Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2367: Big backer

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"Hong Lao, thank you for your kindness. I will find a way to rescue the fire of their souls. As for the gratitude to you, then I will be old, thank you for saving us, and I will repay you in the future. Yes! "Chen Jiu was still full of vigilance and refused to let the concubines come out.

"Chen Jiu, I said everything, how would I not treat them? Don't you just believe me? You zhidao, are you rebelling against a main god?" Hongzu repeatedly said that he couldn't help but get angry. Yes, there was a great coercion on the body, that was to frighten Chen Jiu.

"Hong Lao, you are supreme for the elders, and you are supreme. What women haven't met, why should you see my women?" Chen Jiu also questioned compliments.

"Chen Jiu, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, immediately let them out and thank me, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless and killing you here!" Hongzu's eyes suddenly burst into a shot The killer is like a sword, striking Chen Jiu's heart field, causing him to spit out blood.

"I'm sorry, Hongzu, there are things you can't do even if you die!" Chen Jiu didn't look back, but still shook his head firmly and refused. Even if his life was dying, he couldn't let his woman be hurt a little bit!

"Haha ..." At this time, Hongzu smiled weirdly again, which made it hard to understand his true intentions.

With such a smile for a while, Hongzu admired Chen Jiu: "Your boy, I didn't expect that I should protect Yier so much. I am really happy for her!"

"Yi'er?" Chen Jiu was even more puzzled.

"Oh, I mean Luo Yi, Tian Fu's body Luo Yi, she is my apprentice!" The words are amazing, Hong Zu said a secret.

"What? Luo Yi is your apprentice. How is this keneng?" When Chen Jiugang started, naturally, he was very unbelievable.

"She didn't know people in real life before, she looked very rigid!" Hongzu said a little about Luo Yi's past, and then said, "Is she the master, you can let her come out to see me!"

"Okay!" During Chen Jiu's inspection, he felt that Hongzu wasn't like lying, and he didn't have any malicious intentions. At the same time, he was very confused about his maintenance.

However, if Loy is his apprentice, everything seems to be OK.

When promised, Chen Jiu still released Luo Yi. Although she was injured, she is still beautiful and weeping ghosts. Her exquisite body is shining like a pearl in heaven and earth!

"Husband, what's wrong?" Luo Yi was still puzzled, just now.

"Yi'er, don't you recognize him as a teacher?" Hongzu suddenly said, that was one of his beards covering himself, and the other of his scattered hair was pulled behind him.

"This ... Master, how could Master be you, how did you show up!" After a closer look, Luo Yi was overjoyed, and rushed to Hongzu's, and hugged him tightly, Weeping with joy, I was so happy.

"Ahem ... Yier, this is Master, you have to respect others!" Chen Jiu looked at his wife and hugged other men, and naturally it wasn't tasteful.

"Good boy, the bucuo you are looking for is bucuo, but the vinegar taste is too great!" Hongzu couldn't help but tease deliberately.

"Master, that can only show that he loves me!" Luo Yi immediately released Hongzu, and looked straight at him with grievances.

"Yes, if you don't love you, how did you look like keneng then?" Hongzu nodded in approval.

"Master, don't talk about this!" Luo Yi couldn't help but be a little shy and didn't want to mention Chen Jiu and her beauty again.

"Well, Yier, when you took the initiative to surrender Shendan to your brother and stayed to manage the temple yourself, you found a good marriage, which seems to be a reward from heaven to you!" Hongzu nodded, again Was slightly sighed.

"Brother? Hong Lao, shouldn't you say that Luo Yi's brother is the young emperor today?" Chen Jiuzhi realized what was normal, and that was his eyes widened instantly.

"Yes, Qingdi is Luo Yi's brother. Is there anything wrong with this?" Hongzu asked again without understanding.

"Master, please take the initiative for Luo Yi!" Luo Yi was embarrassed to say that Chen Jiu immediately complained on her behalf. "The young emperor pursued Luo Yi and deceived her feelings. After receiving the **** of thrones, she threw her decisively Abandoned, came alone, really a sinister! "

"Oh? Can this matter be taken seriously? I just zhidao this thing is not so simple!" Hongzu then stared at Luo Yi, as if had expected.

"Master, this is indeed true, but I don't blame him now. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have found such a haode man!" Luo Yi looked at Chen Jiu with happiness, and his heart widened.

Open-minded, only happy people can have this mood, because they have got the most beautiful love in the world, naturally they don't care so much about other things!

"Don't blame him? But as far as I know, there seems to be a conflict between the Qing Emperor and Chen Jiujian. The two of them have some bets. I'm afraid they will never die!" Hongzu immediately had some fun.

"What? Anything else? Master, Brother treated me that way and almost killed me. Please punish him!" Luo Yi was surprised, expressing her hate unabashedly.

"Of course, this son's mind is not correct, he is not worthy of being a disciple at all!" Hong Zu Zheng focused his head and was very dissatisfied.

"Hong Lao, since you already know that his mind is not correct, why did you still train him so that he has such amazing and brilliant?" Chen Jiu could not understand and asked, because the potential of the Qing Emperor has made him so far. Somewhat worried.

"I'll talk about this later, Chen Jiu, why do you still call me Hong Lao?" Shaking his head, Hong Zu looked at Chen Jiu with some discomfort.

"Well, Master is here, please pray to the apprentice!" Chen Jiu hesitated, and sincerely worshiped, at the same time, his heart was also very agitated. If Hong Zu behaved in this way, it would be equivalent to recognize him. !!

With the recognition of Hongzu and the relationship of Luo Yi, Chen Jiu felt that his waist was hard.

shide, Hongzu is amazing, it is the first person from ancient times to the present, and he will have his protection in the future. Then in the whole temple, who dare to find trouble and touch his own mold!

With such a big backer, in the future the sanctuary will not go along with itself? Chen Jiuyu wanted to laugh out loud.

"Okay, you kid, don't be stupid!" Hongzu seemed to see through Chen Jiu, but he didn't care about him: "Aren't you curious about why I trained a young emperor? I can tell you now You just have to hold it! "

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