Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2502: half each

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Hey, Agui, wake up, the day punishment is over!" What makes the robbers crazy is that this light and shadow actually kicked at himself and still talking?

At this moment, the robbers were really embarrassed. What kind of robberies did this actually produce a life body? Incredible, has your robberies already reached the point where they turned around?

\ "A turtle, let's say a word before death, and don't talk anymore, I can take it away from the source of the disaster!" Chen Jiu could not help but aggravate his voice, and he was very angry with the other person's impoliteness.

\ "Branches, don't ..." Instinctively, Du Duaren quickly opened his eyes. When he saw the light in front of him, he couldn't help but feel shocked immediately, and was very angry \ "Chen Jiu, it turned out You are killing me! \ "

\ "Well, do you actually know me? Who are you?" Chen Jiu was also very puzzled, and couldn't help looking at the robbers carefully. This cricket with a tortoise shell on his back had never seen him before. .

\ "Blind your dog's eyes, I'm the Son of Gravity, but I don't know any more than wearing a vest?" "The robbers clawed their teeth and cut their teeth. They finally reported themselves to the family and turned out to be acquaintances.

\ "What? Saint Gravity, you are crossing the road ... \" Chen Jiu Erran, could not help but smile: \ "Sorry, really a family does not know a family, I really do not know it will be you ! \ "

\ "Huh, I think you made it clear that you want to pit me, do you not beat me, so Changfeng Literature \" // cfwx \ "target = \" _ blank \ "> cfwx wants to use this method to shame. Disgrace me? "Said the Son of Gravity.

\ "Can't beat you? Pit you? Gravity Son, do you think I could not die under my hands if I tried my best? \" Chen Jiuyi smiled, dismissive.

\ "I was crossing the gang just now. If you have the skills, you will give me time and let me recover! \" The Gravity Son is undoubtedly unconvinced.

\ "Okay, I ’ll let you recover one half of the original source of Tianjie! \" Chen Jiu Dangkong cut off the pure source liquid in the sky and divided it into two.

\ "What? You're robbing, but how could I give you the treasure you managed to get? \" Son Gravity screamed immediately.

\ "Having a face in half, Son of Gravity, if you buckle the door like this, I won't give it to you!" "Chen Jiu is also very firm.

\ "You ... Okay, I'll give you half of it! \" Son Gravity glared, very self-sufficient: \ "Why do I let you eat, how can I spit it out! \"

\ "Okay, I'm waiting, I thought it would be great to wear a turtle shell, it's not a turtle with a head down!" "Chen Jiuyi smiled ruthlessly and showed no mercy.

\ "Hugh's bullshit, this is my vest! \" Son Gravity was also flushed with anger.

\ "Ah, with a head down, I'm afraid no woman will like a vest like yours! \" Chen Jiu continued to ridicule, secretly.

\ "You just shrunk your head, I'm too lazy to ignore you!" But Chen Jiu's, the grave son of gravity simply sat down, absorbed the thunder fluid, trained himself, and restored his supreme godhead.

‘Zi ...’ The godhead of the Son of Gravity is a magnetic ball, a special godhead. After the injection of a lot of thunder liquid, it is quickly absorbed, making the magnetic force of the entire godhead stronger!

At the same time, the wound was greatly restored, and the Son of Gravity changed his appearance just now, but became radiant and bright.

\ "Yes, it looks ok, I said, Son of Gravity, do you have a name?" Chen Jiu asked curiously.

\ "You don't deserve to know! \" Gravity glared, very unfriendly.

\ "Son Gravity, you are too hostile. Anyway, we are all from a temple, and the dean has made us more pro. Close, how can you be so impersonal? \" Chen Jiu couldn't help complaining Get up, the other party has Xuangui Wuhun, if you can make a good relationship, it may be a powerful subordinate.

\ "Don't mention that old **** to me! \" When it comes to Shenxingyun, the Son of Gravity seems to be more angry and very dissatisfied.

\ "Son Gravity, have you caught the dean of the dean? It's good to hear it?" Chen Jiu asked again.

\ "Well, if you have the ability, win me and say, if you do n’t have the ability, kneel down and give me my sins! \" The Gravity Son is too lazy to talk to Chen Jiuduo, and now he hates him. And I can't wait to take it.

‘Zi ...’ This palm, exerting a force of magnetic explosion, is earth-shattering, and the end is very hot.

\ "Ah, why bother! \" Chen Jiu sighed gently and waved with one palm. The difference was that a sea of ​​thunder and lightning was created. Under the electromagnetic interweaving, the light was flying. In the end, the thunder and lightning took the upper hand and controlled the entire space. magnetic.

\ "Take my hand and say it again! \" The Gravity Son continued to take his shots and set the sky, the majestic and powerful, just like a big star hitting it, with great momentum.

\ "Too strong, space can't stand it!" Chen Jiu took a backhand, and even withstood this palm force completely, the master of gravity could not escape.

\ "What? Although I was first promoted to High God, my combat power has reached 30 million trillion, beyond the limit of the peerless Supreme. How can you stand it? \" With a solemn look, the Son of Gravity realized that he could follow Tian Jiu mixed with Chen Jiu was very difficult to mess with.

\ "Go back, let you lose your conscience today!" "Chen Jiu didn't attack, but pushed gently, pushing the Gravity Son out again, and stopped back by hundreds of steps.

\ "Good brute force, but can it be stronger than my elemental magnetism? \" The grave saint is unwilling, the eyebrow glows, a magnetic wave grows from the ground and crushes everything.

Magnetic force, this is electricity. [,! ] Gravity, gravity and other forces, but it is undoubtedly also an indispensable Tao force, very strong and great!

\ "Oh? I can break you once, and I can continue to break the second time, the source of the scourge, and the punishment is reappearing! \" Chen Jiushun took the source of the scourge of the scourge in the air, and then fell into the mood of the scourge It turned out to be a light man again.

Tianjieguangren, this represents the power of the way of Tianjie, although there is no direct manifestation of the avenue, but it is undoubtedly also extremely lethal.

‘Hey! ‘As exactly the same, Chen Jiu, who was transformed into a light man, once again tore the way of the magnetism and arrived in front of the Son of Gravity. In his surprised face, he slammed his hand firmly on the top of his head.

‘Boom! ‘Son of Gravity, the infinitely crooked head, was snapped into the shell of the turtle, and it turned out to be a shrinking turtle.

\ "Hey, Agui, you are defeated! \" Chen Jiu didn't continue to shoot, but reminded him kindly.

\ "You ... you use my original source of the calamity to reproduce the power of the calamity, this is cheating at all, I don't accept it! \" The Gravity Son recoiled his head again, very unconvinced.

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