Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2448: Good appetite

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"Your Majesty is brave ... our army is invincible ..." With one person's prestige, a million male lions were repelled. This attitude really infected many Zhou Juns, making them stand up again one by one. . . See the latest and most complete novel

"Hugh can hurt my brother!" Faertong and Fabitong were frightened, and naturally they were very angry, and they shot at the same time!

"Big ears, great power!" Faertong roared and drank, his originally big ears grew rapidly, rose, and became big elephant ears.

'boom! ’At the same time, Faltong ’s body has also undergone abnormal changes, and the muscles have become iron, like copper tendons and iron bones. When they move at will, they break the space.

"The nose locks the pearl lotus, the sky is steep and steep!" Fa Bitong is also extraordinary. His nose is enlarged. The thick, large nostrils even sprayed out. Many pearl lotus objects were shot, and they were firmly locked to Chen Jiu. Body.

"Dead!" The two cooperated, but they complemented each other. Chen Jiugang was about to be locked, and Faltong attacked with his fierce fist.

"Pig nose, do you want to kill me with nausea?" Chen Jiu was in crisis, and he still remembered a few words of ridicule. When he saw his dragon's body shake, the domineering martial arts light wave spread out from the void, and it broke easily These pearl lotus things, then, with one hand open, greeted Faltong's fist "good pig ears, to bring drinks to the brothers!"

'boom! ”At this time, Faltong ’s fist also arrived, and the blow that he was determined to hit was in the palm of Chen Jiu, but he was shocked and smashed with blood, which was extremely painful.

At this moment, Faerton's complexion changed rapidly. He knew that he had kicked the iron plate and wanted to retreat quickly, but his fist was held by Chen Jiu, and the whole person was sucked by him. How can he retreat half a step away?

‘His! ‘There was n’t much time for Faltong to react. He felt that his ears were hurting for a while, and looking forward, a familiar big ear was already in Chen Jiu ’s hand.

"Yes, the pig's ears are big enough!" Chen Jiu exaggerated, holding a big torn ear.

"You ..." Watching others rip off their ears and still complimenting them, it really made Faltong tortured to death.

"Brothers, then, stew the soup for a while!" Chen Jiu casually dropped the ear quickly, and his gaze naturally turned to the other big ear.

"Don't ..." Faltong, who was so precarious before, has never seen such an opponent. At this time, his proud face was so frightened that he was distorted and grieved, so he sent Chen Jiu to ask for mercy.

"Faltong, I didn't say you, it is inappropriate for a person to have a pair of pig ears, isn't it obvious that you can eat it!" Chen Jiuyi fell in, naturally and mercilessly, grabbed hard With a slight pull, it was just a separation of flesh and bone, tearing the ear apart.

"Ah ..." Faltong screamed, the whole person was completely unrecognizable. After the ear was torn off, the whole head was **** and half of the skin was gone. It was like a devil, scared millions of lions, and backed up again. .

"This ... you hold on, I'll call for help!" Fa Bitong was frightened, and after a brief silence, he chose not to hesitate to escape.

"Pig's mouth, this is a good dish, where do you go!" Chen Jiu seemed to be born with food, left Faertong, and caught up with Fabitong in just a few steps, holding him in his hand. Very happy.

"No ... don't eat my nose!" Fabitong was scared and scared, and he didn't dare to resist the majesty of Chen Jiu at all.

"Don't eat it if you don't. Do you think I'm your dad?" Chen Jiuyi smiled, raised his hand knife, cold light.

"Dad, you are my dear!" Fa Bitong quickly begged for mercy, completely frightened.

"Calling your dad doesn't work either!" At present, when the army is at war, Chen Jiu is indifferent. What he wants to do is to nourish. Nourish Zhou Jun's iron-blooded army soul. It is absolutely unforgiving on the battlefield!

Fayantong, Faertong, and Fabitong. Before the three men fought, Chen Jiu had known about them. They were all evil and they were loyal followers of King Wang. They did n’t kill. Why was that day?

‘Oh! ‘Speaking, Chen Jiu took a knife and dropped his hand. A big nose was cut off by him and he fell into Zhou Jun camp.

"Ah!" Covering his blood, Fa nose pain was rolling, and he was rolling in the air.

"Hey, before the nose is stewed, squeeze out the snot inside!" Chen Jiu's unforgettable sip, which scared millions of male lions, and his legs softened.

With no intention of war, the powerful army soul, naturally, like a defeated cock, also slumped with it. As the weakness weakened, Zhou Jun clenched his fists one by one. , Ready to fight!

"Hey, do you really plan to eat their ears and noses?" Cai Die resisted a disgusting urge. That was when the air came over and questioned Chen Jiu.

"Yeah, pig nose and pig ears, these are two good dishes. It's best to drink wine for the brothers!" Chen Jiuyi said with certainty.

"Hey, don't be disgusted. Heart me, you must dare to eat this thing, I will definitely break with you!" Cai Die threatened seriously, and she couldn't stand Chen Jiu's hobby of eating.

"Really? Then if I do n’t eat, then you won't feel sick?" Chen Jiu looked at Caidie's cramped fragrant lips. She couldn't help asking.

"Of course, Miss Ben has a good appetite in recent days. As long as you do n’t eat anything today, of course I won't be sick!" Caidie responded without thinking.

"Oh, I have a good appetite, that's good, that's good!" Chen Jiuzhi was noisy, full, and nodded with a smile, another expression of deep meaning.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Looking at Chen Jiu's weird eyes, Caidie also realized that something was wrong. For a moment, she thought about eating the thing under Chen Jiu a few days ago, and she was so ashamed, that His face was flushed and hurt. He said that, as he said just now, did n’t he tell him that when he went back that day, he didn't vomit at all?

Not only did she not vomit, but in fact it was strange. When Caidie went back that day, she still had a lot of aftertastes, making her unbearably ashamed. This man, how could the following things be so delicious?

In the next few days, she was even more appetite, and she suddenly didn't understand it. At this time, when he said it, it seemed to have something to do with this?

"No, it's not interesting, Caidie, you don't care, it's important to kill the enemy!" Chen Jiu looked at Caidie's complexion, and could not help but persuade her.

"Chen Jiu, you bad guy ..." Caidie was really indignant and couldn't hold back anymore, and she didn't let it go. Xiao Fen smashed and slammed Chen Jiu's blame.

"Oh, don't make trouble, everyone is watching!" Chen Jiu anxiously, hurrying to hold the color butterfly in his arms, but also a little bit ashamed to face more than one million male lions and the world.

However, at this time, Zhou Jiajun shouted aloud, and really made a clearance for Chen Jiu, but it made him a little bit embarrassed!

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