Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2499: Many fortunes

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‘咻…’ The stone debris slipped and the light was even more blazing. It made it difficult for the people around to open their eyes. At the same time, a mighty divine power radiated, making people unconsciously want to surrender and bow.

\ "What is it? It looks like a tower, but it's not!" Chen Jiu looked at his eyes, naturally it was the first time to see the hidden treasure in the giant mountain.

Mottled, one by one, it looks like a tall tower. It stands, but there is no inner rhyme of the tower. When looking up and down, Chen Jiu actually feels like a giant urn.

‘Da Shen’, all of a sudden, the appearance of the two fonts even shocked Chen Jiu, and he could n’t help but said to himself: “Mo Fei, this is the legendary Da Shen?”

\ "Roll ... \" At this time, the beasts couldn't help it, and rushed forward in horror, all wanting to get this divine treasure for the first time.

The first of these strange beasts is a monster with a head-like giant body, a long nose and a roll, which is quite powerful!

The second head is also not insignificant.It is a giant snake.When the snake believes, it spit out and **** away from the space.

The third head is a giant frog, with the same open mouth and a spit, one sticky. The tongue, almost lightning, is the first to approach the surface of the god.

\ "Hum, here is my king, Qi Ronger and other reptiles are making trouble! \" Chen Jiu was naturally very dissatisfied. Although these strange beasts were extremely powerful, he really didn't look at them.

'boom! ’The same Changfeng literature \" // cfwx \ "target = \" _ blank \ "> cfwx, Chen Jiu stretched out a palm, and hit the shining deities with empty air,‘ Oh! ’There was a sound, the shrine trembled, the broken Wanfa,‘ bang bang! ’Easy tremors repelled the three criminals and sent them back!

\ "Okay! \" Chen Jiu joy, just now that he hit himself, he understands that ordinary **** soldiers can't bear it at all, and the **** in front of him is intact under his bombardment, which is naturally a **** treasure.

`` Houhou ... '' Three strange beasts were shaken back. Naturally, unwilling hostility turned to Chen Jiu, and he was ready to solve his threat in advance.

\ "It's up to you? Just give me a try!" Chen Jiu sneered, when the empty palm was taken away, it became bigger and bigger, and eventually became a giant hand, holding the oracle severely.

'boom! 'This giant hand, throbbing the gods, smashed into three strange beasts politely, and the three sad beasts of urgency are also regarded as the most powerful overlords of this generation, but at this time they are not enough to look at. It ’s just a stun, and it was completely smashed and fell down, dying, very tragic!

\ "Your Majesty's mighty power, the world is invincible! \" At this moment, Jiang Taigong praised loudly, and a group of great generals were undoubtedly more worshipped.

\ "Three heads of evil beasts, are you willing to surrender?" Chen Jiu did not kill the killer, drank, prepared to conquer the three beasts, and strengthened Da Zhou's military power.

\ "Yes, we are willing to surrender!" The alien beasts cultivated to this realm already have wisdom, and at this time they were beaten completely without temper, how dare they say nothing.

\ "What? Like the heavenly man, the rich snake, the swallowing frog, these three kinds of beasts, each of them is a proud and proud person, since ancient times, no one can conquer it. Nai Tian Bless me Da Zhou! \ "Jiang Taigong shouted again in surprise.

\ "Jiang Taigong, this is nothing. The reason why they easily subvert them is that they have innate deterrence! \" Chen Jiu explained, his hands swayed, shrinking the huge deities, bit by bit. , And handed it out directly: \ "Come on, catch this 锏, they will be managed by you later! \"

\ "This ... Your Majesty, you can't do it, this can't do it!" Jiang Taigong was so flattered that he immediately knelt down and couldn't bear it.

\ "Okay, man, it is the responsibility of the commissioner. Don't let me underestimate you. We will count on your leadership after the big week!" "Chen Jiu stepped forward and sternly reprimanded.

\ "Thank you, Your Majesty, Jiang Taigong must have been born for Da Zhou, and died for Da Zhou ... \" Jiang Tai Gong was excited. He immediately swore a heavy oath before he dared to take the shrine.

\ "Go on, this space is almost broken! \" Chen Jiu waved his hand without delay.

\ "Smelly man, you are the first to think of me and give it to others. Am I in your eyes just so worthless? \" While walking, Caidie complained again.

\ "Miss, why don't you give me back the Luofu Heavenly Ball, and I'll give you the fight? \" Chen Jiuyi said that she just stopped the butterfly.

\ "Go to your ball, how can there be any ball? \" Caidie muffled her mouth, but it was rare and naughty. If it wasn't for the march, Chen Jiu could not help but fire again.

There are many great creatures, especially under the leadership of Chen Jiu.As long as the good fortunes encountered, there is no competitor at all, and he is all included in his pocket.

Of course, these fortunes are basically unnecessary for Chen Jiu, such as a musket, which can make the world burn every moment, and the power is absolutely incredible.

Sanwei musket, this gun was finally given to the fire child by Chen Jiu, and he used it best.

The thunderbolt of the thunderbolt, whoever moves lightly, the thunderbolt is sky-high, and it is used by the flash electrons to do more with less ... Many magical weapons are equipped on the Da Zhou Army for the first time, allowing them to double their combat power Promoted!

The combat power has increased, the surrender of the strange beasts, and the area searched by Chen Jiu have gradually expanded. This is a virtuous circle. In the long run, there is a great tendency to conquer the entire wilderness.

\ "Report, Your Majesty, three thousand miles southeast, there are thunder and lightning, suspected of the birth of the treasure!" "New news soon spread, Chen Jiu naturally did not dare to neglect. Rush to the southeast.

. [,! ] "Booming ..." There is a huge lake here with lightning and lightning inside.

\ "Wow, it's so beautiful! \" Caidie is happily embracing. Holding Chen Jiu is also a rare joy and happiness. Follow this man and watch him raise his hands to conquer the domineering and mighty power of heaven and earth, her heart to him There is more and more admiration. If it wasn't for the shameless face, he would have kneeled down and sucked him back for a while!

\ "Well, Zhibao is not in this world, why there is such a huge thunderbolt, let me take a look at it! \" Chen Jiu has no time to admire the beautiful scenery, and his eyes stared, a beam of light penetrated. Shot into it, direct insight The origin of thunder and lightning.

'Zizi ...' The thunder and lightning are very majestic and vigorous, and the chaos inside is very unrealistic, but even so, it still surprises Chen Jiu suddenly. "This is a disaster, someone is in another The world robbery, the sky robbery actually spread to us! \ "

\ "What? Has anyone started to march to the Supreme God? It seems that this world will soon be chaotic! \" Caidie also has to be dignified at this moment, and is extremely worried \ "Chen Jiu, you are a devil , Many people want you to die! \ "

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