Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2395: Empty God Appears

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Empty, how can you talk to me? Don't you want to live?" The figure sitting in the middle of the temple, although a young man, rebuked the former dean for being empty, without leaving a little affection.

"Brother, but my wife, my grandson, were taken away by Chen Jiu!" Empty and guilty, I dare not be rude again.

"The so-called new ones don't go, the old ones don't come, they are gone, aren't you just able to add a few more new wives?" The young man persuaded ruthlessly.

"This ... Your brother is right!" Although the young man in front of him scolded that he was not sexual, but he thought for a moment, and couldn't help but be agitated.

"Chen Jiu, a good Chen Jiu, I look down on him. It actually grew up in my eyelids! It's really my negligence!" The young man was playing with it, and it was quite a bit of teething, very unpleasant.

"Brother, do you have any resentment against Chen Jiu?" Hollow heard a trace of charm, and could not help asking strangely, thinking that he was giving his own ideas and retaliating against Chen Jiu. Now it seems that this is not the case at all. !!

"This evil kind, I can't wait to chase him down!" The young man rebuked in abominable anger.

"Uh? Brother Kongshen, haven't you been practicing carefully under the guidance of Master recently? There doesn't seem to be too much intersection between you and Chen Jiu?" Kong Kong couldn't understand it any more.

"Well, I have something to say to you now. This is probably the kind of evil that Yan Ran gave birth to. Then I killed one, but it didn't seem to be the real person. We were all deceived by him. He is the true demon **** forbidden son! "The young man said with remorse, his face complexion.

Sky God, it turned out that he was the one who had engaged with Yan Ran at that time. Tianjiao was talented and overflowed the sky. Unfortunately, after being rejected by Yan Ran, it became abominable and sinister.

"What? He is a demon **** forbidden, how is this possible!" Wan was suddenly surprised, some unbelievable. "This is less than a year, he can grow to such a level!"

"So, this is his terrible thing. He has a strong will in his body, which makes me extremely jealous!" Kong Shen nodded, and said cautiously, "He and the underworld At that time, the appearance was similar, and the breath was very close. I dare to conclude that he is that person! "

"The will to make you jealous? So it's true that this boy was feeding you **** in the nether, is it true?" The hole is really what pot is not open, which immediately makes the face of the air **** green.

"You ... you're so nonsense. In the past, he shamed and insulted my son through the separation between heaven and earth. That was really a heavy sin, and sin should be dead!" Of course, the **** of emptiness would not admit such a scandal. This black pot, he did not hesitate to reward his son.

"Oh, Lingzi is okay now?" Empty care asked, casually.

"This inverse boy has lost all face to me, and I would not have recognized him already!" Kongshen said ruthlessly: "If it were not for preventing grass and snakes, I would have killed him long ago!"

'hiss! ‘Come on air-conditioner, and I did n’t think that Kongshen would kill his own son. It was cold and sweaty, and he was scared.“ What are you going to do? My wife, son-in-law and grandchildren are all lost in it! ”

"Rest assured, I just disgusted him just now. I didn't expect him to be so simple to resolve. I have a good plan to deal with him!" Kongshen sneered again, his face confident.

"I'm sick?" Hollow rolled his eyes extremely silently. You're disgusting, you disgusted my family, and finally disgusted me.

"Brother, you said that if the forbidden demon **** son is exposed, will it lead to the crazy killing of the magical temple?" The **** of sky laughed cruelly again.

"But he is now in our Yuanli Shrine. Once it is exposed, wouldn't many of the veterans take him as a treasure?" Frowning, hollow with different opinions.

"I know that some things can be used at the right time to exert unexpected power. Today he is married to Chen Jiu, and I will send him a generous gift to make him sleepless all night!" Kongshen handsome face On, just smiled proudly.

"Thick gift?" Hollow really couldn't understand it anymore, and wanted to ask, but the **** of empty did not explain any more.

For example, on the Huafeng, the team who greeted the gongs and drums finally arrived, but the many girls who were waiting for them were complaining for a while.

"Hey, irrelevant people are waiting outside, and Chen Jiu will come in with us!" The girls on the flower peak, for example, blocked the whole team, and only Chen Jiu was allowed in.

"Xian Aunts, we are all brothers of the boss!"

"What's the matter with your brother, your boss got married, not your marriage, and disturbed our master, can you afford it?" The girls had sharp teeth and Yaowu Yangwei pointed to Chen Jiu. "Hey, Chen Jiu, hurry up. Come with us, not for the first time, are you afraid we will eat you? "

"This, okay, I'll go by myself!" Today's biggest woman, Chen Jiu, didn't care about it, but with a helpless smile, he still crossed Ruhua Peak alone.

"Come with us!" The seven or eight teachers and sisters led the way. They were embracing Chen Jiu and went up the peak, and gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

"Wow, the boss is so happy. I feel like my daughter's country when I enter this place like Huafeng!" Zhang Xinran was envious.

"Hey, women have women's troubles, and singles have single happiness!" Li Xiaoyao just sighed, sentimental.

No matter what the brothers are talking about here, Chen Jiu was surrounded by daughters alone and brought Ruhuafeng. This has just gone deeper, and he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

Among the flowers, snow is fluttering, high, white, clear, and beautiful. They are just like pearls in the flowers, which is the finishing touch and tempting.

"Small, look silly, right? You know that there aren't a few guys out there who are bad!" Looking at the expression of Chen Jiuyi, the sisters just blushed proudly.

"This ... Today is my big wedding. Why do the sisters still pick honey? Why don't you take a break and wait for wine?" Chen Jiu doubted, and finally understood that these women would not let The reason why outsiders came in, it turns out that there are still many pure women collecting powder in the mountains and mountains today.

If Huafeng collects honey, it is not possible to wear more clothes. For this scene, Chen Jiu is no stranger to it already. The tulle is hidden, not only can't cover their beautiful spring. Adding a charm and confusion, it really makes the heart beat faster.

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