Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2471: You have a problem

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Miao.The muscle jade bone is separated by a layer of silk, but it feels better. Seriously, if not so many beautiful princesses have been married in this life, Chen Jiu feels that he will have to die happily. .

\ "Chen Jiu, why don't you wear clothes? \" Cai Die stunned for a while, she really couldn't help reprimanding herself, and she was wearing enough. Don't you feel comfortable?

The thought of lying in a back nest with a man who was not wearing clothes, Caidie's heart was simply angry and ashamed. The aunty wanted to die!

\ "Nonsense, who do you see who still wears clothes when you see him?" If Chen Jiu knows his own way, he is really angry at Caidie and speechless.

\ "You ... \" Cai Die blushed for a while, then breathed for a while, and then panted again. Crustyly: \ "You mean I should sleep like this too? \"

\ "You can do it, anyway, you are no different now if you don't wear it \" Chen Jiu glanced down at the Shenfeng, which is close at hand, through the silk skirt, as if sunrise, towering. Shenfeng standing in the mist. Like, the scenery is even more intoxicating!

\ "You ... color. Wolf, don't allow it to be seen!" "Cai Die felt Chen Jiu's gaze, and she also held her chest with both hands, and quickly blocked it.

\ "If you do n’t see, do n’t see, there is something wrong with your place. Do you think I'm rare? \” Chen Jiu was suddenly decisive. He just twisted his body, lay down, and carried a colorful butterfly, pretending to be Fell asleep.

\ "You ... do you dare to say that I have a problem? You have a problem, you don't want to flicker me!" "Cai Die is naturally unbelievable, but waited a while and found that Chen Jiu really ignored her big beauty and actually had to sleep As a result, it gave her a sense of frustration again.

Stink man, people are so hooked. I seduce you, are you a little bit okay? You also said that you want to pursue others, I think it is a lie!

Woman, this is a woman. She has one set on her mouth, but another set in her heart. She can come to this man's back nest like porcelain, which can fully explain that she wants to be occupied by him. Cheap!

\ "It's getting late, you still can't sleep? Quickly lie down and sleep, don't take advantage of me!" "Chen Jiu naturally will not really sleep, and after a while, he kindly consoled him.

\ "Don't be stinky, you big man, what's cheap to take! \" Amidst the sound of colorful butterflies, there is some drumming in my heart, and I can't help but ask: \ "Chen Jiu, you just said I have a problem. Did I deliberately lie to me? \ "

\ "What are you doing? I have so many wives and I play. There are more women than you have ever seen. This woman is normal and abnormal. Can I not see it at a glance?" Without turning his face, he developed a powerful flickering ability.

\ "You are really harmless. Hey! So I am really in trouble? \" Cai Die really murmured, and her tone calmed down a lot. "" You get up first and tell me what is wrong with me! "

\ "I'm sleepy, let's talk about something tomorrow!" "Chen Jiudong didn't move, he said he refused.

\ "What? You can't sleep! \" How could Caidie let him sleep? Immediately, Yushou pushed and shook him: \ "You must speak clearly today. If you dare to lie to me, then you will Dead!\"

\ "Then I'll lie to you, don't care!" "Chen Jiu still sighed without moving: \" Hey, some people think they are beautiful, but they don't know, she is not one at all Perfect woman! \ "

\ "Chen Jiu, you get me up! \" Cai Die was anxious, and couldn't stand it any more. She pulled him over forcibly, and proudly stood up and asked: \ "You show me, I What's wrong with it? \ "

\ "Caidie, this is what you let me see! \" Chen Jiuyi admired her face, and her heart was so beautiful.

\ "Yes, but you have to tell me today, what is wrong with me?" "Caidie wants to know, although her beauty is beyond description, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she still has an inferiority, especially The disregard of Chen Jiu even made her start to doubt herself.

\ "Caidie, I will never see it for nothing when I see a doctor!"

\ "You ... what do you want? \" Cai Die stared, she couldn't understand.

\ "Color butterfly, drill into the back nest, let me be beautiful again, I not only tell your cause, but also treat you, how do you think? \" Chen Jiu used a look that you understand, Straight to the bottom.

In fact, looking at Caidie dressed like this and smelling the pure fragrance on her body, Chen Jiu could not stand it for a long time. Where can she sleep?

\ "You ... you are necrotic, and you want to fold again. Disgraceful people! \" Cai Die is annoyed, very dissatisfied: \ "I do n’t want to be fooled!

\ "Caidie, I mean seriously, if you do n’t believe it, then forget it! \" Chen Jiu ca n’t eat Caidie, because she does n’t have this relationship, but she has eaten so many times after all It seems, and it seems a bit addictive, and now they have gotten into their back nests.If they don't seek some welfare, it would be silly.

Between words, Chen Jiuyi turned around and pretended to fall asleep again!

\ "You ... \" Looking at the man lying side by side, Cai Die biting the little tiger's teeth, she was hated, annoyed, shy, and happy. In doing so, she obviously got a Xu Le, but because of this The girl's hold-up, she was sometimes embarrassed to say nothing.

Now threatened by Chen Jiu, although a bit unhappy, it is undoubtedly a good opportunity to regain ambiguousness!

After a little meal, Caidie started to act. She first carefully drilled into the dorsal nest, and then pressed Chen. Jiu, sliding down little by little, and finally shy. She crawled across Chen Jiu and swallowed. Go and bring that supreme feeling to Chen Jiu.

\ "Er, Caidie. [,!], Rest assured, I will take care of you for a while!" "Chen Jiu, this is simply a beautiful death, a peerless gift sticking in the back nest. Not saying, And he even served himself like this, although I can't see it, but hey, think about it, it is undoubtedly more drunk.

In this way, after a while, Chen Jiu completely turned the gun on, and the posture of the two became more ambiguous. Ambiguous, Chen Jiu was lying down, and Cai Die was drilled out of his body, and his face was drunk. Red shy. Astringent.

\ "Chen Jiu, can you tell others now? \" Being embarrassed, Caidie climbed on Chen Jiu's head like that, and the trembling. The moving beauty peak is just like a mountain, and it can easily shake any pressure. Man.

\ "Okay, Caidie, will you get up first? You are so overwhelmed that I can't breathe!" "Chen Jiu was really seduced. I was so confused, I was really worried that I couldn't help it. Take her up. Got it.

\ "Hum, you big man, why haven't our women been under pressure? \" Cai Die took a sip, but it was not difficult to embarrass Chen Jiu, and she moved slightly from him.

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