Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2417: Kill by kill

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Eating shit, I advise you if you want to marry your wife, you should marry them a dross barrel. In that case, you will be hungry all your life!" Chen Jiu continued to sneer, that was to suppress the power of empty gods, Vow to make him lose face.

"No, we have a lot of dross barrels, we can't marry them out!" The **** of empty hasn't said anything yet. The magic temple has been reluctant, because of the dross pond built by Chen Jiu, this dross thing. It is there now, but it is full of flavour.

"What?" Kongshen Qingjin couldn't help but yanked suddenly, glaring at him in regret.

"Hey, Kongshen, look, people do n’t even want to give you the dregs. It seems that you are afraid of everyone who eats shit!" Chen Jiu sighed, it was just to make Kongshen face None at all.

"Ah ..." Kongshen yelled, shaking his body, his face turned blue and purple, and Dang Kong glared at Chen Jiu and reprimanded: "Sin child, come out of it with life, I will chop your head! "

"Well said, when I come out of it, I will take your head and become a toilet!" Chen Jiu also responded unabashedly.

"Hmm ... let's go and see!" A word of ruthlessness, the **** of emptyness really has no face to stay, that is, leaving with the main **** contract dimly.

"God forbidden demon ..." At this time, if there were none, countless hostile eyes glared over, making Chen Jiu feel a little creepy.

Do you hate me so much? What Chen Jiu couldn't understand was just arching his hands and calmly preaching: "Students, let's have something to say. If you really want to do it, then I'll follow it when I get inside!"

Not anxious, Chen Jiu retired after speaking, let Shen Xingyun look carefully, and quietly spread a voice, want him to give up this selection.

Chen Jiu naturally refused this request. Looking at him so resolutely, Shenxing Yun said nothing more!

Then, the leader of the Third Courtyard pulled Xipi for a while, and talked about the rules again, and ordered tens of thousands of Tianjiao Shengzi to rush to the altar like a swarm.

"Follow me, kill him!" The princes of many schools of magic are full of sinisters, which are behind Chen Jiu.

'噗 ……' The glorious glass, the altar looks only the size of a mountain, but once it approaches, the human body naturally shrinks, and in the misty fairy mist, it separates different worlds, with different entry points, it will be transmitted to different In the world.

The scent of fragrance came, and in this world where Chen Jiu came, the scent of birds and flowers was regarded as a paradise, but he had not had time to feel the beauty of this place. A group of heavenly pride came down and surrounded him directly. In the middle.

"When I am bullying, aren't you? Classmates, we have no resentment recently, no revenge the other day, don't you have to be so murderous, right?" Chen Jiu looked helplessly at these thousand classmates.

"Forbidden devil, you demon, you deserve to be born. You live in this world, that is the biggest defilement of this world!" There is nothing wrong with this sin, all these thousand classmates are all The classmates of the magical temple, they inherited that the magical temple could not tolerate the banning of the demon, and wanted to kill Chen Jiuge here.

"You brainwashed baffles, since you don't make sense, then I don't need to say more, just ugly words in front, today dare to shoot, kill without pardon!" Chen Jiu cold, also warned in advance .

Unfortunately, such a warning obviously cannot deter these enthusiastic sages. They are so crowded that they seem to be eating Chen Jiu. Of course, they are not willing to miss this opportunity to pull the wind!

Regard life as grass, and at some point, the world of gods is so ruthless, so if you want to survive, you want to reason, it is not possible without strength.

At this time, it is not useful to say more, but only to prove yourself with your strong strength, to kill and kill!

"Kill ... Dooming the sky!" The first row of classmates took the initiative to strike Chen Jiu's proud attack. It was like a scorching sun and sky, and it was a sky-burning place and a huge momentum.

"If you can't help yourself, there is more to die than death!" Chen Jiuzhen is reluctant to bully them, but these people are too uninteresting and want ants to shake the elephant. This doesn't give them any lessons. Isn't it endless?

'puff! ‘A hand knife slashed away, the world was dead, no souls existed, and many arrogant saints were beheaded on the spot. They died by fate and blood stained the sky.

"Ah ... dead, devil, this is a devil, run away ..." Many of the holy sons of the magic temple were frightened, and they just escaped in response.

"Escape? If you want to escape if you kill, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world?" Chen Jiu naturally refused to let it go, standing in the void, cat-and-mouse-like, that was hunting down the saints, killing three thousand blood. There is so much!

In the world of birds and flowers, a long river of blood is running, it is amazing, Chen Jiu pursued it without mercy, it was blood pride and shock, which laid down his supreme majesty.

"Don't ... don't kill us, please, we're wrong ..." In the end, there were only dozens of girls who stumbled, their courage was scared, and that could never escape!

"Wrong? Just a wrong sentence?" Chen Jiu examined it, his face was funny.

"Chen Jiu, let us go. We are willing to give our own purity. In exchange for our lives, we are all confused for a moment!" The greatest capital of a woman is that she can donate her when in crisis. At this time These women, without any hesitation.

"Well, I don't even pay attention to my own chastity and cleanliness. I don't expect you to talk to me. Instead of waiting for you to kill me in the future, I might as well put you together now!" , It is necessary to urge flowers.

"The devil, stop!" At this time, a tall, majestic figure, like a sky, fell from the sky, shaking the whole void.

"Oh? Who's coming!" Chen Jiu also stared at the past cautiously, feeling that this man was extremely extraordinary and seemed to have mastered the momentum of the avenue.

"Although the heavens and the earth are big, I only want to be that kind of floating dust!" The tall young man said with a firm face, but he said very poetically.

"What?" Chen Jiu couldn't understand all of a sudden, but these scared little girls were screaming. "Wow, it's Dust Boy, he's here. We have been saved, Dust Boy, you must kill him." After him, take revenge for our brothers and sisters! "

"Rest assured, such a devil must be removed!" The young man gave a consolation glance at the daughters, but spoke with contempt, and did not take Chen Jiu as the matter at all.

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