Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2426: Hug your thighs

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"You ... who the **** are you? How could I pinch my deity?" The twin heads left at this time, full of terror, desperate.

"You don't need to know!" Chen Jiuleng swore, pointed out, and it was like a falling meteor. ’A flash of light flashed into the night sky, directly hitting the twins, making him extinct.

"The heavenly master is invincible, the children of the Zhou family, charge me ..." Watching Chen Jiu killed the immortal twins, Zhou was shocked, and it was not hesitant. He raised a butcher knife and killed him in the Twin Cities.

"God ... the twins are waiting to die, run away ..." The gatekeepers were completely frightened by Chen Jiu's invincible style. They no longer had the courage to fight and fled the city!

"The surrender, save yourself from death. Anyone who is obsessed with it, will be put to death!" Chen Jiusheng's mighty sound, like destiny, announced the fate of many soldiers, making them dare not resist.

"Master, we are willing to surrender ..." As a result, countless soldiers knelt down. Most of them, in fact, were poor people who were mobilized from other places.

‘噗噗…’ Despite this, Zhou Fa still killed some of these great evils, and eventually ordered them to be collected by them, all kneeling in the city, waiting for his departure.

"Sir, thanks to your **** and power, this time we won the Twin Cities without hurting one soldier, and captured their elite iron divisions, a total of 100,000 people, now waiting for your instructions!" Zhou Faxing. Extremely excited , Finally came to Chen Jiu to report.

"Zhou Fa, what do you think is better now?" Chen Jiu smiled and looked at Zhou Fa.

"My lord, in my opinion, we are still consolidating the power at the moment. It is important to unify the big week. When we have a firm foothold, we will attack the merchants with great opportunity!" Zhou Fa immediately said what he meant, looking forward with anticipation. .

"Okay, just do as you do, but don't delay for too long in time!" Chen Jiu nodded, but decentralized, and was happy.

"Thank you, sir, I won't let the sir be disappointed!" When Zhou Fa thanked him, he immediately arranged to go, and Chen Jiu was invited to a box room for a short while.

"My lord ..." At this moment, I saw two beautiful little beauties. They were intimidated, and the beautiful spirit came in.

"Eh? Youyoushi can't do it?" Chen Jiu looked at the two little beauties in doubt, very puzzled.

"Sir, we are sent by General Zhou Fa to wait for you. What do you need, despite mentioning us ..." The two little beauties were grateful.

"Oh, I'm okay, let's go down!" Chen Jiu waved his hands, it seemed to understand, but looking at the two little girls, they also understand their poor people, he naturally can't let go!

"Sir, are we not doing well enough? Our bodies are pure!" The two little girls were still reluctant to leave. The tearful look in those eyes was really pitiful and coquettish.

No way, this society is like this. Being a slave and not serving the master, it is also their negligence. Don't look so beautiful. If one provokes the master, he will be able to chop if it is launched!

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't think you're bad, but I don't really have anything for you to do now!" Chen Jiuyi was a big head, and sighed if he had died in the last life, and he would have to live in this life. Is there a peach flower?

"Master, shall we help you massage? The general told us that we must serve you well, otherwise, he would break our legs!" The two little girls, their faces thirsty, begged.

"Zhou Fa commanded it?" Chen Jiu frowned, and thought for a moment, but he also understood a bit. He would certainly be grateful for Zhou ’s help, and wanted to repay himself, but he was also more afraid of leaving Zhou. This is why I take good care of myself, just to keep my heart steady.

At this time, if he does not receive any gratitude, then Zhou Fa will undoubtedly feel that he is very alienated from him, and his future cooperation is also unfavorable!

Forget it, it ’s just the little girl. It ’s okay to let them serve. Sometimes, it ’s also an affirmation and appreciation of others to accept the rewards of others appropriately. In doing so, you can also make Zhou ’s heart expand. , And seek great cause.

"Well, don't cry, come on up, make your best work out, so I can press it!" When Chen Jiu figured it out, it wasn't too difficult for the two little girls.

"Thank you, sir!" The two little beauties were elated, and that was Baba's up. The little hands were tender. Tender, the ones who wanted to stretch and stop, were afraid to touch Chen Jiu. "Sir, can we really do that? ? "

"Of course I can. I am very fierce, do you fear that I can't do it if you eat it?" Chen Jiu smiled, but nothing happened, but it aroused the little beauty.

"Sir, you look very good, but the divine power you killed the twins just now is too powerful. We really haven't touched a heavenly master like you!" The little girl looked at Chen Jiu with a look of respect and a straight eyebrow. Light.

"Come on, no matter how powerful Heavenly Master is, it ’s no different to pinch me?" Chen Jiu laughed and sat there with open arms.

"Master, then we are really pinching!" The little girl tentatively found that Chen Jiu was really good at speaking, and the two of them were gradually let go, and they were playing with him, just like treating him as a big brother Nothing to see.

"Okay, Zhou Wen, Zhou Ya, you dare to pinch me to tickle and see if I don't scratch you ..." At this time, Chen Jiu was young, and some children were also instinctual, and were crazy with them.

"Ah, giggles ... lord, don't ... don't ..." The little girl fled hurriedly, but just begged Rao Jiao.

Playing in the house was just an ordinary chase game, but it was a coincidence that Zhou Fa was here at this time. He wanted to tell Chen Jiuyi what he heard. The voice in the house stopped. The pace stopped. No more!

His face was cautious, so after listening for a while, Zhou Fa quickly retreated, but instead of being unhappy, he pouted, and laughed very comfortably.

"There has never been love in the world for no reason. Master Tianshi has helped us so much. If we do n’t know the reward, he will definitely abandon our Zhou family in the future. Now watching Master Tianshi likes beautiful women, this is really God help me too! ”Zhou Fa said to himself, and he had misunderstood Chen Jiu into a satyr, and even wanted to give him some new beauties to keep his heart.

"I heard that the great spirits who are next to us have recently appeared an amazing beauty. If you can dedicate her to Heavenly Master, it will make Heavenly Master stay forever!" Zhou found that he had a heart, and he had to hold fast. Chen Jiu's thigh is not loose!

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