Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2380: Hide each other

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Chen Jiufa prestige, no woman can be the opponent, not to mention the dream just blooming, and before the day is dawning, she is tortured and fainted. Read

Dizzy. After waking up for a while, the dream suddenly found that the man was still in motion, really happy to die!

In this way, under the forceful favor of Chen Jiu, dreams like flowers are coming out of the halo, and going in the halo, in the end, I do n’t even know what kind of state I am.

"Ah ..." At dawn, Chen Jiuyong snarled, and it crawled down and fell asleep!

"This dead man, crushed me!" Meng Ruhua was more tired and sleepy, but she forcibly gritted her teeth and made herself awake.

When carefully pushing Chen Jiu behind, Meng Ruhua felt the hot pain below. When she complained, she was even ashamed of the crispness and numbness in her body and mind. She was choked to death!

"How can this dead person be worse than before? I really doubt how the stars have withstood it?" Meng Ruhua looked at the sleeping man, especially when he looked at the things below him, and made her burst for a while. Tangled.

After getting his wish, he finally enjoyed his big things. Dreams like flowers, except for his full body and feet, couldn't be happier.

"Hey, what's this all about? I just came to accompany the stars, but he was forced by him. How wrong is this?" With a sigh, the dream was like a cheeky face. Red, she knew it In one thing, Chen Jiu could not be completely blamed, and it had a great relationship with his previous behavior of letting go of waves.

She knows her bitterness, although she feels a little wronged, but dreams like a guilty conscience, and dare not speak up. She finally looked at the man with a complicated look, and opened her hand with a wave, and let the other beautiful man. Come out, it is the dream star.

Because the core of Meng Xingchen's soul fell asleep in Meng Ruhua's brain, and Meng Ruhua wanted to do the shameful thing, so she completely closed up Meng Xingchen. As everyone knows, this time, Chen Jiu was misunderstood and given it as a dream. The stars went up, this is really nowhere to say, there is no way to talk about injustice!

"Forget it, just think of it as a dream. Wake up tomorrow, they will be better!" Meng Ruhua was a little bit reluctant, a little scared, and looked helplessly at the two of them. She finally chose to leave silently. go with.

After leaving, Meng Ruhua carefully escorted the soul core of Meng Xingchen, and she woke up slightly shortly after!

"Uh, this ... why are we two?" The first thing Weng Xingchen woke up was not to be surprised how Chen Jiu came, but to understand where the dream was.

My plan is seamless. How could Master not be there? It stands to reason that she must have been **** by this man now!

Yes, I did it, but because Meng Ruhua was ashamed to face it, she still fled. This is how people are not as good as heaven. Meng Xingchen seems to be the perfect plan, and some Louzi can't help it.

"What the **** is going on?" Meng Xingchen was puzzled and couldn't help pushing Chen Jiu, who was next to him with wine. "You wake up, it's dawn, don't sleep!"

"Oh, it's dawn, then I should go too!" Chen Jiu opened his eyes, and he didn't even see Meng Xing, so he had to get dressed and leave.

"Don't, Chen Jiu, don't leave, I have something to say!" Meng Xingchen quickly went upstairs, and felt that Chen Jiu was a little different than before, but she didn't care for a while.

"Hurry up and say something, I'm still busy!" In the words of Chen Jiu, cold, now he completely treats Dream Star as a plaything, and he doesn't want to talk any more.

"Chen Jiu, last night ... I ca n’t bear you!" Some things, Meng Xingchen also did not say clearly, she hinted that she could not help but boldly focus on Chen Jiu again.

"Why? Didn't you get enough work last night? Isn't it? Oh, I actually changed my clothes again in the morning, Xingchen, I can't see that you are quite pure in appearance, but such a silver wave in your heart!" Zhuanyi was ridiculed. Although he was dizzy yesterday, he still has memories. According to his method, it is logical that the dream star should not be able to stand today, and now he still has to ask for it. What he wants is Subverted his previous perception.

"Not enough? Changed a set of clothes?" Meng Xingchen stared in astonishment, with a timid face, which made Chen Jiu misunderstand this for sure.

"Oh, I didn't do enough, so I changed another suit? Rest assured, I will be full. It's enough for you!" Chen Jiu's resentful glances flashed. Since you are not enough, then I will completely make you Enough!

"Ah ... Chen Jiu, what are you doing, hey, you lightly ..." Meng Xingchen secretly hid and was pushed down by Chen Jiu forcibly. This made her also hurt for a while. He fell into enjoyment.

After a long drought and sweet rain, Meng Xingchen was intoxicated, and very happy at the same time. Fortunate and happy, because according to Chen Jiu's words, her yesterday's plan should be successful. Her master must have been taken by him. !!

It just made her wonder. Why didn't Chen Jiu recognize the master, and the master didn't speak up and left silently? Is there really no relationship between them?

"Yeah, you are so terrible!" It was okay at first, and after a while Dream Star couldn't think about it any more. She was served by Chen Jiuyu over and over again, and eventually begged for nothing, and she fainted. .

After waking up again, I felt that my legs were floating. She was weak and weak, and Meng Xingchen could not see Chen Jiu anymore. At the same time, she was scolding the dead man so powerfully, all her mind was on the dreamy flower!

"Master, what does she think? Will she have resentment yesterday?" Meng Xingchen was a little uncertain, so she decided to try her dream reaction.

So, in spirit, Meng Xing came to Ru Hua Dian again, and met Meng Ru Hua, but there was something she couldn't say clearly, just vaguely complaining, "Master, you didn't agree to stay with me yesterday, why me? As soon as I wake up, I don't see your people? "

"Master is not as idle as you are. Master still has to get up early to pick honey, so he left first!" Something in the heart was vague, and dreams such as flowers naturally dare not admit anything.

"Oh, Master is still picking honey?" Meng Xingchen's skeptical eyes suddenly made her face dreamy. Red, embarrassing, embarrassing, what did she find?

"Yes, Master naturally wants to pick honey. Xingchen, did you just wake up? Did you sleep well? Have you ever thought about Chen Jiu again?" Meng Ruhua just asked her scalp.

"Sleeping quite well, but when I woke up, I was alone, and I felt so scared!" Meng Xingchen was worried that her plan was blame and found out by Meng Ruhua, naturally she did not dare to say Chen Jiu The presence.

In this way, the master and apprentice conceal each other, this time there can be a good show to watch!


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