Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2491: Drunk

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Caidie, are you sure you're here?" Chen Jiuji moved and asked again, just don't get her to stop at critical moments.

"Baiyun flower bushes, Wan Die love flowers, such a beautiful mood is more pleasant than anywhere!" Said Caidie Tao. Drunk, no doubt very satisfied with Chen Jiu's arrangement.

"Well, then here, let you be my woman!" Chen Jiu said decisively, and no doubt made up his mind.

Gradually contacted, Cai Die sometimes, although unreasonable to make trouble, but she is undoubtedly also a beautiful girl, especially the love of Jiu Jiu, Chen Jiu will inevitably love her more and more.

This man likes a woman. He wants to take what he already has, and Chen Jiu is no exception. He wants to put the real butterfly costume in front of her and enjoy all her beauty!

"Well, then you come!" Nodded silently, Cai Die still kneeling in front of Chen Jiu, tense body, did not move, as if afraid.

"Be good, don't be nervous, I will love you!" Chen Jiu squatted down and kissed the Jade in the arms.

Intoxicating clouds, at this moment, the two are really in the sky clouds, on the soft white clouds, each butterfly is busy picking flowers. It is so beautiful and content!

The two were no strangers to each other, and after a while, when Chen Jiu truly showed the beauty of Caidie, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Dizzy, white, and beautiful ... Although there have been countless madnesses with Caidie, but this is undoubtedly the first time he has seen all of her wonderful beauty. At this moment, it is like a peerless fairy butterfly just breaking the shell Out of the ordinary, the kind of green, astringent, childish, tender, original flavor, especially intoxicating.

"Chen Jiu ..." For the first time, facing a man like this, Cai Diejiao was ashamed, and she did not dare to open her eyes.

"Caidie, you are so beautiful, I can't bear to start!" Chen Jiu appreciated it sincerely.

"No, you have to start!" Well, this time the butterfly was in a hurry first, and she couldn't care less about Jiao. Ashamed, she stared at Chen Jiu directly.

"Okay, start, I don't just start, I still talk!" Chen Jiu laughed aloud, how hungry and thirsty can this be? But did not let Yuren wait for a long time, he rushed up!

Holiness and lightness, Caidie's body feels a bit weak, but the weaker a woman, the more likely it is to cause men's pity.

The small face of Guazi, the beautiful face, in that drunk. Human expression, the little tiger teeth that were slightly exposed, just added a little naughty and cute feeling!

Snow legs crystal. Ying, like to wear short skirts, colorful butterflies, this pair of snow legs do not know how many men's eyeballs have been lost, usually looking far away, these pairs of legs are just like the fairy's belly, flawless.

Now, fortunately, Chen Jiu not only approached the most beautiful part of this fairy butterfly, but also resisted her, and wanted to attack her true mystery, she was simply too happy!

"Ah ..." With a complex call, the white clouds of the sky trembled suddenly, and the thousands of wonders suddenly added countless colors.

Baiyun flower bushes were originally mostly white, but after this cry, the whole white cloud seemed to be stained with a layer of blood-red color, and it was refracted, and it was even more beautiful in color.

The fairy butterflies evolved, one by one, not only became more beautiful, but also the fascination of these thousands of flowers, which made them extremely happy. Get up and fly non-stop among the flowers, picking and picking, how? Not enough.

Butterfly loves flowers, because of the flower's needs. Because of the butterfly's reluctance ... At this moment, Chen Jiu and Cai Die's roles are completely interchanged. He no longer acts as a red flower, but becomes With a male butterfly, he ate a flower fiercely!

At the beginning of the change, Caidie was not able to adapt, but after real fitting, she realized the beauty of a flower!

Gradually, the flower could not help but sway, and the sound she made was even harder to listen to, even she was too shy to face it.

The flowers bloomed, and eventually the butterfly fully bloomed and completely immersed in the sky. I felt that I was so relaxed and comfortable!

Almost at the same time, the male butterfly was tired, and he slowly climbed down, enjoying the moment of peace and timidity.

"Chen Jiu, you bad guy, it hurts, do you know?" After a while, the blame sounded, and Caidie opened her eyes.

"It hurts? I didn't know who was so happy just now. Was it painful? Don't bully me and don't understand!" Chen Jiu shouted injustice.

"It just hurts at the beginning!" Cai Diejiao complained, and she was hurting again. She sighed: "No wonder those women have become the waves one by one at night. It turned out to be this way. comfortable!"

"What do you think, don't regret giving yourself to me now?" Chen Jiu was slightly proud.

"It depends on how you perform in the future!" Caidie was reluctant to let Chen Jiu win.

"What? But you said you had a good time with me last time!" Chen Jiuman reluctantly preached: "I chased after chasing, also went on, how can you still talk?"

"You ... can you speak so rough. Vulgar!" Caidie was also ashamed and very red.

"I'm telling the truth!" Chen Jiu didn't tolerate any more at this time, but preached toughly: "Caidie, who will become my woman in the future, will have to be a good husband and son, and no longer be as unreasonable as before, do you know?"

"What? You just came to me, you gave orders to me, who do you think I am?" Cai Die was very dissatisfied, could this man not speak well? Besides, people are not like that!

"You are my wife, you have to listen to me!" At this time, Chen Jiu behaved more like a wicked man, but it was also because of the impression that Caidie had made on him before, which made him misunderstand, although he was fierce at this time. A little, but he is also responsible for Caidie's life.

Of course, if you don't understand it, then you will think that this is Chen Jiu's arbitrary behavior, and there will be inconsistencies, at least that's what Caidie thinks!

"Chen Jiu, you get up, I don't want to be okay with you. Your men are big assholes, and chasing people are all kinds of followers. This has just made you come in, and you turn your face and don't recognize people, so fierce. Don't wait for you! "Cai Die was angry and angered with Chen Jiuyi, and she felt very wronged. People gave you it, so why are you so fierce?

"Not good? If you say bad, it's not good? How can there be such a cheap thing?" At this time, Chen Jiu decided to use his strengths to conquer the color butterfly. Live, what's going on?

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