Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2363: Full kill

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Push, Inoue cart, you're embarrassed to come out of the cart. See if you can't even push a person. What qualifications do you have for carts?" Coldly mocked.

"You ... how can you be so heavy?" Inoue's cart was incredible. Once his chariot came out, it was almost unstoppable, but now Chen Jiuyi stands, let his chariot stand. Unable to move, this skill, he is really beyond reach!

"Even the car can't be pushed, what do you want?" Chen Jiu scorned, and suddenly stomped, which caused the chariot to fall into the nothingness.

"Ah, you ..." His hands were bloodied as his hands screamed.

"Brother, we seem to underestimate this, let's go to the array!" Sven's second child, Inoue, cautiously suggested.

"Yes, the patio **** array!" The seven brothers scolded at the same time, and they released their own magic weapons, which were shining in the sky, and formed a specific array to trap Chen Jiu!

Patio **** array, this is a strange downhole world, all of a sudden made Chen Jiu sit on the well to watch the sky, his eyes became extremely narrow, like a frog at the bottom of the well, trapped.

"Cars come!" After the formation of the **** array, Inoue cart summoned, and even called his invincible chariot in front of him, and continued to push his posture.

"Ah, it seems that you are the cheap life of the cart, and finally got rid of it, you have to push it!" Chen Jiu sighed, really sorry for Inoue cart.

"Sin barrier, restlessly disturbed my mind, let's take the anger of our seven chivalrous men first!" Inoue's cart was so angry that the light and shadow manifested from the well wall in his cart.

'Booming ...' These lights and shadows are all the illusion of a cart on the well. They are like a cannonball. They are detached from the wall of the well and attacked Chen Jiu fierce. They attacked the past fiercely, almost endlessly. .

"One glance at all martial arts!" His eyes glowed, shooting endless light waves. These light waves evolved into peerless martial arts. The end was the destruction of countless chariots. Chen Jiuli was among them, just like a fairy king, inviolable and bullying.

"Drinking water must be fetched first, invincible God bucket!" Drinking water on the well was soaring. His attack was an iron bucket, thrown from the well, just like a pile driver, covering the whole well, compressing time and space, leaving Chen Jiu incompetent. Dodge.

"Qing. Tianyizhu!" Chen Jiu glanced up and greeted with one hand, it was stiff to resist the iron bucket, which was not affected.

"Invincible peach hammer!" The wall of the well turned into a ghost, and a heavy hollow copper hammer suddenly appeared, which hit the back of Chen Jiu, and it was the old Mitsui's peach picking power.

"Get away!" Chen Jiuxin felt a little, turned around and hit him, that was, he hit the hammer with a fist, and bounced it back.

"Invincible lotus pan, invincible religious ring, invincible horsewhip, invincible hoe!" Next, Inoue Izugi showed their powerful and weird attacks one after another, killing Chen Jiu together.

"It's really a bunch of rubbish!" Chen Jiuquan shook the Quartet and kicked the stars for thousands of miles. He was invincible and unshakable.

"Damn, execute the well lock and seduce him!" Repeated hits failed, and they gradually anxiously started on the Inoue cart and launched the biggest attack method of the Patio God Array.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ The wall of the well was tightened, and the entire patio was condensed into a thin space. Chen Jiu ’s body was locked into it, which meant it was a bit fierce!

"Hum, want to sleep me, no way!" Chen Jiu sneered, his body beating inside, rumbled endlessly, the whole patio was even more tornado-like, and it was dangerous.

"Dammit, how could it be so powerful, we could not help him to gather all seven of us. Is he even more fierce than the demon of that year?" Inoue strolled between them in shock, and they all roared and shouted. : "Patio power, blessing!"

'Booming ...' The seven men went mad, each offering a patio, and the power of the sacred and surging Lord God poured out. That was to help Chen Jiu in the earthquake patio. The patio stopped shaking on the spot. Power was amazing.

"Oh my God, this is difficult. I heard that the God of Seven Wells is the son of the Lord God. Now the seven of them are working together, which is almost equivalent to borrowing a blow from the Lord God. I am afraid that Chen Jiu cannot stop it anyway. Countless students who knew it, worried about Chen Jiu again.

"Shameless things, look at my martial arts!" Chen Jiu scolded, the whole person incarnates a martial arts dragon, he swayed, and propped the whole well into layers and cracked up, that was straight to the top of the well, like that A blowout was common, and a light burst into the sky. Chen Jiufu was born and stood on top of seven people, killing them.

"You ... how could you make it?" Inoue strolled between them and saw Chen Jiu showing no mercy.

"It's over, the martial arts shock pressure!" Chen Jiu was forced to use the martial arts power. He stretched out his hands with a magical force from the sky shaking, and pressed seven people.

‘Boom! ‘Although it ’s just borrowing one, it ’s enough to crush the Supreme Masters of all levels who do n’t understand the road in front of them.

"Bang ... Ah ..." Under martial arts, invincible chariots, invincible war buckets ... and so on, the seven proud artifacts were all broken up first, and that was not a blow, and then Their figures are even more mushy, they have been crushed into pieces under the martial arts, and there is not even a **** scum left!

It was too hard and too fast for the blow, so that the crowd did not respond at all. Chen Jiu reversed the situation and killed the seven chivalrous soldiers in one fell swoop. It was simply too brutal, brutal, too powerful, and overbearing.

"What? Kill them all ..." Countless classmates opened their mouths openly, admiring Chen Jiu's powerful combat power, and at the same time, he was worried about him.

Inoue courtyard, Inoue is also stunned. "Is the Inoue Corps destroyed like this? This kid actually killed my seven sons! Although they are mentally retarded, they are also my sons!"

"The seven well gods are in trouble, and the dean on behalf of me has killed them all. In the future, I hope that all students will be good at themselves and don't try to do it by themselves. Otherwise, I will not cut it off!" The heroes are self-righteous, spread justice, and lay the supreme majesty of the Nine Five Peaks.

Tall and sacred, at this moment Chen Jiu, his prestige is simply beyond the dean, that is, everyone is looking up!

‘Boom ...’ Unfortunately, a long time ago, a finger suddenly poked from the sky, and it was stabbed to Chen Jiu's head. It was fast, and everyone was too late to react.

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