moving and tempting.

"Think!" After Chen directly responded with a loud word, he quickly cleared away all the obstacles. It was a single shot and went directly to the battlefield!

"Ah ..." The cave, a wasteland in the wild, the silence was finally broken. Here, the two can arrogantly. Unbridled release. Let yourself be without any cover, this kind of shivering. It makes them very beautiful.

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