Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2511: Stand still

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Yes, it ’s so happy, because it ’s completely different from those who specialize in doing this, those women with strong makeup. Even if they make this, they can only relieve men's lives at most. The needs in terms of science, simply They ca n’t be full.

A man, in fact, is the most important thing, because it is enough to make them remember for a lifetime, unforgettable!

At the moment, the colorful butterfly is like a fairy in the heavens, noble, holy, and light.She fell into the world, and she deserves to be worshipped and worshipped, but at this time she is kneeling in front of a man, as if to replace this The service of a man is average. As a man, can Chen Jiu feel the supreme honor and happiness?

Lei Jieye, on one side, a glass of red as red fire, a glass of blue as ice crystals, I saw the fairy first picked up the cup of red fire, put a soft sip on the mouth, and did not swallow.

It seemed to be tasting, but she was afraid that this strange thing would be lost again.She held a thing in her hand and blocked her mouth.

At this moment, the strong and soft feeling invaded. When it came over, Chen Jiuzhi felt that he was drunk with a strong drink, which was particularly thorny. But it was long aftertaste and even he was drunk!

'hiss! ‘But soon, Chen Jiuji trembled with a chill, and he immediately woke up again. At this moment, he seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water and was very uncomfortable.

However, between the spirits, a kind of water {long} wind {文} 学 fw.cfwx was soaked into the heart and spleen, and it gradually drunk him!

It's wonderful, it's incredible, Chen Jiu has never imagined that Lei Jieye still has such a wonderful use. He enjoyed it, and it felt like he would rob a little more in the future.

Dead eyes, those sages who provoked Chen Jiu, saw that the robbery was over, and they were killed by thunder again, and the thunder liquid robbers that they had obtained so much had not tasted, and they were actually taken by them now Do this, if you let them know, even if it is not dead, you will have to faint alive!

\ "啧啧 …… \" Not only Chen Jiu Miao, Caidie was very satisfied after she got her needs.

The intertwining of ice and sun, the fierceness of fire and sun, two different flavors. It stimulates the taste buds and the body and mind. The color butterfly is also drunk and drunk, like drinking too much, drunk. Red face Even more fascinating. People!

\ "Caidie, I want you! \" At this moment, Chen Jiu couldn't help it. He wanted to use his real majesty to completely control the Guanghan fairy in front of him.

\ "Husband, I am yours! \" Silently responded, at this time, Cai Die had already been Ren Shishi!

\ "Roar ... \" It seemed like a wild beast awakened. On the open grassland, a very hungry wolf beast and encountered a single lamb, how can you let it go?

The original, the instinctual confrontation, and the first sight were staged on the grassland, the fierceness of the wolf beast, the helplessness and fear of the little sheep, all these things, if anyone saw it, they would be unbearable. of!

However, in this world, what you see is not necessarily true.Only after you truly understand the actual situation, can you make a correct judgment.

Overnight, it should be said that the little sheep should be torn up and eaten, but as the sky brightens, she still exists, not only intact, but also seems to be more plump!

\ "Husband, it's dawn, please, please let go of others ..." "Don't be ashamed to open her eyes, and the butterfly in her weakness was anxious to beg for mercy.

\ "What is afraid of dawn, no one is coming anyway! \" Chen Jiufan is even more excited. Furious, because with the rising of the sun, the visual impact brought by this beauty is undoubtedly stronger.

The slightest, the least, the perfect, art-like appearance in front of you, even if it is not an artist, but who does not want to play it.

\ "Oops, no, no, this is too shy to come again! \" But Caidie is always unacceptable. The black light is blind. They can let a man mess around, but once it is in the bright place, it can't be. Faced.

\ "Then you have to do it again!" "Chen Jiu enjoyed the beauty of this little daughter. Shame, watching their embarrassment, and then being treated by their own, that is the greatest pride of a man.

\ "Ah, husband, so shameful. Shame ... \" Then, Caidie was naturally subdued, she was full of coquetry. Shame, blame, but beautiful charm of happiness, really see Chen Jiu, mood excellent.

\ "Haha, okay, someone is here, let's get dressed!" Chen Jiu laughed and quickly helped Caidie get dressed, but couldn't help but laugh: \ "Coleidie, you As the mother of a country, why can't I stand still? \ "

\ "Not all of you ... \" Cai Die gave her a white glance, that Jiao. Mei Xiu. Long legs are really because of bearing too many collisions. Hitting, standing up and consciously trembling.

\ "Haha ... \" Chen Jiu complained about this, not only did he not blame him, but he was very proud of it and was very upset.

A man can do a woman. He has to stand still, which not only shows his strength, but also can make their body, heart, and fullness.

\ "Your Majesty, it turned out that you were here and it scared us! \" A general appeared to be on patrol, and was relieved when he found Chen Jiu.

\ "Oh, I got up relatively early with the mother-in-law, so I came out and enjoyed the scenery of nature. Now it's okay, let's go back! \" Chen Jiu explained it casually, and kindly carried the color butterfly and returned with her At the camp.

\ "Chen Jiu, why did you come back from the outside, where did you go so early? \" Sheng Gravity also saw Chen Jiu and asked with great concern.

\ "It's okay to take a look! \" Chen Jiu. [,! ] Perfunctory.

\ "Every day in the wilderness, what can you see? \" The grave son asked curiously.

\ "You ... A turtle, you bachelor, how can you know the romance of two people! \" Chen Jiu couldn't help glaring at him, blaming this guy for not having a wink.

\ "Go, you can just say that you can go outside to love or not! \" Son Gravity is not a fool, and I soon understand.

\ "I know so many questions!" Chen Jiu was dissatisfied.

\ "Do you think I want to ask? Yesterday there was news, I called you in the middle of the night, and I didn't see you responding to me! \" The Gravity of the Son of God was also aggrieved, they were not in it, and they dared to cry for nothing!

\ "Message? What news is going to alarm me! \" Chen Jiu was cautious immediately.

\ "God punishment, a huge sky punishment has appeared, I think you will be interested! \" The Gravity Son explained immediately.

\ "Location tell me!" "Chen Jiu is really impatient.

\ "At eighteen thousand miles in the west, it's already midnight, I don't know if it is still there!" "Son of Gravity is also a bit unsure.

\ "What? Then I leave first, and you will come again later! \" Chen Jiuyi was shocked and immediately turned into electro-optical, that was shot out.

\ "Ouch!" "Chen Jiuyi left, and Caidie couldn't help but coquettishly. She screamed and sat down on the ground with her face full. Red, hard. Endless.

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