Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2359: Scared to drink urine

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"My God, is this God's Breath, and finally saw such legendary things, I heard that such things can hurt the Lord God!" Countless classmates, once again amazed, because of this strange beast, they I once read and learned that I naturally know its horror. It is a big demon demon who has been determined to run when he sees it, and how far he can run!

‘Boom ...’ The black and red animal breath is not too thick, but it has a heart-breaking breath. Chen first bears the brunt, and it was hit by it. (Starting)

‘Zi ...’ The beast's breath has countless imperceptible vitality, they are like worms, which are biting and engulfing the vitality and soul power of Chen!

If you look closely, you also lose the power of Chen Shenshen. He discovered that the essence of these vitalities are small things like maggots. After swallowing the vitality spirits, they can rapidly proliferate and divide. Exhausted.

No wonder even the main **** can hurt and be infected with this kind of thing. If you can't get rid of it at once, then you must provide them with energy for a generation to breed them until the end of your exhaustion!

"Haha ... After my devouring breath, you must die, no doubt, what are you waiting for, implement the three-light policy!" After a single hit, let the light group wrap. Wrapped with Chen, turned into a monster Fujiwara Yasu The club shouted again.

"Kill!" After a short pause, the disciples of Mitsuiin again rushed to the Dragon Blood Corps, trying to annihilate them all and rob the beauties.

'Booming ...' Unfortunately, this time, unlike before, after Chen's promotion, the Dragon Blood Corps seemed to breed an army soul. It was a one-on-one movement that moved the whole body. It was invincible and could not shake, and also played Mitsuiin. Disciples, keep falling and dying!

"What? You shit!" Fujiwara Yasuke couldn't stand it, and he was ready to help, but a red figure suddenly blocked him and said, "Your opponent is me!"

"Chen, you dead, you are all going to die, do you know?" Fujiwara Yasuke scoffed, disdainfully.

"Some horrible monsters, what can I do about it?" Chen Leng laughed, and then suddenly screamed loudly, so the void suddenly shook, ‘Boom! ’As if something exploded, I saw the red light mass around him, which looked like dust and drifted away with the wind.

"What? Even the Lord God can hurt God's breath, and he was rid of him!" Countless classmates, all standing up, they all began to wonder if Chen became the Lord God?

"You ... **** it, Chen, this is what you forced me to, and the seventh generation is confused!" Fujiwara Yasukuni was shocked. His seven eyes were bursting out of the sky, which penetrated the void and turned into an illusory one. Put Chen in a folded space.

"The confusion of the Seventh Century turned out to be this horrible trick. It is fascinating to hear that this one is tricky. The chaos is in the imaginary for as long as the Seventh Century, but because it is too long, many people cannot come out Yes, that would have to be trapped alive! "The classmates marveled again, they were very skeptical, could Chen still break through this dilemma?

"Everywhere in the patio is explosive!" Unfortunately, it seems that Fujiwara Yasushi did not even intend to give this opportunity to Chen. It was the last patio that was brought to Chen's side, and it detonated directly.

‘Boom! ’As soon as the imagination exploded, the air became chaotic, which is hard to see!

"Haha ... Chen, this time you are not dead yet!" I was a bit tired and panting, but Fujiwara Yasuke thought it was all worth it.

"Yeah, **** it!" Suddenly, Chaos rang Chen's voice again. Everyone noticed that he stepped out of Chaos and was unstained by himself. It was extraordinary and magnificent.

"What? You're okay!" With seven eyes widened, Yasushi Fujiwara couldn't believe it.

"Your eyes are too much, and I feel very uncomfortable!" Chen disgusted, turning his palm into a claw, and grabbing at the head of Fujiwara Yasuke.

"Dare you!" Fujiwara Yasuke scolded, but seemed to be overwhelmed, unable to move alone, ‘bang, bang, bang! ‘Shengsheng ’s five eyeballs caught by Chen!

"Ah ..." Five eyeballs were exploded, and the blood raged, and Fujiwara Yasuke screamed and fell to the ground, very tragic.

"Well, this looks much better, but how do you kill you?" Chen stepped forward, thinking of Fujiwara Yasushi as an ant, and he bowed his head and thought.

"This ... this is terrible!" Looking at Chen Yun's lightness, that is the frightening Fujiwara Yasushi, everyone looked at him with awe and fear.

"Kill ..." At the same time, the concubine was prestigious. It led a lot of dragon blood legions and penetrated the defensive circle of the Mitsui Institute disciples, making them fleeing.

Unfortunately, this time and space has been blocked for a long time. They can't escape, they can only choose to fight, and the result of the war is only a dead end.

The battle that had just won the upper hand, but at this time it was all over. It took less than an hour, and that was the end!

Many of Mitsuiin's accomplices were all beheaded and killed, leaving only a monster-like Fujiwara Yasushi, looking at Chen in fear, waiting for him to decide his fate.

"My husband, this monster is most abominable. I think he should be roasted alive with fire!" After the battle, the princesses couldn't help coming to Chen's side to suggest it.

Roasted with scorching fire, scraped to death with Ling Chi ... All kinds of torture heard that Fujiwara Yasushi was cold and sweaty, his body trembled, and it was so drenched that he scared the urine directly!

"Oh, fuck, you bastard, your mother didn't tell you, isn't it allowed to urinate anywhere?" Chen immediately slaps past, frightening Fujiwara's head with a distorted face.

"I'm ... sorry, forgive me ..." Fujiwara Yasushi was so frightened that he finally asked for forgiveness.

"I'll spare you? Then you have to drink your own urine first!" Gan Xiangyi became a big girl, but she still couldn't change the prank.

"Okay, I drink, I drink!" Fujiwara Yasuke even dared to say half a no, and immediately gathered the void urine and drank it.

"Nausea ... disgusting, it's so disgusting, husband, let's play, we're going, we're going to see this kind of disgusting things!" Gan Xiangyi was really pretty capable, she immediately expressed annoyance. Then, the emperors and concubines shook their heads helplessly, and went down to wait for Chen.

"Sir, I'm done drinking, can you let me go?" After a while, Tengyuan Jingshe, who drank his urine, was begging for mercy again.

"You shameless thing, really thought you drank a pee, then it's done?" Chen Yan smiled, and of course he won't stop there.

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