Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2413: Flying Fair

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In the core of Yuanli Shrine's pivotal center, in a continuous mountain-like open-air palace group, all the males gathered, whether it was the master or the student, all gathered together.

The chaos **** son trial, this is the grandest event in the courtyards, naturally attracting everyone's attention!

God of Chaos, it not only represents height, but also glory. Most of the peak masters, when they were young, were all outstanding people selected in this kind of trial, so this trial is for ordinary students. That said, it is also a step-by-step opportunity. How could it not be sought after?

The masses gathered, and the various factions of the Yuanfeng Shrine all gathered together for the first time, and within a short period of time, they had broken 100,000 people.

There are too many people, some can't count them all. Everyone wants to witness this grand moment and wants to have a day to participate in the trial!

In life, the most important thing is to have a dream. The Chaos God Sons trial is undoubtedly the goal of most students' struggles in their lives. Even if they can't win, they only need to participate once to honour their lives.

At the core, this is a transparent platform, with a tall figure, a handsome face, and a weather-beaten look. It really calmed down the scene and made everyone reverent.

Why can't this dead boy come? As everyone knows, Shen Xingyun's heart is cursed, not as superficial as the surface image!

Nine-Five Peaks, as the object of special promotion and special training of Shenxing Yun, Chen Jiu's glory undoubtedly represents the authority of Shenxing Yun, so even though people have come almost, he still wants to wait.

"Why didn't the conference begin?" After a while, the students couldn't wait any longer, because sitting here was nothing to do?

"Maybe some people haven't arrived yet. Isn't Master Chen Jiufeng yet to come?" There are too many people, and it is impossible for many students to see all of them.

"Dean, it's time to start!" At this time, a solemn voice suddenly passed from one direction to the high platform, and there was even a bit of dissatisfaction in it.

"Okay ... let's get started!" Anxiously stepped, Shen Xingyun just scolded Chen Jiu for not giving him a long face, only knowing that he was messing around, it seemed to be a bit jealous of this figure, and he announced it straightly. : "Classmates, my colleagues, presumably everyone has heard of it. Our event is the advance of the Chaos Gods selection event!"

"As we all know, the God of Chaos is the highest glory of my classmates in our college ..." Shen Xingyun then stumbled and talked about the importance of the God of Chaos, which really stirred the enthusiasm of all the students and made them one after another. Established a stronger determination.

Finally, this kind of incentive activity lasted for an hour, and it was considered to be over. Then Shen Xingyun announced again: "Okay, since God of Chaos is so important, but it is also very dangerous. Those who can participate in the trial must be It takes courage. Now we will announce the candidates for this competition. Please let the heroes come to the stage and accept everyone's attention! "

"The first one, please have our glorious son!" With the words of Shen Xingyun looking forward to, I saw a young man wearing gold clothes, full of arrogance, and splendid breath, which was a leap of vigor to the high stage. On the way, I arched to everybody and said, "I've seen every classmate, Master Feng!"

"Wow, splendid son I love you ..." Such a windy image, naturally there are female fans who like it, their screams immediately overwhelmed and released the importance of the glorious son.

"Go, who is this, it ’s awesome to wear a gold coat?" Some new classmates, naturally, are very unpleasant. Looking at the girl they are thinking about, how can they bear a man so much?

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the point when it comes to you, the glorious Son is a proud disciple of Director Kong. Disrespectful? "Those with good intentions immediately reminded.

"What? Director Kong's disciples!" These new classmates were immediately scared to shrink their necks. Although the beauty is good, her life is even more expensive.

"The second one, please ask our mixed son, the third one, please ask the Jiuxiao son ..." Shen Xingyun held a list, which was read on the high platform. In a short time, hundreds of people They have all come to the high stage and accepted everyone's attention and admiration.

There are only a hundred people, obviously not the limit, but when Shen Xingyun looked at the list, he paused unconsciously, and then said, "The hundredth one, please, our grave son!"

"Huh!" He seemed to be disdainful, and saw a young man in a black suit, who was very impatient and went to the stage.

'Zi ...' This young man, as dark as ink, not only makes his body difficult to see clearly, as if he can absorb light, it's astonishing, that is, his face. People probably can only see a contour, a blur, and can't see at all. Clear its true appearance!

"God of gravity, we love you ..." Although you can't see your face clearly, this doesn't prevent the female fans' love and admiration.

"Go, you can't see your face. Should you say that you are idiots, or are you idiots?" Next to the female classmates, someone was immediately bitterly rebuked.

"Well, what do you understand? It's not the face that is important for a man, but the ability to understand? Without strength, what's the use of a little white face?" This incident was heard by a girl by chance, and she immediately refuted it politely.

"That is, who turns off the light at night, who still looks at the face, as long as the thing is normal!" A wave girl next to her, shameless right to release, has attracted many male students, want to get into trouble, this Too **** too cheap!

There is no way to meet this kind of cheap man. This male student is also willing to admire the wind, but he is in a state of silence and is speechless.

"A wonderful son, who is the Son of Gravity, why haven't we heard of it, he looks very powerful!" Most of the students who don't understand are still very curious.

"Although the Son of Gravity is not so famous in our monastery, he is probably the only player who can compete with Chen Jiu. If you count again, you have to count to the Senate, but that is not What we can learn! "Those who know the information, naturally, gossip about it.

"What? It is possible to stand by with Master Chen Feng. How is this possible?" This statement was too full, naturally many students who were shocked by Chen Jiu expressed disbelief.

"Tell you, the Son of Gravity has not joined any peaks, or even the dean of the dean, he turned a deaf ear. He only cares about one person's cultivation. He is simply a martial artist and has great talent in cultivation. Many of our lone ranger idols! "Extremely admired, many students began to build momentum for the Son of Gravity.

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