Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2481: Ma Wangxian

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\ "Heaven, earth, man, cycle of cause and effect, Daoxingxiaxia!" The heaven and earth people cooperated tacitly and acted decisively. Under Chen Jiu's offensive, their trinity quickly joined together to dock the tail of the three magpies.

'Booming ...' After the tails of the three maggots docked, it almost seemed to form a perfect cycle.It gently turned between them, and it actually led to a strange light wave of God, which is exactly the Tao of Heaven and Earth. The Supreme Power that the Lord God can master!

'boom! ’As soon as Daoli came out, it really was extraordinary. Chen Jiu's figure was pushed back by this light wave and suppressed.

\ "Oh my God, the heavens and the earth are all together, and the power can break the sky, Master Mother, please persuade His Majesty to retreat! \" Qixian was extremely worried and persuaded.

\ "Oh, do you know Xian'er? \" Cai Die seems to have not paid attention to the crowd at all, or is still struggling with the fairy of Chen Jiu.

\ "Maternal Mother, we only knew Your Majesty when we were at war with you. You do n’t know, and we certainly do n’t know anymore!" Qi Xian preached very innocently.

\ "That's it, that's all, don't worry about him, he can't die! \" Fei Xianer didn't know the outside situation at all, but for Chen Jiu, she had enough confidence.

This color, wolf, if it is so easy to die, wouldn't it have died early, how could it have taken so many women, unhappy, Caidie didn't know, and she seemed to be more and more jealous, and she had shoes to calculate The range is up!

\ "Tiandi Humane, solid like gold soup!" After the Tiandi Renshi defeated Chen Jiu, he did not intend to let him go, quickly summoned the banner, and suppressed it with the force of the head, forming a peerless cage to trap him. Die inside.

‘Zi ...’ This cage, from a distance, is just a strip of light, but inside it, Chen Jiu ’s feelings are not simple.

The so-called Tao must be a powerful rule, and the Tao of Heaven and Earth, the right to release it, is the reincarnation of karma that opens the sky, cultivates the land, and educates people!

In the midst, Chen Jiu felt it.First, there was the heavenly blessing, and then there was the birth of the earth.Finally, the world's elven human was born.The human beings control the sky and control it reasonably.

The power of this rule can nourish humanity in the past, but if it is reversed, it can destroy humanity.Chen Jiu is now in this state of destruction.

In particular, in this state, people are born of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are your parents. It will deprive you of the mentality that you cannot resist!

\ "It ’s so strong, it actually affects my mind. If my source is not strong enough, it might have been transformed between this world and the earth! \" Chen Jiu was a little bit dizzy, her skin was dry and wrinkled. Hit a martial arts avenue \ "Let you see what is the real avenue!"

『Boom ...』 The martial arts martial arts, led by Chen Jiu, is like a real dragon going to the sea.In an instant, it broke the shackles, broke the humanity of the heavens and the earth, and hit them in the center of the three concubines, breaking them apart.

\ "Heaven, what is this? In front of it, I feel so small, I just do n’t. It ’s a blow. How can there be such a force in the world, the world here simply cannot accommodate such a force. ... \ "The heaven and earth people are completely frightened.

\ "Well, the three of you, although it ’s not easy to practice, but it ’s really worth killing to help you. I will erase your soul memories. If you have a chance in the future, come out and be a good man! \” It can also be regarded as lenient.

\ "Don't ... \" The Third Division of Heaven and Earth wanted to resist, but how were Chen Jiu's opponents who dominated the avenue? At the moment, the three were dumbfounded, and their consciousness was completely wiped out!

\ "Collect! \" In the end, Chen Jiu drew the power of their souls from the three divisions' bodies, threw their corpses severely, and rebuked the army of Heaven and Earth. When not to surrender, when will you wait? \ "

\ "Your Majesty's life, I will be willing to surrender ... \" The 800,000 generals will no longer dare to resist at this time. You must know that the Heaven and Earth Human Division is in their eyes, that is the highest existence, even if they say kill How powerful is this person?

\ "Is n’t Tianli Wang like to eat it? Send him the heaven and earth people, that is the delicious food I asked him to eat!" "When Chen Jiushu compiled the enemy, he planned to use the bodies of the heaven and earth people to make some Article.

\ "Your Majesty, this move can not only deter the King of Heaven, but it can also upset his army and the people's hearts!" "The Seven Immortals were extremely surprised, and quickly formed a knot against Chen Jiuba.

\ "Eh, in fact, I have no intention, you secretly tell my imperial edict, and if anyone will help the King of Heaven again in the future, I will send it to the King of King's table! \" Chen Jiu sneered, he thought To deter other geniuses, warn them not to commit such genocidal crimes.

\ "Your Majesty, after the world knows your heart, Li Min will be grateful to Dade forever! \" The Seven Immortals will sing along.

\ "Your Majesty, it's not good. Look there, Sanjianmei seems to have encountered difficulties! \" At this moment, Zhou Fa suddenly came forward to remind him.

\ "Oh? Isn't San Jianmei's side Dian Encheng? Who attacked them anyway?" Chen Jiu took a look and was a little worried.

\ "Your Majesty, we know that it was Prince Ma who attacked there, saying that we must hold the three little beauties, and be happy and cheerful! \" The general who had just been surrendered, someone with an inside knowledge quickly sue and tried to make a crime.

\ "Master Ma, this time is broken, you guys are here to deal with the aftermath, I will go there to help one!" "Chen Jiu said immediately, ready to leave.

\ "You are not allowed to go! \" Unfortunately, at this time, Caidie was holding Chen Jiu tightly, no. [,! ] Give him away.

\ "Caidi, what are you doing? \" After looking at Caidie's unreasonable behavior, Chen Jiu must not lower her voice and whisper.

\ "You tell me who is Fairy first? \" Cai Die asked angrily.

\ "Xianer? Why do you mention this at this time? I didn't know for a while. You let go of me first, I'll come back and talk!" "Chen Jiu stared, no doubt very anxious.

\ "Chen Jiu, you bully others ... \" Cai Die's more and more grievances turned out to be crying on the spot, and the tears kept on, don't let it fall down, never crying so miserably .

\ "Hey, Caidie you are crazy, why are you crying at this time? Aren't you afraid of being seen by others?" "Chen Jiu quickly blocked and pulled Caidie aside to comfort him.

\ "See, you see, anyway, you bullied me, I will cry!" "Cai Die's unreasonable momentum came up again.

\ "Auntie, can I say that we can stop doing this? \" Chen Jiuting is speechless, little girl, isn't it a lack of work? How so ignorant!

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