Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2383: Candid apprenticeship

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"Huh, little bit. Man, just leave you alone for a few days, and you think about it, just think you're pretending to be pathetic? I'm not interested in serving you!" Faced with the sadness and grievances of Meng Xingchen, Chen Jiutan It is indifferent and repetitive.

Because of love and hate, this cannot be said that Chen Jiu is not generous, but sometimes, the deeper the love, the deeper the injury!

In Ruhua Dian, looking at the crying dream star in front of him, Meng Ruhua also realized the seriousness of the problem, and just cared and asked: "Xing Chen, have you quarreled?"

"No, it was okay a few days ago, who knows what happened to him suddenly!" Meng Xingchen's face was puzzled.

"A few days ago?" Meng Ruhua just expressed doubt.

"Oh, Chen Jiu came to see me the other day, I forgot to tell Master!" Meng Xingchen accidentally said that she had leaked, and could not help but quickly remedy it.

"So, is there really no quarrel between you? Then why is Chen Jiu suddenly so tired of us like Huafeng?" Meng Ruhua was also puzzled.

"I don't know, it must be those women who are jealous of us, so they deliberately kept Chen Jiu away from us!" Meng Xingchen resentfully hated.

"Is that so? I don't think Chen Jiu is such a person. Besides, we are no worse than them. Why did he choose them instead of us?" Meng Ruhua doubted convincingly.

"Then I don't know, maybe he's really busy!" Meng Xingchen is also confused, I don't know where to offend Chen Jiu.

"Xing Chen, these nine days old Chen Jiu Lao is drunk, do you think about why?" Meng Ruhua analysis room asked again.

"Master, how do you know he's drunk?" When asked, Meng Xing directly poked at Meng Ruhua's handle.

"Ah, I ..." Dreamy face like flowers, all of a sudden, red. She did not expect that she accidentally said that she had leaked. This was a bit of a remedy for remedy.

"Master, to this day, let ’s open the skylight and talk brightly. Otherwise, Chen Jiufei will have to abandon us!" Meng Xingchen couldn't care much at this time, because only Chen Jiu was retained. The most important thing is that Master blame the blame!

"What bright words, Xingchen, I don't understand what you mean!" Meng Ruhua was ashamed and embarrassed, she didn't dare face it, did she know everything? But why didn't she say it all the time?

"Master, actually, when I woke up a few days ago, Chen Jiu told me, he said how I changed my clothes, and there is no end!" Meng Xingchen was also a face of evil. 臊 preached.

"What ... what do you mean?" Mengruhua stared, still holding the last hint of fantasy.

"Master, when you were sleeping with me, you wore my clothes. When Chen Jiu came to me at that time, did you have a relationship? Otherwise, why would he say that I changed my clothes? "Meng Xingchen spoke straight.

"Xing Chen, don't get me wrong, this is not the case, it's not like this ..." Meng Ruhua watched her beauty be discovered, and could not help but die in embarrassment.

"Master, do n’t worry. I did n’t blame you, and I did n’t blame you for taking Chen Jiu with me. I know you also like each other, and you can have relationships. In fact, I ’m very relieved. The situation now, we It ’s important to keep Chen Jiu! ”Bitterly persuaded that Meng Xingchen really did n’t care about that.

"Xingchen, I ... I'm sorry for you!" Watching Mengxing Chen said so surely, Meng Ruhua knew she couldn't refute, and she was so ashamed that she didn't dare to lift her head up, even once. So many times, I have enjoyed the happiness that belongs to her as her. Is it too shameless for me to be a master?

"No, Master, I should say I'm sorry, it should be me!" Shaking his head, Meng Xingchen also said with shame in his heart: "From Chen Jiu's words, I understand that Master is not violent. Revealing your identity, you are Serve Chen Jiu in my capacity, right? Master is thinking for me, can I not know the stars? "

"This ..." Meng Ruhua was really ashamed, she couldn't help but explain quickly: "Xing Chen, it happened to be such an accident at first. I was resting now. Who knows that Chen Jiuyi came up and took I was treated as you, and I just got on with me. I was totally frightened at that time. I really didn't dare to speak up. Will you forgive me? "

"Master, I said that, I won't blame you!" Meng Xingchen asked when he understood, "Master, when Chen Jiu was made, did it taste good?"

"I ..." Meng Ruhua immediately became ashamed and said with a big red face: "That guy, if not so fierce, it would be nice!"

"Master, for the first time, you did not take pity on you, it is really hard for you!" Meng Xingchen preached sympathetically.

"Hey, it's over, no need to mention it again!" Meng Ruhua was ashamed to mention that kind of thing again.

"Master, you said that it wouldn't be Chen Jiu who found out your identity, then suddenly angry?" Meng Xingchen then doubted again.

"Impossible, if he found my identity, he wouldn't have been so fierce last time!" Meng Ruhua shook her head with a blushing expression.

"That's why you didn't serve him well?" Dream Star wondered again.

"Not ready yet? Any time below, I'm going to be messed up by him, okay?" Meng Ruhua is also a grievance, if it is not good to serve like this, then no woman can serve him!

"In that case, what is it for?" Meng Xingchen was completely irrelevant now, really wondering.

"Xingchen, I don't think you guessed it. Did you know Chen Jiu in the past?" Meng Ruhua reminded her again.

"No, I asked him, but he didn't tell me!" Meng Xingchen said with a disappointed look: "It seems that this time, he didn't want me anymore, Master, what do you say to me? Do you? "

"Xing Chen, don't worry, this incident must have been misunderstood. I believe Chen Jiu is not like that!" Meng Ruhua comforted.

"Master, you must help me, okay?" Meng Xingchen begged.

"I help you, how can I help you?" Meng Ruhua was also a little confused at this time.

"Master, you have realized the benefits of Chen Jiu these days, will you marry him? As long as you marry him, then you can help me talk, okay?" Meng Xingchen had an idea again Seek.

"This, I'm marrying him? Is this okay?" Meng Ruhua hesitated for a while. It was moving. After the nourishment of these days, she was inseparable from this man, but so rash. Marrying him, she still had some shame.

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