Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2406: Maintain stability

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Unwilling, the girls are really unwilling. Although they are sisters to each other, they are also competitors at this time. They all want to prove that their charm is the biggest, and that is what attracts this man most.

After several rounds, the girls were unconscious, and they gradually enlarged the scale. The purpose is very clear, that is, the first one who wants Chen Jiu can't stand it!

"Husband, it's so hot!" This time, Emma took the lead in shaking off her short skirt, so that the beauty, completely hidden or present, was revealed.

"Uh, this is pretty cool!" Chen Jiu was suddenly attracted to the past, and the goddess could not wait for it.

"Shameless ..." When Shangguan was weak and scolded, she was more subtle, only to see she gently pulled down her trousers, just hung on her knees, and twisted against Chen Jiu " Husband, it's so cold! "

"Yeah, it's cold!" Chen Jiu could stand this, and immediately Baba passed, but he didn't help mention it.

"My husband, come here, help others warm!" Blushing hurt. Alas, although very embarrassed, Shangguan cowardly tried to prove his charm.

"Husband, people are so itchy ..." On the other side, Amami is even more terrific. I saw her jade hand stretched out, a pinch, and the feeling of magical beauty was even deeper.

"Mir, I'll help you scratch it!" There are too many beauties. Chen Jiu is really too busy. It's just like this mountain looks at the high mountain, and it will never be full. It's the same.

In this way, the scene of large feet and degrees continued, and after several rounds of crossfire, I saw that the bodies of many princesses, except for the socks just made, were completely removed!

搔. First of all, the girls were hurt. On the occasion of 臊, each one refused to show their beauty to Chen Jiu and wanted to get his approval and favor.

"I ... too beautiful!" As everyone knows, at this time, Chen Jiu made a decision that surprised all the girls.

Chen Jiu suddenly stepped out of the ladies and came to the store high. He looked down at the ladies and gave up all of them.

"Husband, you are ..." Just when the girls didn't understand why, Jiu Jiu's slanderous movement suddenly made them one by one. They were a little dare to face them.

Zimei, at this time, Chen Jiu, there are even beautiful women who do not enjoy it, he even looked at them, it was self-beauty!

I don't understand. This time the girls are dumbfounded. Who won this one? They really do n’t understand. Are we so many women worse than yours?

Of course not, it's not that the girls are inferior to Chen Jiu's hands, but the beauty of the girls has turned into a source of power and came to Chen Jiu's mind, which was driving his hands to perform beautiful and beautiful actions.

At this moment, none of the women who favored them actually had such a melody against them, all of a sudden. They profaned them all, so Chen Jiu chose to be beautiful first.

"Husband ..." After a short surprise, the girls were reconciled and continued to hook. Chen Jiu was aroused.

At this moment, looking at them each has a beautiful body, long legs, and beautiful legs, Chen Jiu feels even more sensible. When I was on the earth, it was extremely happy to see them at a glance. How could it be like now, watching them all beautiful, and being able to profane them in person!

If you want happiness in life, you are content, and Chen Jiu is really content at this moment, so he soon gets his own happiness!

"Oh, my husband, how bad you are!" When the rain of happiness fell, the girls were a little dumbfounded, but they all hurriedly ate and ate.

"Wife, I'm here!" Chen Jiu looked at them like that, and couldn't help but pounce in the past. Regardless of the order, he caught one by one, and he started the ultimate enjoyment.

"Oh, husband, don't worry!" Gan Yu'er was caught by the first accidentally, but it was embarrassed.

"Don't worry? You've been embarrassed for a long time, but let me not worry?" Chen Jiuyi laughed and pierced the disguise of the girls. What kind of **** does this woman play? Well!

So at this moment, Chen Jiu doesn't need to be polite anymore, just go straight to the gun and serve all the women, and that's it.

"Ah, husband, you are great, great!" Sure enough, after getting the favor of Chen Jiu, all of them are extremely happy.

The war in the Tang Dynasty started. This was a happy and smooth battle. Chen Jiu was alone, like Zhao Yun saved the lonely. It was penetrated into the enemy group, ran across, and killed many enemy generals. Losing his helmet and removing his armor, he finally fell completely to the ground and never dared to fight with him again.

"Dear wives, are you still embarrassed?" Chen Jiu's victory in the end held up his war rifle, but he was very excited.

"Don't be embarrassed, dare not, husband, our bitterness has been cleaned up by you!" The concubines surrendered, which gave Chen Jiu a great dignity.

"It's almost the same, check it later when you are out. Don't wear such a short skirt!" Chen Jiu was satisfied, and then ordered again.

"Husband, are you afraid that others will take advantage of us? You can rest assured that although we are cyanotic, not everyone can do it. In this life, we can only let you do it alone!" Mu Lan looked at him pleasedly. Chen Jiu just comforted.

"Laner, pay attention to your words!" Qing'e couldn't bear to hear it. Shouldn't this woman be restrained?

"I didn't all say it with my husband!" Mu Lan also looked aggrieved.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?" Chen Jiu frowned. He didn't be stingy, but he was afraid they would be counted when he couldn't take care of them. It is undoubtedly more prone to crime for a superior person with a sense of sex.

As a woman, when you are in front of a man, you should be stubborn, but when you should not be stubborn, you should still check it. If you do not cause others to commit crimes, it will not only make you suffer, but also Ruined each other's life!

Leading by example, Chen Jiu felt that she had married so many beautiful women, and it was even more important to teach them how to be human beings and to effectively and effectively maintain social stability.

"Husband, don't be angry, we all know that in the future, I will manage them in a unified manner and not let them dress too violently. Exposure!" Kong Zhi quickly responded, and she clearly agreed with Chen Jiu's approach.

"Chen Jiu, come here quickly ..." Just when Chen Jiu was satisfied, a sudden wave of fluctuations came from Hong Zu's token, which made him take it very seriously.

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