Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2392: One-vote veto

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"What? Marry together, husband, you are really greedy!" Mu Lan naturally has several white eyes, very resentful.

"Husband, you really care about our views so much. If one of us disagrees, you won't really marry them?" The girls are more concerned about the one-vote veto system mentioned by Chen Jiu.

Marriage lovers love, no matter which party, the most feared is to be ignored, and how to manifest this right, that is very learned!

At present, although Chen Jiu is unable to love a woman with all his heart, his decentralized one-vote system is equivalent to giving every woman absolute rights and dignity, as long as they say 'no 'Word, then it can take a decisive role. This feeling of being valued and holding power has made them feel extremely happy.

"Of course, I said and done, each of you is my lover, and deserves to have the right to decide on happiness!" Chen Jiuyi said with a certain face, that was not contrived.

"Meng Ru Hua and Meng Xing Chen are actually pretty good. I agree with the husband to marry them!" Chen Lan was well-behaved and agreed to the first one.

"I also agree, it's just a few more mouths, my husband is full!" Gan Xiangyi also agreed immediately, without much opinion.

"As long as the husband is happy, then everything is fine!" Zhao Lian was empty and spirited.

"Jiuer, your prey is really more and more, but since it has been hit by you, I have no reason not to let you take it home!" Chen Hanxue also looked at Chen Jiu covetously and agreed.

"Han Xue agrees, and I have no opinion!" Peony smiled, fresh and fragrant. As Chen Hanxue's master, she and Chen Jiu were severely blocked by obstacles. Naturally, she knew the misfortunes , Unwilling to watch other women injured as a result.

"I agree ..." Next, the fairy fairy Yimeng, the veiled fairy Lisa, the moon fairy Qing'e, all the women nodded, expressing their support for Chen Jiu.

"You ... you guys who have no bones, are you afraid to say that you are punished by being punished by him?" Mu Lan looked at most of the women, but she was very supportive and could not help but feel a little bit angry. Already.

"No, just because the husband can give us the right to a veto, this time no matter who they are, I will have no opinion!" Ruyi quickly agreed.

"A few more sisters play, it seems more fun!" Emma was generous and did not have any opinions.

"Mu Lan, you are the only one left, do you still disagree?" Kong Zhi finally glared at Mu Lan, which isolated her.

"I ..." Mu Lan glared at the daughters, and finally looked at Chen Jiu, she was a little unwilling to preach: "I just can't see how you always obey him. Since dreams are like flowers They are not so greedy and afraid of death, and I have no opinion! "

"Thank you ... Thank you!" Chen Jiu finally breathed a sigh of relief. If any woman did not agree, he wouldn't really go back to deal with them.

"Don't thank us. If you want to thank, then thank those two women who don't think you have so many wives and are still willing to marry you!" Mu Lan pretended to be uninterested.

"Fu Jun, when are you going to marry them?" Kong Zhi asked again.

"When is it appropriate for you to see?" Chen Jiu asked for advice.

"Fu Jun, I think we need to choose a good day for the zodiac. Right now, our Nine-Five Peaks are suppressed by Mitsui-in Temple. It's hard to dispel. When you get married, you will be happy at Quanfeng. Good for it! "Kong Zhi preached expectantly.

"Okay, just listen to your arrangements!" Chen Jiu nodded with satisfaction, there was no opinion.

"Chen Jiu, you asked us to help you with your wedding. If we hadn't waited for us in advance, we wouldn't be able to help you!" Mu Lan muttered again, and the boss was dissatisfied.

"Rest assured, before you do it for me, I must do it for you!" Chen Jiu promised, but only the first one hugged Mu Lan.

"Chen Jiu, what are you doing?" Mu Lan suddenly felt nervous and nervous.

"What else can you do with your uncle?" Chen Jiu laughed and just kissed Mu Lan.

"Well, don't, husband, this is not the lottery yet, you can't do this to me ..." Mu Lan resisted, but attracted the girls to laugh, to no avail.

"Ah ..." After a while, when the long legs were separated and completely entered by Chen Jiu, Mu Lan called with a beautiful voice, and there was no more opinion.

Then, a beautiful love staged again, and finally Mu Lan just sighed with happiness. "Husband, you don't have a lot of energy to manipulate people, how can this help you with your wedding?"

"Don't be tired, just rest. There are so many people at Jiuwufeng, and you don't have to make your efforts!" Chen Jiu was so angry that she just threw herself at other women. Today they gave such a face to them without rejecting themselves. How can I thank them?

"Ah, husband, you're too bad ..." The concubines were shy and shy, and they were all drunk on this man in the end, which was endless happiness and happiness.

The jade and the body are full of Chen. In the early morning of the next day, in the entire Nine-Five Peaks Hall, the sky is blossoming, the legs are long, the legs are wonderful, the snow, the meat is fragrant, and it is just like a fairy palace. .

"Can the concubines be satisfied with their performance?" Chen Jiu was lying in the center, standing like a flock of chickens, enjoying Fuze like an immortal.

"Husband, rest assured, we will help you to make your wedding beautiful and beautiful!" Below him, I saw what Mu Lan was eating happily, and it was guaranteed again and again.

"In this case, I will inform them as if they were flowers!" When Chen Jiu was in her heart, she looked at her goddess, and now she was so well-behaved as herself.

"Don't worry, husband, let's reward some people before leaving!" Mu Lan said, and he worked hard.

Do not eat the fireworks on the earth, but now is eating something like herself, looking at her holy appearance, Chen Jiu wants to be profane, profanely, imprinted her own mark!

A good day and a beautiful day have been set. On August 8th, a few days later, it will be the opening day of the worlds of gods. On that day, countless souls prayed, and the heavens and the earth were bright and peaceful.

With good news, Chen Jiu came to Ruhua Peak. When he expressed his intentions, naturally the two women were grateful for a while. He knelt in front of him and gave him the greatest enjoyment!

Jiuwufeng Lord Chen Jiu's wedding is about to marry the two men and women, such as Meng Ruhua and Meng Xingchen. Such news spreads wildly, and that soon detonated the entire temple.

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