Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2357: Behind bars

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? Compensate the woman to come out and add to you ..." This time, not only the entire Wufeng was shocked, but also the classmates who came over to see the excitement, were also extremely impressive.

Those who have broken you, and now want someone to pay a woman out and raise a nest for you, is this strange logic, I am afraid that only those of you Inoueyuan can think of it?

"Well, it seems that this inoue court is following the young girls that Wufeng has recently taken in. I heard that they are all beautiful and pretty. I almost fainted when I hurried it off. It was simply too beautiful ... "Everyone is a discerning person. Eventually, they also learned the intent of Inoue Court. Their biggest purpose here is to covet beauty.

"Hey, I'm afraid there will be trouble this time. The inoue courtyard is fine. There is no color, that is notorious. The women they admire usually don't have any good endings. They have to be killed by a group of people!" Countless classmates who knew the inside story began to worry.

"Miscellaneous things, do you think I might agree to such a condition?" Kong Zhi scolded, straight on fire.

"Whether you promise or not, I will bring someone here today, you will have to promise, you will also promise if you don't," said Fujiwara Yasushi, hundreds of people approached the past!

"Today we are here to see who dares to oppress me Wufeng!" At this time, the bright light shone, and dozens of beautiful immortals appeared from the peak. It was bright and bright, making the sun and the moon pale.

"I have heard that Wufeng has received countless beautiful immortals. Today, it really deserves its name!" Looking at the astonishment of the emperors and concubines, it seemed that the eyes of Fujiwara Yasuke were straight, and the others became a Vice pig looks.

"Well, a group of three inches is really disgusting!" Of course, the concubines were scornful and dismissive.

"Chicks, our Inoue House is willing to accept you, but you have a chance to step up to the sky. I don't think you should be obsessed with it, but you should take this opportunity well!" Fujiwara Yasho also warned with a bad look.

"Dare to remember the woman of our lord, you are looking for death!" Kong Zhi stared, rare and fierce.

"In this case, then you really toast, not to eat, to punish, to drink? Let's go all up and implement the Three Light Policy!" Fujiwara Yasuke was so anxious that he didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

"Hey ... Flowers girls, come to your arms ..." A group of people, all grinning, approached the emperors and concubines!

"All die!" How could Kong Zhi make these people wishful, just swiping with one palm, educating the world and destroying the evil.

"Your opponent is me!" Fujiwara Yasushi is really amazing. Now that he is so powerful, he can push Kong Zhi a little, making her unable to defeat.

"Kill ..." Wufeng was boiling, the emperor suffered, and the dragon blood elites came out of the nest. A scuffle broke out in the sky!

Hundreds of people fought against more than 10,000 people, and they fought fiercely. Sometimes, Tianjiao fell from time to time. It was difficult to tell the difference between each other.

"Five peaks are so powerful!" Watching this surging battle, countless classmates, and even Feng Zhu couldn't help sighing.

"The cohesion is very strong. Although their individual combat power is not as good as the disciples of Inouein, they are condensed into a rope, and it is impossible for Inouein to tear directly!" Quite amazing.

You know, they just entered the peak, but now they are showing up like a battle-hardened army, that's the coordination is too consistent!

"Did you say that the Five Summits won? Fujiwara Yasushi has a good and overbearing combat power!" Soon, some people were worried because Kong Zhi seemed to be unable to withstand Fujiwara's attack.

"Be sure to hold on, otherwise, once Wufeng is implemented the Sanguang policy, it will be completely over!" Some people prayed in sympathy.

"What is the Sanguang policy?" Some students asked curiously.

"The men killed the light, the women snatched the light, the baby all swallowed it up!" Someone explained with hatred: "The people of Mitsuiin are like a group of animals who are more bandits than bandits. They are born!"

"Shh, you do n’t want to die. You dare to call Mitsuiin. You have to know that the dean is in hiding and dare not show up. Do you want to die?" Beside this person, a kind person quickly urged him to avoid causing trouble to him.

"No matter how you say, Wu Feng is always supported by the Dean. He is hiding now, and it's really irritating!" Speaking of the Dean, everyone was a little bit angry, because they couldn't tolerate these amazing fairy They were really taken away by Mitsui-in Temple, and that would be a pity!

"It's over, Mitsui's divine power!" Fujiwara Yasho seemed unwilling to procrastinate, and suddenly he was reverent, and three gods were sacrificed in the sky.

‘Booming rumbling ...’ These three gods are spitting Shenhua, and there is endless divine power flowing from it, blessed on Fujiwara Mitsui ’s body!

"Roar!" With a roar of beasts, Fujiwara Yasuke's body gave birth to layers of scale armor, turning into a monster, which was roaring and tearing Kongzhi forward.

"Heaven and earth are educated, Confucianism and Taoism are three thousand!" Kong Zhi's face was quiet, and he continued to play a piece of dojo, trying to educate and bind the demon in front of him, but all were invalid.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ Fujiwara Yasuke's domineering killer breath rushed to the sky, and he tore each one of the dojos, which was eventually forced to Kong Zhi, and a claw was taken directly to her.

‘Oh! ’At this time, a pagoda suddenly appeared, which was protecting Kong Zhi's body and was not harmed.

"Oh? A good pagoda, but it's useless, can't escape the palm of my hand, sacrificing!" Fujiwara Yasukuni laughed and turned Mitsui's divine power into a sky fire. That was to train the pagoda as a sacrifice. Shiba.

‘Zi ...’ To the naked eye, Kong Zhi was in the pagoda, and the whole man ’s jade, tender muscles, and body were all hot. That ’s dangerous!

"Broken, Fujiwara Yasukuni has the support of the Mitsui Court Lord God. No matter how the five peaks are, there is no direct contact with the Lord God, and there is no absolute strong support. These immortals are afraid that they will suffer today!" Looking at this situation, Countless people began to worry, and regretted them.

"How about Chen, why didn't he show up?" Someone immediately asked.

"He may not be there, but even if it is, what effect does it take to die?" Shaking his head and sighing, everyone is not optimistic about Wufeng.

"You run away!" Kong Zhi was imprisoned, gradually anxious, urging directly to the concubines, because she felt that today is more ferocious and less lucky, it does not matter if something happened, you must not let them have something to do Row!

"Escape? Don't even try to escape today, haha!" Fujiwara Yasho holds power, divided up a divine power, locked the sky and trapped the sky, that was to lock the entire space and become the absolute master.

"It's over, it's over, this time the immortals are all over!" As everyone shook their heads and lamented, a comet scorching sun suddenly landed from the sky, which was once again attracting everyone's mind!

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