Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2523: Not mother

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Oh, the emperor is coming, soon, call me big!" Chen Jiugang just started, but she didn't care about Caidie's expression so much, thinking she was still angry with yesterday.

\ "大 ... 大 …… 好 …… \" It's a bit unclear, but Shi Zhongyu hurriedly said hello to Cai Die.

\ "Sister? I'm afraid it's wrong, I think you should call my elder sister, right?" "Cai Die is very bitter."

\ "Hello sister!" Shi Zhongyu was a little dazed and then shouted.

\ "Wow ... Chen Jiu, you bully. I'll never ignore you again! \" Unfortunately, the color butterfly just over here can't help but erupt, Jiao. Chaos He shivered and wept into a teardrop.

\ "This ... this is what kind of situation it is, I said Caidie, can we have something to say? Can't you cry like this, and let outsiders see it, isn't it a joke about your mother country!" "Chen Jiuyi Shenma But it was kind to come forward and comfort.

\ "You stay away from me, don't touch me anymore, you disgusting. Heart thing!" "Cai Die disgusted. Staring at Chen Jiu as if dissatisfied than yesterday.

\ "I'm disgusted. Heart? I'm just a little bit black, don't I make you so scornful? \" Chen Jiu was a little unhappy.

\ "Yes, it doesn't matter if you are black, but the key is that your heart cannot be black!"

\ "Why is my heart dark? \" Chen Jiu frown \ "Don't you make trouble unreasonably? ~ Long ~ Wind ~ Literature \" // cfwx \ "target = \" _ blank \ "> cfwx \"

\ "Chen Jiu, I'm really blind. You can even do that kind of funeral. You can do all the good things. I think the Great Zhou Dynasty should be destroyed. You might as well be the King of Heaven. Do you know?" Paintbrush serious puppet fall.

\ "I'm not as good as the King of Heaven, you still want Da Zhou to perish, I think you're crazy, if you continue like this, the position of the mother will not be guaranteed!" "Chen Jiu turned to the little beauty and wanted to use her gas Caidie, who knew she was also weakly back at this time.

\ "Hum, do you think I'm a rare mother? Starting today, I will not be this mother! \" Cai Die said with a firm face.

\ "Okay, but this is what you said. If you do n’t, you do n’t want to be. There are many people who want to be!" Chen Jiu was also unwilling to weaken the momentum.

\ "What? You are so ruthless, aren't you going to seal them as the mother of the country? \" Cai Die amazed and stared at Shi Zhongyu jealously.

\ "Who can be the mother of my name? You can't control it anyway, you're not the mother anymore! \" Chen Jiu was also very angry.

\ "Chen Jiu, I just didn't get full yesterday. Is it enough for you? As for the monarch of your country, do you even have men? Your color. The ghost emperor might as well fall out of business earlier! \" Cai Dieqi Yes, scolded again.

\ "Every man goes up and wants to add to the crime, why is there no problem? You don't want to be a mother, you don't have to make a rumor to slander me, right?" "Chen Jiu was very displeased.

\ "I don't have that spare time, Chen Jiu, you were so close just now, and you called out loud and said you want to 'do it well', thinking we are all deaf, ca n’t you hear? \" Cai Die With resentment, it was unwilling.

\ "Ah ... this, Master Mother, misunderstanding, this is definitely a misunderstanding! \" Shi Zhongyu understood it, and immediately apologized and explained.

\ "What misunderstanding? You even yelled at your elder sister, can it be a misunderstanding? \" Cai Die said so.

'Snapped! ’The two were simply ashamed." Guest mother, that's what we owe, and please forgive us for the misinformation! "

\ "Huh, playing is useless. The three of you guys slept overnight yesterday. Whoever believes you are innocent. White!" "Caidie still has every reason.

\ "Caidie, do you actually suspect that I am like a man? Do you think I am that kind of person? \" Chen Jiu's eyes widened in surprise, completely confirmed the facts, and finally understood why Caidie was so noisy.

\ "Although I don't want to believe it, but you look like you, and you still slept together all night, how can I trust you?" "Cai Die is also extremely wronged and helpless.

\ "Cai Die, haven't you slept with her all night? Don't I still doubt you?" Chen Jiu looked at the twin little beauty and questioned.

\ "That's different, between our women, that can have pure sisterhood!" "Butterfly. Harem, straightforwardly preach.

\ "Then, there can be pure brotherhood between our men!" "Chen Jiu explained with a firm attitude.

\ "Oh? Chen Jiu, if you say that, you haven't had any intimacy with them. Intimate move? \" Cai Die looked at it suspiciously, but she didn't want to believe it to be true.

\ "Of course it's gone. You see my millions of soldiers are sleeping together every day. If you say so, wouldn't they all be gangsters? \" Chen Jiuyi is serious and cannot be refuted.

\ "Well, it makes sense for you to say that, but I misunderstood you! \" Cai Die nodded, but she also expressed approval.

\ "Madam, I know Your Majesty is not like that! \" The little beauty finally laughed at this moment.

\ "What? What do you call me? Call our mother!" "Caidie immediately dissatisfied.

\ "But weren't you the wrong mother just now? \" The little beauty was reluctant, obviously thinking of a higher rank.

\ "Who said that I was wrong, you ask him, am I still the mother? \" Cai Die stared, very proud, girl, don't you want to grab my man.

\ "No, you are not the mother now! \" Chen Jiu gave a very positive answer. He felt that he could not be too pampered with color butterflies. It should be punished appropriately. Otherwise, she would always be like this. Noisy, it also makes people. [,! Can't stand it?

\ "Chen Jiu, you ... you really changed your heart!" "Cai Die stared at Chen Jiu immediately, gritted her teeth.

\ "Cai Die, I think we all need to calm down, the national mother's post will be vacant for a while, and when you are really mature, then go to the top!" Chen Jiujun preached without jokes.

\ "Niang Niang, you are too easy to be impulsive. How can you question your Majesty! \" The little beauty smiles like a flower, very timid.

\ "Improper is improper. Do you think I'm rare, Heiji. Laoer! \" Cai Die was angry and yelled at Chen Jiu, then she turned away and walked away.

\ "Dare you dare to scold me? It seems my decision is correct! \" Chen Jiu reprimanded, but didn't think too much, let her reflect on it.

\ "Your Majesty, I will serve you in the future! \" The little beauty hurried to her, just as she thought that her happy life was about to move closer to her, the accident happened again.

\ "Have someone help me, help me ..." At this time, the call of miserable help once again broke the silence of the morning, and the sound was full of a pitiful breath, and it made my heart tremble. . Moving, all unconsciously looked into the distance!

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